Alleged Molester Falls To Death In Queens

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State

A 44-year-old man caught touching a 5-year-old boy during a birthday party in Queens fell four stories to his death as he attempted to flee the apartment from a window early Thursday, police sources said.

The man, who police said was intoxicated, tried to climb out of the apartment on 95th St. near 35th Ave. in Jackson Heights after residents called police and locked the alleged molester inside a room around 1 a.m., according to authorities.

Jose Valentine heard a startling commotion across the street as he left a friend's apartment.

"I heard a woman scream 'Stop! Don't hit him," said Valentine. "There were other women screaming, 'Stop! Leave him alone.'"

Valentine looked up to the fourth-floor window and saw a man trying to hoist himself over the window's security bars.

"The guy had one foot on the ledge trying to climb over the bars," he said. "He let himself go head first and landed with a thud and splatter. It sounded like a pumpkin fell off the roof."

Medics rushed the man, who was not immediately identified, to Elmhurst Hospital where he died.

Police said the victim rented a room in the apartment.

It was not immediately clear if the boy he supposedly touched is also a resident.


Man falls to death from window after he was caught touching child

That instant karma :sas1: