Am I wrong for not wanting to visit a family member when I said I would previously


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
We started back speaking on the phone around the pandemic. I was building my business at the time so as you can imagine I had no free time at all. Now everything is pretty much good and I'm able to make my own schedule now/take off days while still making money

However || do not want to visit them

Here's a few reasons why:

  • They flipped all the way conservative. | I figured this out when we first started speaking again but had no idea how extreme it was. It's not just that he votes for trump.
    It's that he votes for trump AND repeats every far right talking point. Example: he is Climate Change denier now. And thinks Michelle Obama is a man. Thinks the vaccine is a chip.
  • -Unwilling to admit he is wrong. You bring up a good point and he will just start over talking you

  • to stay on that, his phone etiquette is trash. He's very long winded in his passages over the phone but does not show the same courtesy when other people are speaking.

For example I could be saying something otp and all of a sudden hear him say "hello? My bad I clicked over somebody called me ". I know that part wont be a problem in person since we won't be otp but still. It rubs me the wrong way

  • His best friend came to visit him a few years ago and he would tell me how he had to remind his bsf mind you both in their mid 40s) make sure he folded his clothes the correct way. Also would get mad when ppl around him order pork such as adding bacon to their burger (he's not religious he just hates the pig and doesn't believe it should be consumed)
  • Has straight up told me he told his friend who visited him "you acting like we on vacation we still got shyt to do today " In my head if I'm visiting someone I'm 100% on vacation.

It’s also smaller shyt. Like he don’t got a microwave and also is one them types to not run his ac in
His car


Mar 11, 2022


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
We started back speaking on the phone around the pandemic. I was building my business at the time so as you can imagine I had no free time at all. Now everything is pretty much good and I'm able to make my own schedule now/take off days while still making money

However || do not want to visit them

Here's a few reasons why:

  • They flipped all the way conservative. | I figured this out when we first started speaking again but had no idea how extreme it was. It's not just that he votes for trump.
    It's that he votes for trump AND repeats every far right talking point. Example: he is Climate Change denier now. And thinks Michelle Obama is a man. Thinks the vaccine is a chip.
  • -Unwilling to admit he is wrong. You bring up a good point and he will just start over talking you

  • to stay on that, his phone etiquette is trash. He's very long winded in his passages over the phone but does not show the same courtesy when other people are speaking.

For example I could be saying something otp and all of a sudden hear him say "hello? My bad I clicked over somebody called me ". I know that part wont be a problem in person since we won't be otp but still. It rubs me the wrong way

  • His best friend came to visit him a few years ago and he would tell me how he had to remind his bsf mind you both in their mid 40s) make sure he folded his clothes the correct way. Also would get mad when ppl around him order pork such as adding bacon to their burger (he's not religious he just hates the pig and doesn't believe it should be consumed)
  • Has straight up told me he told his friend who visited him "you acting like we on vacation we still got shyt to do today " In my head if I'm visiting someone I'm 100% on vacation.

It’s also smaller shyt. Like he don’t got a microwave and also is one them types to not run his ac in
His car
fukk em ....dont go

eat ya bacon... cut ya phone off

and ride around with ya ac on

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
dude i used to work with became a radical tariq stan and started using all his vernacular... and he was an immigrant. i blocked his phone number after i had a conversation with him and saw he was deep in the c00n matrix worshipping that man. he didn't have a tv all he did was watch bullshyt on youtube and get sucked into all those talking heads. reminded me too much of fools on the coli. :skip: