Afrikan Martial Arts


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013

Traditional African martial artists follow Five Basic Principles:

The Four Elements – In African societies, there are four elements, which are considered the vital materials found in every living creature on Earth. These four elements are:

Earth – represents stances. Within the Earth Element, there are Three Foundations:

Wood – High, narrow stances. Wood stances are extremely mobile and are used for fast, upright fighting and self-defense.

Stone – Low, wide stances. Stone stances are extremely stable and are used for grappling and for fighting with a weapon.

Metal – Low, narrow stances. Metal stances are extremely malleable and are used for grappling and ground-fighting.

Air – represents footwork and movement. A practitioner of the African martial arts can move like a gentle breeze, a gale wind, or a whirlwind.

Fire – represents male energy and techniques. Fire techniques are forceful, penetrating and explosive.

Water – represents female energy and techniques. Water techniques are yielding, encircling and deceptively powerful.

Polyrhythmic Application – A practitioner of the African martial arts seeks to touch his opponent in two or more places at once. An offense and a defense are usually applied simultaneously, or the offense is the defense.

The Unbroken Circle – Also referred to as “Call and Response”, this is the blending with – and adapting to – the actions and rhythms of a partner or opponent, never meeting force with force, but rather taking the opponent’s force and uses it against him.

The Wind Has One Name – There are only fifteen angles an opponent can attack from, so instead of concerning themselves with the infinite variations of attacks, African martial artists deal with finite angles. Combat is further simplified by adhering to the philosophy that every block is a strike and every strike is a block. Thus, when an offensive technique is learned, the African martial artist has, in effect, learned a defensive technique.

Waste No Part of the Animal – The African martial arts stress economy of motion. The idea is: “If it’s there, use it.” Thus, if you strike an assailant in the chin with an uppercut, you should continue that upward motion and hit him in the throat with an upward elbow, because after the punch, your elbow is in perfect position to strike your opponent.
Every African nation (“tribe”) has its own system of martial arts. While the principles are pretty much the same, weapons and tactics may differ. A few martial arts from Africa and the

Diaspora include:
A spectacular and bloody martial art – practiced exclusively by the Maguzawa Hausa of Northern Nigeria – in which gallantly arrayed warriors go into battle armed with two razor sharp iron bracelets and arm-shields.

Moringue (Reunion) / Morengy (Madagascar) / Mrengé (Comores)
A form of traditional boxing practiced by Creoles – Malagasy and Comorians alike. This fighting system, of mainland African origin, is a spectacular form of fighting that utilizes bare-knuckle boxing techniques, kicking and head butting.


A spectacular form of acrobatic fighting, derived from the Angolan martial art of Sanga – used to great effect by famed Warrior-King, Nzingha (often incorrectly called “Queen” Nzingha; she was actually a King).
A martial art similar to Capoeira – and sharing Sanga as their roots – is Congo, which is practiced in Panama. Congo is always trained between a man and woman, representing the power of opposites prevalent in African society.
Practitioners of both arts try to anticipate the movements of their adversary and then break his or her rhythm. Cunning and treacherous deception (“malicia”) play an important role in the development of fighting skills. Techniques include high and low kicks, foot sweeps, head-butts, elbow strikes and knee strikes. Practitioners of both arts also employ the use of the straight razor as a weapon.

Ag’ya or Ladjia
From the Caribbean island of Martinique this art is practiced to rhythms produced by the tambour (drum), ti-bois (sticks) and choral response singing.
Agile fighters deliver blows with the hands, feet, elbows, knees and head similar to Capoeira. Unlike Capoeira, however, practitioners of Ag’ya also employ grappling techniques to defeat their opponent.

Northern Nguni (i.e. Zulu, Swazi and/or Ndebele) Fighting

Nguni children learn their martial art through stick-fighting from an early age. Sparring is used to develop good character and to train for combat.
Through stick-fighting, the youth learn to use the more lethal combat weapons.
The Zulu warrior carried the iklwa stabbing spear and a club or cudgel fashioned from dense hardwood – known, in Zulu, as the iwisa, called a knobkerrie by Westerners) – for beating an enemy in the manner of a mace. Zulu officers also often carried the Zulu Axe.
The broad bladed iklwa, an invention of Shaka Zulu, superseded the older thrown spear, called an ipapa.
All warriors carried a shield made of oxhide, called mgobo. The mgobo was replaced by another Shaka Zulu invention – the larger isihlangu shield.
In the aftermath of the defeat of the British at the Battle of Isandlwana, many Martini-Henry rifles – and considerable amounts of ammunition – were captured by the Zulu and put to effective use by the swift and deadly warriors.
This is just a brief look at the African martial arts. I look forward to returning soon to share much more.
Thanks, Pip and Tee for this grand opportunity to share!
Balogun Ojetade

Balogun is author the Steamfunk novel, “Moses: The Chronicles of Harriet Tubman” the Sword and Soul novel, “Once Upon A Time in Afrika” and the Urban Fantasy novel, “Redeemer”. He is contributing co-editor of the anthologies, “Steamfunk” and “Ki-Khanga: The Anthology”. Finally, he is screenwriter and director of the action film, “A Single Link” and the Steamfunk film, “Rite of Passage”. On his website,, he discusses Steampunk, Steamfunk, Sword and Soul and the craft of writing.

Last edited:
Dec 4, 2014
you do know that BLACK AFRICANS invented Martial Arts it was called MONTU ARTS created by the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS.

Kung fu, Greco Roman wrestling, and other martial arts were derived from MONTU ARTS.

MONTU ARTS existed years before the shaolin temple and the shaolin monks.


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
you do know that BLACK AFRICANS invented Martial Arts it was called MONTU ARTS created by the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS
Yes, "I do know". However, I purposely wanted to highlight the Art as it is TODAY. (way more YT footage too)

Why not start a thread on Montu, drop the knowledge, CONTRIBUTE to the forum..


May 1, 2012
How can i get brazillian jiujitsu books to a village in africa that grapples.