Alt-Right Posters Have Infiltrated The Coli


Banging Pads
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Saint Petersburg. FL
Damn shame there's mods that are encouraging this shyt. Shoutout to the few that tried to fight the good fight but they don't seem to have the power to keep the agents from taking over

@Barnett114 @TEKBEATZ @Lord Scarf @hex y'all not the mods co-signing the agents...I know y'all wish you could do more but the takeover is underway. It's a wrap.
These alt right posters are 90 percent mayo. They should all go back to or st0rmfr0nt websites. oh they can also suck my MOD dikk :mjlit:

Edit: Biden/Harris all day.

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
Fresh off the press... :coffee:

Not voting does several things and if you don't believe any of them you should write out an explanation so we can all go to your thinking if your right.

1. Leveraging our vote. We vote 92% dem. We make up around 25% of their votes. If we withhold our votes they automatically lose. White people vote like what 65%? Republican. They don't need us.

2. Withholding your vote shows that you have no faith in the government. That means you have made up your mind to get what you need through a different means. ( If not your just a bum ass nikka and I wish I never replied).

All the Dems gotta do is give us some tangibles and they win :yeshrug:


All Star
Dec 31, 2014
Yeah the alt right over here.

The far left is too. They has been documented that they were tracking you. They wanna come over here and influence you w/ they ideology too. Everybody's over here.

Democrats Are Freaking Out About Pro-Trump Messaging To Occasional Black Voters

Democrats Are Freaking Out About Pro-Trump Messaging To Occasional Black Voters

Democratic National Committee sources told BuzzFeed News the party is tracking a new set of loosely organized online movements that officials believe are trying to steer black voters away from the party or from voting altogether
. The groups are varied in their approach, but share a common thread of deep suspicion of the Democratic Party and an apparent determination to seize upon the hypersensitive political moment in a country with a deeply troubled racial past.

The party is paying particular attention to the American Descendants of Slavery, or ADOS, a group that believes reparations should be paid solely to Americans who can trace their lineage back to people who were themselves enslaved (the group had previously been under suspicion being made up of bots); Blexit, a new outfit led by young black conservatives arguing a vote for Donald Trump is a vote against widespread immigration and abortion standing in the way of black middle class family values; and Foundational Black Americans, an ADOS rival founded by independent filmmaker Tariq Nasheed.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Yeah the alt right over here.

The far left is too. They has been documented that they were tracking you. They wanna come over here and influence you w/ they ideology too. Everybody's over here.

Democrats Are Freaking Out About Pro-Trump Messaging To Occasional Black Voters

Democrats Are Freaking Out About Pro-Trump Messaging To Occasional Black Voters

Democratic National Committee sources told BuzzFeed News the party is tracking a new set of loosely organized online movements that officials believe are trying to steer black voters away from the party or from voting altogether
. The groups are varied in their approach, but share a common thread of deep suspicion of the Democratic Party and an apparent determination to seize upon the hypersensitive political moment in a country with a deeply troubled racial past.

The party is paying particular attention to the American Descendants of Slavery, or ADOS, a group that believes reparations should be paid solely to Americans who can trace their lineage back to people who were themselves enslaved (the group had previously been under suspicion being made up of bots); Blexit, a new outfit led by young black conservatives arguing a vote for Donald Trump is a vote against widespread immigration and abortion standing in the way of black middle class family values; and Foundational Black Americans, an ADOS rival founded by independent filmmaker Tariq Nasheed.

:mjlol: and you best believe they have operatives right here on the coli, copying and pasting all the shyt us "alt-right" members are saying and emailing them to their contacts

The fact that dems have 0 interest in actually listening to their constituents and doing better, but instead choose to play psyop games proves all of our criticisms true: they gotta keep these plantations going.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
Yeah the alt right over here.

The far left is too. They has been documented that they were tracking you. They wanna come over here and influence you w/ they ideology too. Everybody's over here.

Democrats Are Freaking Out About Pro-Trump Messaging To Occasional Black Voters

Democrats Are Freaking Out About Pro-Trump Messaging To Occasional Black Voters

Democratic National Committee sources told BuzzFeed News the party is tracking a new set of loosely organized online movements that officials believe are trying to steer black voters away from the party or from voting altogether
. The groups are varied in their approach, but share a common thread of deep suspicion of the Democratic Party and an apparent determination to seize upon the hypersensitive political moment in a country with a deeply troubled racial past.

The party is paying particular attention to the American Descendants of Slavery, or ADOS, a group that believes reparations should be paid solely to Americans who can trace their lineage back to people who were themselves enslaved (the group had previously been under suspicion being made up of bots); Blexit, a new outfit led by young black conservatives arguing a vote for Donald Trump is a vote against widespread immigration and abortion standing in the way of black middle class family values; and Foundational Black Americans, an ADOS rival founded by independent filmmaker Tariq Nasheed.

Interesting that they let Talib slander ADOS and other folks asking for tangibles for black folks but don't get anyone from #ADOS to give our side of the story.

"In interviews, black Democrats said the party itself is partly to blame: Party leaders had failed to further understand the voters who had boosted them at the polls."

"The rapper and activist Talib Kweli, who has been an ardent critic of ADOS and Blexit and clashed at times with their leaders over the course of the past year, said he applauded the DNC’s recognition of their threat.

"My parents came from a generation where black people voted Democratic, and my generation was sort of the first to be, like, 'hold on, why are we automatically giving these people our power? There are progressive, pro-black compassionate black people that agree, you know, with the basic premise that the Democrats have taken black folks for granted. And Blexit and ADOS are able to take advantage of where Democrats have failed and push an anti-black or pro-GOP agenda," he said. Asked why he had decided to put his name on the line as an activist to oppose the groups publicly, he said, "I'm confused as to why we're not all doing that."

Other black activists are also warning how pro-Trump groups or malicious actors can use black Americans’ history to move them away from Democrats. “We know we have a very messed up story,” Shireen Mitchell, who founded the group Stop Online Violence Against Women, told BuzzFeed News. “Victimization and trauma is being used by bad actors and some people in politics want to talk about it and some people don’t.”

Na'ilah Amaru, a Democratic strategist and consultant, said it should come as no surprise that the new groups seem to be catching on. “My frustration as an operative who works in grassroots organizing is the DNC and the Democratic Party talking about policies at a very high level, and we lose the opportunity to talk about what values those policies are rooted in,” Amaru said. “People who don’t breathe and eat politics don’t give a damn about 30,000-foot level of public policy. They just want to know how it’s going to help them. And at the most fundamental level, the Democratic Party has struggled with answering that question.”

The DNC has grown accustomed to a black electorate that saw not voting as unfathomable and has to adjust to a new generation that doesn’t think it should vote for Democrats just because prior generations did."

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
4 years later Tariq's nut riders are still thinking they are accomplishing something by not voting. Im still waiting for the brilliant results of this plan. Black people have not voted out racists in plenty of elections in american history, but youtube hustlers conviced people who get headaches from looking at books that suddenly this plan makes perfect sense in 2020.

These fake smart dikkheads getting their state representation from anti reparations racists like Greg Abbot should shut the fukk up about black advancement. You arent doing your part

These crabs used to the white man keeping his foot on their neck in their communities and want black people around the country to not to vote so they can join them in servitude. :hubie: no thanks agent

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
:mjlol: and you best believe they have operatives right here on the coli, copying and pasting all the shyt us "alt-right" members are saying and emailing them to their contacts

The fact that dems have 0 interest in actually listening to their constituents and doing better, but instead choose to play psyop games proves all of our criticisms true: they gotta keep these plantations going.

We gotta get Trump outta here

But once we do we are coming for clear Dem shills like the OP. I fell back because it's not the time... But when the time comes I will have time :mjgrin:

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012

We gotta get Trump outta here

But once we do we are coming for clear Dem shills like the OP. I fell back because it's not the time... But when the time comes I will have time :mjgrin:
A shill would say how good a candidate is. Show where I said how good a candidate was. I said vote for the best option available for black folk so the worst option won't win. You're not smart enough to spin that against me.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
4 years later, diddy, charlamagne and ice cube have publicly said the same things Tariq said only out to about 20 million more people <<< something the chicken coup cleaning sambos of the coli never
acknowledge :coffee:

Also the reasons for even saying these things (SPECIFIC legislations for LGBT and Latino communities and none for ADOS/FBA) have ramped up <<< something the Kiwi shoe polish c00ns of the coli won't acknowledge either :coffee:

What's funny is if you Uncle Ben's actually got together and held your overseers accountable, there'd be no need for people to threaten to withhold their votes.

that is unless you're actually cool with all that wide open benign neglect toward our community...if so keep defending them.



G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
It's only mid August and here we are :coffee:

I am just like an old Jew that hunts old Nazis. I am a old Black man that hunts old segregationists. I am never going to let my people knowingly vote for an old segregationist that took overt steps to ruin our lives. Everything from trying to stop little Black kids from desegregating schools to knowingly making racist laws targeting only African Americans for imprisonment.

So fugg Joe Biden. People might not like my position, but I don't care because God has delivered this man to us African Americans and he needs our votes to be elected. African Americans have a rare opportunity in this country, where we can actually avenge wrongs done to us by the son of a bytch that did them over the last 50 years of his career.

Don't worry about it. Black people are still going to vote for Biden, because we act like sheep and Biden knows it which is why Biden told those Mexicans just a couple of weeks ago that Black people have no diversity. So he knows he has Black voters wrapped up.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
It's only mid August and here we are :coffee:

Once again your punk ass misrepresented what someone stated, because the very next words are:

"for an old segregationist that took overt steps to ruin our lives. Everything from trying to stop little Black kids from desegregating schools to knowingly making racist laws targeting only African Americans for imprisonment... ."

So I didn't tell anyone not to vote, because they can but what I stated is that if they are voting for Biden then they need to know that he is a segregationist. I am going to be voting, but just not for Biden or Trump.

Btw, the only reason that a person continually misrepresent someone's statement is because they are concerned that the statement is resonating with other peopel. If you were convinced that Biden was the right candidate with the right message then you would not care what Biden critics thought. Only someone that knows that their candidate is seriously flawed would continually misrepresent what people are stating.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
A shill would say how good a candidate is. Show where I said how good a candidate was. I said vote for the best option available for black folk so the worst option won't win. You're not smart enough to spin that against me.
A shill will do anything to help their side win. PRetend to care about black people, launch a witch hunt against Trump supporters, nothing is off limits. But again I'm gonna wait until after the election to get into it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend until the war is over :demonic:

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
A shill will do anything to help their side win. PRetend to care about black people, launch a witch hunt against Trump supporters, nothing is off limits. But again I'm gonna wait until after the election to get into it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend until the war is over :demonic:
fukk every Trump supporter on the planet. My intent is clear and transparent and I'll state it again. I want us to vote Trump out of office and vote for our best interest which aligns with that. If that makes me a shill :manny:
