A stipulation for reparations should include working less

Aug 16, 2017

The whole point of reparations is for us to build our own economic base, so we can WORK for ourselves.


Do you realize how many hours successful people work?


What kind of financial knowledge do you have that makes you think that money will last forever?


We need something to pass down to future generations, so they don’t end up like us


Reparations could come with a stipulation that affirmative action will end within 2-3 years post payment. Then, how many black people will be hired? That has nothing to do with our talent and abilities. Whites would rather hire one of their own, than us.


I swear, if we ever get anything, some of y’all are going to be right back in the same position.


How many of us pay for gym memberships, but our kids don’t have life insurance policies? Do you think most white people are rich? They had parents who owned a home, and had insurance policies. The parents died, the kids either sold the house, split the money, or rented it out, or passed it down to a sibling who needed a place to live. They also take the insurance money, split it, and KEEP WORKING.


Meanwhile, we’re on gofundme, asking for donations for a FUNERAL.

This isn’t about emotions, this is about FINANCE.


And I am by no means on some, we shouldn’t get it because we won’t be responsible bullshyt, but far too many of us have NO financial education, or sense of how much work it takes to build and maintain a community.

So now we’re talking about getting the money to build, and working LESS?



May 31, 2012
Honest question and no hate whatsoever. I'm not from the US

How do you think reparations will actually work? Will every black person receive money? How much are we talking? What about mixed people who are half black or even a quarter black? What about native Americans? Aren't they entitled to something similar since all their land was stolen?

As an outsider I think this is a pipe dream and you guys are wasting your time.

I mean I would be happy for all of you, but it seems so unrealistic.