According to retirement experts, by age 35, you should have twice your salary saved

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  • Of course, I'm a 6 certs Breh. Only peasants wouldn't

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Young, Gifted, and Black
Aug 10, 2014

Daniel Packer, a 29-year-old data analyst at an online advertising agency in Los Angeles, knows more responsibilities will stack up as he hits the big 3-0 this summer, so he’s been religiously stashing away money in his retirement accounts the last few years.

Retirement is a long ways away for him, he says — at least 30 years — but saving money early on means not worrying about putting away as much later down the road if he weren’t able to do so. He’s already seeing his strategy pay off, given he has a 1-year-old daughter and raising kids is expensive (try somewhere between $284,000 and $600,000). “I’m glad I was able to take advantage of [saving] for the last nine years,” he said.

Thirtieth birthdays are an excellent time to take stock of your future funds, especially as short-term financial obligations solidify, such as continuing to pay off the last of student loans, living on your own (or maybe starting a potentially three-decade stretch of mortgage payments) and raising children. Millennials, the generation 20s to mid-30-year-olds fit into, have delayed marriage and home ownership from happening in their 20s (as was the norm decades ago). Now 57% of today’s 30- year-olds are or have been married, 47% are living with a child and a third are homeowners, according to the United States Census Bureau.

Here's all you need to do in your 30s for a great financial future

By 30, you should have a decent chunk of change saved for your future self, experts say — in fact, ideally your account would look like a year’s worth of salary, according to Boston-based investment firm Fidelity Investments, so if you make $50,000 a year, you’d have $50,000 saved already. By 35, you should have twice your salary, the firm said. The median retirement savings for a worker in their 30s was $45,000, according to Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, which looked at workers’ retirement accounts including employer-sponsored accounts and individual retirement accounts.

The problem? Not everyone is saving — or can save — that much toward retirement. Either they’re living paycheck to paycheck, don’t know about the accounts available to them or simply aren’t thinking about the amount of money they’ll need in their futures. Only a third of Americans are saving money in an employer-sponsored or tax-deferred retirement account, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Today’s 30 year olds (and the soon-to-be 30 year olds) are plagued with crippling student debt, which just hit a record $1.31 trillion and affects millennials more than any generation before them. On top of that, some millennials are skipping starter homes altogether for a bigger home and, as nice as that is, home prices are rising as are mortgage rates. Some may also be splurging for a wedding — scary fact: the average American wedding costs about $35,000. The last thing someone in their 30s should do, though, is leave retirement to the wayside.

See also: How we got to $1 trillion in debt: An illustrated history of student loans in America

“It’s important to be saving for retirement while doing all these things at the same time,” said Alexander Rupert, assistant portfolio manager at Laurel Tree Advisors in Cleveland, Ohio. Retirement savings should be growth-oriented for someone in their 30s, he said, which means they should be stashing money away whatever they can and considering a high risk tolerance. Market ups and downs will affect the portfolio, but young investors should remember their money (and they) are in it for the long haul, Rupert said.


And if you’re not investing in an employer-sponsored account (after all, only 14% of employers offer such plans, according to the U.S. Census Bureau) consider a Roth IRA, which more forgivingly allows investors to use those assets for an emergency should a situation arise. As opposed to other accounts, like a 401(k) plan, that place penalties on individuals who withdraw money from these accounts, investors can take money out of a Roth IRA penalty-free so long as they only take out the money they invested, and not the investment earnings of those assets. Some 30 year olds, like Packer, have numerous accounts. Packer and his wife, for instance, have been maxing out their 401(k) plans and Roth IRAs for a few years.

“It will take a load off my shoulders later,” Packer said. “Setting ourselves up now will pay benefits in the future.”

Money Milestones: This is how your finances should look in your 30s



Sep 11, 2015
By 30, you should have a decent chunk of change saved for your future self

yea ok:pachaha:

On top of that, some millennials are skipping starter homes altogether for a bigger home

On top of that, some millennials are skipping starter homes

Starter homes

Clearly I am out of touch with the world or just too broke to relate to other millennials even thinking about buying houses :pachaha:


Rell Lauren

Nov 30, 2016
:beli:. i wish these people that live off of generational wealth would stop talking about finances altogether. Most of these people have wealth saved from their grandparents, they are not saving from their income.

Which is why I take these articles with a grain of salt. Many of the people they interview have been helped a lot by their parents.

These pieces do not account for the fact that everyone from 2008-2011 graduated and entered the workforce during the recession. A lot of people are behind the 8 Ball, myself included. Life throws a lot of curve balls at you from unemployment to unexpected expenses. If it were that easy, everyone would have 100k in the bank.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
So by 35 years old...

You should have six figures saved.

Pay down debt.

Have put a big down payment down for a house in a nice neighborhood

Have a luxury vehicle.

Pay for a 25K wedding so your wife has the wedding she always dreamed of :troll:

Have children she always wanted :troll:

Still go on vacation and ball at the club for the gram and your haters :troll:

All at the same damn time :mjcry: