Ancient Kemet was a Bantu Civilization/NIle Valley Origins of all World Civilizations


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Cushytic Speaking Africans
The lighter skinned Habesha (Semitic) populations who reentered Africa via the Arabian Peninsula have nothing to do with Ancient Kemet. These Semitic Africans rather, were the ones who took over the Axumite empire from the Bantus, which eventually destroyed Kush. It is the dark skinned Oromo (evident by their name having translative meaning in Medu Neter like the Niger-Congo speakers shown above) and Somali populations who have integral relations with ancient Kemet.


Oromo is derived from 'orma' - person to 'oromo' - people in the Oromo language
Orma ; Oromo - the name of a god



Dhaanto Dance



Modern Beja - Medjay Nubians





Migration from Kemet of Cushytic Africans into Saharan and "Sub Saharan" East Africa.

The map below details the Cushytic Y-DNA (paternal) M-215's initial migration from Punt (Ethiopia-Eritrea) north into Kemet and it's descendants (V-12 and V-32) later leaving Kemet. This is showing the back migration of these Cushytic/Hamitic Africans who left Kemet and also migrated further south into the eastern parts of Sub Saharan Africa such as Somalia and Oromia, Ethiopia (V32). In modern day northern Sudan-southern "Egypt" V-12 signals these Cushytic people as descendants of Kemet.​



The African groups above are remnants of those Cushytic Kemites who migrated from these civilizations with the Anu/Bantu from the constant threat of war along the Mediterranean with the chaotic Tamahu who were using their newly obtained knowledge from blacks of civilization, bathing, speech and what not to put our once peaceful advanced existence into a war state.
Amélineau adds,

"These Mesnitu had overthrown the original ruling ethnic/class, the Anu (those belonging to Osiris's ethnic group; and yes, Osiris was a real life personage), who had previously established its domination over all of Kemet through military conquest and political unification. Their place of origin was also "Ta Seti" ('Land of the Bow') in the Sudan."

From the Kememu:

Anu the city of Heliopolis (Coptic; On)

Anu Meh Anu of the north (Heliopolis)

Anu Shemo Anu of the south (Hermonthis/Ermant)

Anu Monti Anu of Hermonthis

Anu Tem the Anu of Tem (Hermonthis)

Anu Re the Anu of Re

Afdu Ikhu the Four Ancestors (of the Anu)

Ugrit Goddess of the Duat of Anu

Djandjané Anu the Anu Court of Judges: Tem; Shu; Tefnut; Osiris; Thoth

Anu n Ptoh the Anu of Ptah (Denderah)

Anu n Nut the Anu of Nut (Denderah)

The domination of the Bantu Africans in Kemet along their initial northwad expansion from would explain why there is a massive Sphinx with a Bantu individual all the way in northern Kemet. The civilization of Kemet itself was a confederation of these distinct Africans (including the one below), but as shown by the findings of UNESCO the Bantoid element of the population was the largest in number. We find that the language of Kemet was interchangeable with the Bantu populations with the names of the long existed groups having a direct translation in the ancient Kemetic language. We find that in some Cushytic groups like the Oromo, but that is it. The bulk of Cushytic Africans were likely hinged along the Red sea as the linguistic evidence shows in the map above that they were almost exclusively found in the Eastern front of the Nubian & Kemetic desert. We find much evidence however that the Dravidian populations should be identified as the "Mediterranean" branch of the population as opposed to the Cushytic speakers who now dominate Northeastern Africa. The gracile features shown in some of the Kemites depictions most likely reflect those black Dravidian populations who have since left Africa and relocated into India. The Nilotic groups on the other hand shown in the last part of this section were a pivotal part of the society since it's inception as well despite being the smallest percent numerically of the African indigenous elements.​


Their occupation of the Hapi Valley and Eastern Africa had been continuous for over 30,000 years. The migration out of Africa that brought the Neolithic to other parts of the World is what is detailed in the map below. This particular migration included the "Bantu" and Cushytic populations ultimately from Punt as shown in the map below.​

Western scholars deny the truth however. What's interesting about the relationship between both the Bantu and the Mesnitu is that they are genetically brother populations with both respective branches of Y-DNA haplogroup E forming what is referred to as the PN2 clade.​

Basil Davidson on the people of the ancient Sahara

That’s the only thing I disagree with. The so called Habasha are just an admixture of indigenous Cushytes and migrants from the Arabian peninsula and other parts of the known world at that time. The Sabean story is a Westernized way of explaining the origins of the Habasha when there was already an indigenous civilization present. That civilization mixed gradually with Semitic and other groups. The Ethiopian Jews for example are a combination of indigenous Cushytes (Agaws) and Black and Mixed Jews whom migrated. Moreover, they (Habashas) merely represent the cosmopolitan nature of the Axumite Empire having practiced hegemony over the Sudan and southern Arabian peninsula. This notion of Habashas having no involvement and being an invading entity is the type of bullshyt that’s gettin them killed in Ethiopia by there brothers and sisters right now. Especially considering the fact that the Afroasiatic language group sprung out of that same region. So how could people that were originally native to the region suddenly have nothing to do with it when they migrate back? That’s like saying the Sudanese that are mixed with Arab played no part when their furthest ancestry says otherwise.

They’re a part of the history of the region and descendants of the ancient peoples of that region. I’d even argue that they along with the rest of the country now called Ethiopia are the keepers of this ancient culture.

Overall tho this thread proves my deepest belief. That the real “Ethiopia” is the whole East Africa, not just the political entity called Ethiopia today. Science, history, and even scripture from various faiths proves this imo. But because of the political character it now holds, most East Africans would reject the idea of being Ethiopian as chauvinism on the part of Ethiopianists. But our people from the Cushytes to the Semitic to the Nilotics to the Bantus all played a part in creating what would become Ethiopian civilization and it spanned the Nile and Rift valleys respectively. Ancient Kingdoms like Nubia, Kush, Punt, Azania, etc. Modern day Ethiopians only whisper about this cultural memory amongst themselves, if they care to remember at all.

Edit: something else this neglects is that skin tone varies amongst all groups. There are very dark Habashas and very light Oromos/Somalis. Again, this points to the fact that the Axumite civilization was one of integration and co-mingling. There’s no evidence in history to suggest there was some hostile takeover. Like any other civilization, different groups came together to create something new. Before Axum was Yeha, once Yeha interacted with the rest of the world it eventually became Axum.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
That’s the only thing I disagree with. The so called Habasha are just an admixture of indigenous Cushytes and migrants from the Arabian peninsula and other parts of the known world at that time.

The "Semitic" language that they speak was introduced into Africa, from an earlier wave of Cushytic migrants who went into the adjacent Near East.


Their (Amharic) Y-DNA reflects this "Near Eastern" component (hap J) compared to the Oromo


While I don't subscribe to the Afro-Asiatic model this map from a study around last decade shows the introduction of the Amharic (Semitic) speaking element into the nation. This event happened after the origin of Kemet and thus the initial migrations from that region (Ethiopia) north into Sudan and then Kemet. That being the case it cannot be said that these Semitic speakers were involved in Kemet from the evidence that I've seen.

The Sabean story is a Westernized way of explaining the origins of the Habasha when there was already an indigenous civilization present. That civilization mixed gradually with Semitic and other groups.

What civilization of the Habesha was already present in Ethiopia, and or are saying that the Habesha are wholly indigenous to the region?

The Ethiopian Jews for example are a combination of indigenous Cushytes (Agaws) and Black and Mixed Jews whom migrated.

Cushytes are simply our paternal brothers genetically of the black family, distinct yes but still black. Habesha's speak a Semitic language. This Semitic language being spoken in Africa has wholly been explained through a migration from the Arabian Peninsula into the Horn. This Semitic language is the most distinct element of the Habesha from say the Oromo.

Moreover, they (Habashas) merely represent the cosmopolitan nature of the Axumite Empire having practiced hegemony over the Sudan and southern Arabian peninsula. This notion of Habashas having no involvement and being an invading entity is the type of bullshyt that’s gettin them killed in Ethiopia by there brothers and sisters right now.

From what Dr. C. Williams and several other sources (including African oral traditions) the Axumite empire originally was Bantu and Nilotic, and the Semitic populations in the proximity eventually took that over, and then subsequently destroyed with the neighboring Bantu and Nilotic Meroe. I've seen a Nilotic individual write somewhat detailed about his peoples oral tradition of this event. He even detailed how this destruction of Mereo lead to infighting between the Nilotic populations and some Bantus around the Great Lakes where they had to resettle.

While I don't want to dismiss a plight that I personally know nothing about. From the information that I gather the Habesha are typically viewed as more "non African" in appearance than the Oromo who are jet black in most cases and have to fight for their right for true representation in the government.

They’re a part of the history of the region and descendants of the ancient peoples of that region. I’d even argue that they along with the rest of the country now called Ethiopia are the keepers of this ancient culture.

They've been there for a while, but their lineage does not come from Kemet. The Semitic component that makes them distinct from other Ethiopians who did not leave Africa is the evidence that they came back into the continent.

Edit: something else this neglects is that skin tone varies amongst all groups. There are very dark Habashas and very light Oromos/Somalis. Again, this points to the fact that the Axumite civilization was one of integration and co-mingling. There’s no evidence in history to suggest there was some hostile takeover. Like any other civilization, different groups came together to create something new. Before Axum was Yeha, once Yeha interacted with the rest of the world it eventually became Axum.

Ummm...the fact that the Bantu and Nilotic element of Axum is not talked about kind of proves that it was a hostile takeover. The path of destruction that Axum went on against Meroe was another indication that there was some ethnic conflict.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
The "Semitic" language that they speak was introduced into Africa, from an earlier wave of Cushytic migrants who went into the adjacent Near East.


Their (Amharic) Y-DNA reflects this "Near Eastern" component (hap J) compared to the Oromo


While I don't subscribe to the Afro-Asiatic model this map from a study around last decade shows the introduction of the Amharic (Semitic) speaking element into the nation. This event happened after the origin of Kemet and thus the initial migrations from that region (Ethiopia) north into Sudan and then Kemet. That being the case it cannot be said that these Semitic speakers were involved in Kemet from the evidence that I've seen.

How old are these studies, because newer studies have begun to argue that the Semitic language branch was actual birth by an earlier form of Proto-Ethiopic which then migrated out into the Arabian peninsula.

For me tho, the argument of the origins of this particular language group is nitpicking fr. It could’ve came back or been indigenously developed (which is the theory I believe in) but the point is it became a part of the wider Ethiopian cultural paradigm.

What civilization of the Habesha was already present in Ethiopia, and or are saying that the Habesha are wholly indigenous to the region?

Cushytes are simply our paternal brothers genetically of the black family, distinct yes but still black. Habesha's speak a Semitic language. This Semitic language being spoken in Africa has wholly been explained through a migration from the Arabian Peninsula into the Horn. This Semitic language is the most distinct element of the Habesha from say the Oromo.

What I’m saying is that the people that would become the Habasha are a combination of indigenous groups as well as other groups that came into the area. They combined to create the people whom would later be known as Habasha. What I read made it seem as tho they were white men that just came in and violently colonized when Axum was one of the most cosmopolitan places on earth at that time. That’s on top of the region already being a diverse region in terms of indigenous peoples.

So I’m not arguing that Habashas directly tie into Kemet but rather their Cushytic roots from mixing and combining with the native Axumites is what ties them to the Ethiopian legacy. I’m honestly not as concerned with Kemet as I am with the Ethiopian civilization.

From what Dr. C. Williams and several other sources (including African oral traditions) the Axumite empire originally was Bantu and Nilotic, and the Semitic populations in the proximity eventually took that over, and then subsequently destroyed with the neighboring Bantu and Nilotic Meroe. I've seen a Nilotic individual write somewhat detailed about his peoples oral tradition of this event. He even detailed how this destruction of Mereo lead to infighting between the Nilotic populations and some Bantus around the Great Lakes where they had to resettle.

I’d love to read that if you have it or ever come across it. Again, from what I read the indigenous people and the new elements within the Axumite kingdom willingly assimilated with one another. There was and has never really been an anti-Cushytic culture amongst Axumites and Habashas. Any conflicts had mainly to do with religion, not ethnicity or language.

While I don't want to dismiss a plight that I personally know nothing about. From the information that I gather the Habesha are typically viewed as more "non African" in appearance than the Oromo who are jet black in most cases and have to fight for their right for true representation in the government.

They've been there for a while, but their lineage does not come from Kemet. The Semitic component that makes them distinct from other Ethiopians who did not leave Africa is the evidence that they came back into the continent.

I’d read more into that breh. An Oromo is prime minister, there are Oromos in important positions currently. During the major conflicts of the country, in particular both Italian conflicts, it was Oromos that fought alongside Habashas and other groups of Ethiopia. Again, this victim complex that the Oromo have comes primarily from a thirst for greater cultural hegemony of their own. Don’t believe the hype, the only truly vulnerable groups were the numerous, very small tribes which make up the actual majority of the population. Oromos were among the greatest warriors and Calvarymen in the region.

As a matter of fact, while they’ve definitely had their own fair share of oppression they’ve also played the role of oppressor. Their whole presence in modern day Ethiopia was mainly through invasion and violent assimilation of vulnerable groups. This included Cushyte Somalis as well as smaller, now extinct Cushyte groups. When the Adal sultanate and Abyssinian Empire we’re weakened following years of war, the Oromos invaded both areas and violently established themselves. Let them tell it tho, Habashas brought them from their homelands in chains and practiced chattel slavery and Jim Crow on them. Ethiopian Jews have been discriminated against far more than Oromos, there was literal cultural separation and segregation between Christians and Jews due to religious taboos and it made the Jews a vulnerable group. Theirs is a much stronger argument for anti-Cushyte behavior on the Habasha side except for the fact that the Jews also use Semitic languages but racially have a Cushytic origin having mixed with the Agaw people of the highlands.

And again, colorism doesn’t work in this context like it would in the West or other places because shades are widely distributed. The only groups that are truly “Black” as in very dark in tone are the Nilotics and Omotic Cushytes in the south and southwest. Those are groups whom have been attacked by any group with numbers or power. Their societies would be what you would consider majority dark. Everyone else is a mixed bag. There’s hardly such thing as a pure Habasha or pure Oromo anymore. Which is another reason why their idiot race theories don’t have a leg to stand on.

[QUOTEUmmm...the fact that the Bantu and Nilotic element of Axum is not talked about kind of proves that it was a hostile takeover. The path of destruction that Axum went on against Meroe was another indication that there was some ethnic conflict.[/QUOTE]

I don’t think that proves of a hostile takeover of Axum actually. We still have that knowledge of the Bantu-Nilotic origins of Axum, Yeha, Damot, do we not? Moreover, where is it evidenced that Axum itself was violently taken over? The proof of Nilotic-Bantu legacy in Axum could’ve just as easily been destroyed at any point in time during Ethiopia’s tumultuous time since Axum was founded.

As for Meroe, how is that any different from the on again off again conflicts between Egypt and Nubia? It was a geopolitical move on the part of Axum to take over the gold trade in Meroe just as it was a geopolitical move to take over Yemen. As such, geopolitics at that time was influenced by religious mission so naturally they would sack Meroe as they hadn’t yet converted into what would be the Coptic Nubian civilization.

With that said, I’m still in agreement with Oromo protestors that the idea of “Ethiopian” needs to be radically expanded and that can only come with more study of history and discussion. I’d love to read those Bantu-Nilotic accounts so I can expand my own knowledge of the situation. Either way, I’m not interested in emphasizing differences and divisions because it’s a very Western way of approaching things. I’m seeking to re-discover the bonds of East African people in order to create a new political, social, and philosophical paradigm.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
How old are these studies, because newer studies have begun to argue that the Semitic language branch was actual birth by an earlier form of Proto-Ethiopic which then migrated out into the Arabian peninsula.

It's from about a decade ago, and the study does actually argue for a possibility of Semitic originating in Northeast Africa, while also keeping the Near Eastern possibility open.

For me tho, the argument of the origins of this particular language group is nitpicking fr. It could’ve came back or been indigenously developed (which is the theory I believe in) but the point is it became a part of the wider Ethiopian cultural paradigm.

I do not discount it's ultimate origin and affinity with other Cushytic populations, but there is a clear ethnic distinguishment between them and other long term Ethiopian populations.

What I’m saying is that the people that would become the Habasha are a combination of indigenous groups as well as other groups that came into the area. They combined to create the people whom would later be known as Habasha. What I read made it seem as tho they were white men that just came in and violently colonized when Axum was one of the most cosmopolitan places on earth at that time. That’s on top of the region already being a diverse region in terms of indigenous peoples.

No they are Ethiopian, and have ultimate roots in Ethiopia that lead them back into the continent from their initial out of Africa migration in the first place. The event that simply cannot be ignored about this population is there journey into the Near East, and the genetic distinction that this Near Eastern interaction provided the Habesha, as the DNA evidence posted in my message shows. They have a substantial amount of haplogroup J, which is what they obviously got from the Near East. The same for the Lemba people of South Africa, who have similar circumstances and genetics.

The Lemba who are Bantu rather than Cushytic based were likely apart of the same conglomeration of Semitic speakers that the Habesha were apart of in the Near East. Both groups reentered Africa via the Arabian peninsula (Axum), and eventually migrated with their respective populations.

(PDF) Transmission of Tradition Through Song, Recitation and Prayer in Lemba Communities

This story says that the African "Hebrews"/Semitic speakers (Lemba, Habesha etc) left Jerusalem via the Arabians Peninsula, and eventually brought the their sacred traditions to Axum. None the less the Axumites destroyed Meroe under the name of the newly found religion on King Ezana's orders.


So I’m not arguing that Habashas directly tie into Kemet but rather their Cushytic roots from mixing and combining with the native Axumites is what ties them to the Ethiopian legacy. I’m honestly not as concerned with Kemet as I am with the Ethiopian civilization.


I’d read more into that breh.

Will do!


May 20, 2013
Asante,have you seen this? Imo,it may be the first admission by a scientist of the Black ancestors of ancient China in the MSM.

"On a cool Sunday evening in March, a geochemist named Sun Weidong gave a public lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn’t just talk about geochemistry. He also cited several ancient Chinese classics, at one point quoting historian Sima Qian’s description of the topography of the Xia empire — traditionally regarded as China’s founding dynasty, dating from 2070 to 1600 B.C. “Northwards the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers,” wrote Sima Qian in his first century historiography, the Records of the Grand Historian. “Reunited, it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea.”

In other words, “the stream” in question wasn’t China’s famed Yellow River, which flows from west to east. “There is only one major river in the world which flows northwards. Which one is it?” the professor asked. “The Nile,” someone replied."

I had always known ancient China antecedents lay with Egypt: I'd assumed it was a multigenerational overland migration from W Asia via India but it seems to have been a more direct journey.

"In the past year, Sun, a highly decorated scientist, has ignited a passionate online debate with claims that the founders of Chinese civilization were not in any sense Chinese but actually migrants from Egypt. He conceived of this connection in the 1990s while performing radiometric dating of ancient Chinese bronzes; to his surprise, their chemical composition more closely resembled those of ancient Egyptian bronzes than native Chinese ores. Both Sun’s ideas and the controversy surrounding them flow out of a much older tradition of nationalist archaeology in China, which for more than a century has sought to answer a basic scientific question that has always been heavily politicized: Where do the Chinese people come from?"
This info also shows the importance of alternative scientific methodologies in uncovering history-the identical alloys used in Chinese/Egyptian bronzes is unmistakable proof of a common origin.
There's also linguistic evidence among the Qiang,the last to be assimilated by the Han:Their tonal type is more African than Chinese in 10 out of 12 respects ,specifically Dagaare ,spoken in Ghana as far as Burkina Faso. The language is of the Niger-Congo family

"The degrees of African-ness and Chinese-ness are evaluated, and African-style features arefound to be lurking throughout the Qiangic family. Similarities of word structure and wordlength between African and Qiangic languages are held responsible for the similarities..... A close inspection of the tone system of the Mianchi dialectof Southern Qiang (SQ) shows that its tone system behaves more like a prototypical Africanlanguage than it does like Chinese, even though the tone system arose under heavy influence...... As this paper was nearing completion, I was made aware of Hyman (2007 [forthcoming]),in which African tonal features are reported in Kuki-Thaadow, another Tibeto-Burman language........"

In fact the study by Hong Kong uni unequivocally states the tonal system is more African than Chinese in 10 out of 12 respects!?

Let me find pix of late 1800s/early 1900s Kuki Thaddou speakers in Upper Burma.


May 20, 2013
3) Mesnitu-Dravidians/Cushytic Africans -

(misclassified as "Mediterranean", "Aethiopid" and or a "Brown race" in older anthropological studies)


Mediterranean” is an anthropological euphemism for “Negro”. - Anthropologist Wyatt MacGaffey


According to the Ancient Kemites, a second Kemetic ruling ethnic/class's ancestral homeland was Punt. They referred to this land as "Ta Nteru" ('Land of the Ancestors'). To emphasize their Puntite origins, the Kemites portrayed the Puntites in the exact same manner in which they portrayed themselves.

Dravidians/Tamil Modern "Indians" of the Sub Continent - Set Worshipers

Based on several lines of evidence including the lecture from Bobby Hemmit (shown below) it seems reasonable to say that the Dravidian population who now predominate in southern India was the population that had migrated from the Hapi Valley following the unification of the region by the king Mena Narmer. Narmer was clearly "Bantoid", and represented the "Bantu" population of the south with emphasis on their cult that worshipped Heru (the higher chakras). The Dravidians were on the other hand the Set worshiping cult (lower chakras) who predominated in the North (as C.A. Diop suggested) and certain areas of Nubia in the Sudan to the south. The biological evidence certainly points to a Dravidian element in the Levant and the Aegean during the formative period of civilization in those regions. What is also interesting to note is that it was from this region that the Hyksos came from, and the Hyksos were a mixed bunch (included many semitic/mixed race individuals by this date), but they were also Set worshipers. For the Hyksos to come into Kemet already worshiping a Nubian-Kemetic diety means that they had a previous history in Africa. Dr. Clyde Winters points to the Nubian origins of the Hyksos by a little known stella that mentions the Hyksos referring to themselves as the Kings of Kush or heqa khasut, "ruler(s) of the foreign countries" (an Old Kingdom Kemetic phrase used to describe Nubian kings). The complete exit of the Dravidian populations from Africa via the later C-group Nubian migration (shown in the previous post) is a point strengthener. We have indisputable proof of their presence in historical African periods, but the mystery of their complete exit and their biological affinities with the Tamahu (whites) and their wish to hide their African origin makes curious minds seek to look down that rabbit hole.






There is a concerted effort in the West to hide the fact that the Dravidians of India are the result of a relatively recent migration from Africa. This is hidden likely because of their close genetic relationship to the Tamahu (with the latter being the genetically recessive version/albinos of the former). Directly prior to the emergence of dynastic Nubia, the Dravidians were apart of the unified Saharan Kushyte community during the Holocene period also coined the Ma Confederation by Dr. Clyde Winters. This is shown through common language that he has demonstrated between Manding speakers and Dravidians . These Africans along with Manding speakers migrated from the Sahara into the Near East (Sumer) during the beginning phase of desertification in the 6th millennium B.C.E. and the last phase in the 3rd Millennium Sahara moved into Sudanese Nubia to establish the ancient city of Kerma (known as the C-group Nubian culture). From this second Kushyte migration onto the Hapi they left Kerma and migrated into the Arabian Peninsula and along their established ancient Elam as the Elamites (indicated by indisputable cultural overlappings) and later established the Indus Valley Civilizations.

The destruction of the Indus Valley in modern day Pakistan by invading nomadic genetically recessive populations is the event that placed the original blacks of the civilization into the lower caste systems of India. The Tamil and Cushytic populations share the same maternal DNA M-1, and this hapolotype is tied to their shared ancestral populations along the Hapi River Valley. A recent study has found that Pakistanis (which was apart of India until a few decades ago, and is where the actual Indus Valley civilization laid) known as the Brahui are an ancient relic Dravidian population, and it's neighboring population which they were found to be genetically indistinguishable from carry the M1 lineage. Prior to this finding the lack of M1 in the Indus Valley region is what many Eurocentrics feverishly tried to use to deny a relationship between Africa and Dravidians (though they illogically ignore more relevant data such as archaeology, linguistics, anthropology and cultural analysis. The study also found that this African originated M1 lineage is seen on a clearly migratory trail from Senegal, the Sahel, the Levant, Pakistan, Tibet, all the way into Russia.


"M1 is found from Portugal and Senegal in the west to the
Caucasus, Pakistan and Tibet at the east and, from Guinea-Bissau and Tanzania in the south
to Russia
at the north (Kivisild et al., 2004; Olivieri et al., 2006; Gonder et al., 2007;

González et al., 2007, 2007; Zhao et al., 2009; Malyarchuk et al., 2010; Pennarun et al.,
2012; Yunusbayev et al., 2012; Siddiqi et al., 2014) but, its highest diversity is found in

Ethiopia and the Maghreb as the isolates detected at the borders are lineages derived from
M1a branch in Russia and Tanzania and M1b branch in Guinea Bissau and Tibet.

geographic range of M20 and M51 largely overlaps, showing a common wide are

However, the actual representatives
of M1, from the Levant to the Tibet, are derived lineages with ancestors in Africa. Until

now, basal lineages of M1 have not been detected in any of the northern or southern
hypothetical paths.

Carriers of human mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup M colonized India from southeastern Asia - Patricia Marreroa


This study below confirms the involvement of M1 in the ancient Hapi Valley civilizations.

"The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity of 58 individuals from Upper Egypt, more than half (34 individuals) from Gurna, whose population has an ancient cultural history, were studied by sequencing the control-region and screening diagnostic RFLP markers. This sedentary population presented similarities to the Ethiopian population by the L1 and L2 macrohaplogroup frequency (20.6%), by the West Eurasian component (defined by haplogroups H to K and T to X) and particularly by a high frequency (17.6%) of haplogroup M1. We statistically and phylogenetically analysed and compared the Gurna population with other Egyptian, Near East and sub-Saharan Africa populations; AMOVA and Minimum Spanning Network analysis showed that the Gurna population was not isolated from neighboring populations. Our results suggest that the Gurna population has conserved the trace of an ancestral genetic structure from an ancestral East African population, characterized by a high M1 haplogroup frequency. The current structure of the Egyptian population may be the result of further influence of neighboring populations on this ancestral population."
(Stevanovitch A, Gilles A, Bouzaid E, et al. (2004) Mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in a sedentary population from Egypt. Ann Hum Genet. 68 (Pt 1):23-39.)

Deceitful White Scholars Get Called Out
As mentioned earlier Western scholars are deceptive in their dismissal of the natural physical variability of indigenous melaninated Africans, and the origins of Dravidians recently in Africa. In 1993 a Western anthropologist by the name of C. Loring Brace took a stance on behalf of white supremacy during the height of the "Black Athena" debate, by deliberately fabricating the biological affinities of the ancient Kemites through masking his racializing of the science and denying indigenous African variability. In his study "Cline and Clusters" he concluded that the ancient Kemites were related to the "Caucasoid" grouping that he masks with "geographically defined populations" in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Neolithic Europeans (check the previous post on what early Europeans looked like). He came to that conclusion also by including the modern populations of the Tamil/Indians and Somalis (indigenous black distinct Africans located in "Sub Saharan" East Africa) whom the Naqada culture remains were closest to. The study found in some pivotal series that the Dravidians-Indians were the closest to not only the Pre-Dynastic Naqada period Kemites, but were also closest to the Nubians. That is an overlapping that was unjustly dismissed from the overall conclusion. There is little ever said about the close relationship between the Dravidians of India and Hapi Valley civilizations.


Bio-Geneticist SOY Keita, again spanks the hand of this white supremacist "scholar" with his own rebuttal a decade later:

He further stated that there was no relationship with ancient Kemites and "Niger Congo" speakers whom he made the biological representatives for all of "However, Brace et al. (1993) find that a series of upper Egyptian/Nubian epipalaeolithic crania affiliate by cluster analysis with groups they designate "sub-Saharan African" or just simply "African" (from which they incorrectly exclude the Maghreb, Sudan, and the Horn of Africa), whereas post-Badarian southern predynastic and a late dynastic northern series (called "E" or Gizeh) cluster together, and secondarily with Europeans. In the primary cluster with the Egyptian groups are also remains representing populations from the ancient Sudan and recent Somalia. Brace et al. (1993) seemingly interpret these results as indicating a population relationship from Scandinavia to the Horn of Africa, although the mechanism for this is not clearly stated; they also state that the Egyptians had no relationship with sub-Saharan Africans, a group that they nearly treat (incorrectly) as monolithic, although sometimes seemingly including Somalia, which directly undermines aspects of their claims. Sub-Saharan Africa does not define/delimit authentic Africanity".....

"An examination of the distance hierarchies reveals the Badarian series to be more similar to the Teita in both analyses and always more similar to all of the African series than to the Norse and Berg groups (see Tables 3A & 3B and Figure 2). Essentially equal similarity is found with the Zalavar and Dogon series in the 11-variable analysis and with these and the Bushman in the one using 15 variables. The Badarian series clusters with the tropical African groups no matter which algorithm is employed (see Figures 3 and 4).. In none of them did the Badarian sample affiliate with the European series."(S.O.Y. Keita. Early Nile Valley Farmers from El-Badari: Aboriginals or "European" Agro-Nostratic Immigrants? Craniometric Affinities Considered With Other Data. Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 191-208 (2005) (S.O.Y. Keita. "Early Nile Valley Farmers from El-Badari: Aboriginals or "European" Agro-Nostratic Immigrants? Craniometric Affinities Considered With Other Data". Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 191-208 (2005)


Brace avoided using key pre-dynastic groups such as the "Negroid" Badarians, and opted for the more "Ethiopic" characterized "Naqada" culture. Keita in his assessment however did not! Keita used Bantu - Niger-Congo speaking and Khoisan populations to make his comparison with the Badarians, and in every series of assessment the "Negroid" groups were whom the Badarians grouped with over the Europeans. The finding of a primary Bantu affinity between with the Badarians was reinforced by the study conducted by Goode in 2009 cited at the end of the previous post.
There is much evidence to believe that this particular group of Africans were the Set Worshiper who were kicked out of Lower Kemet by the first dynastic pharaoh Mena Narmer. The fact that the Caucasian is the genetically recessive albino version of this ancient race of Africans, suggest that the Dravidians largely formed the ranks of the Yacubs "Set" worshiping priesthood who created the Tamahu ("Created white people"), which was in direct opposition of those who worshiped Horus. This Set worshiping population of Kushytes brought the Set worshiping Hyksos (semites) into Kemet during the 2nd millennium B.C.

Just going over this again and fyi a good student has enough QUALITY material by page 2 to write his dissertation!

Do you have anything more on Dravidians and Set? There could be TRUTH as I've seen a THEORY wherein Cacs ARE SPECIFICALLY identified as ALBINISED Dravidians.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
:lupe: where can I read up more on this? Who are trustworthy sources?

The first three sources on the OP are the basis behind this thread. I used modern sources to substantiate these 50 plus year old narratives.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Asante,have you seen this? Imo,it may be the first admission by a scientist of the Black ancestors of ancient China in the MSM.

"On a cool Sunday evening in March, a geochemist named Sun Weidong gave a public lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn’t just talk about geochemistry. He also cited several ancient Chinese classics, at one point quoting historian Sima Qian’s description of the topography of the Xia empire — traditionally regarded as China’s founding dynasty, dating from 2070 to 1600 B.C. “Northwards the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers,” wrote Sima Qian in his first century historiography, the Records of the Grand Historian. “Reunited, it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea.”

In other words, “the stream” in question wasn’t China’s famed Yellow River, which flows from west to east. “There is only one major river in the world which flows northwards. Which one is it?” the professor asked. “The Nile,” someone replied."

I had always known ancient China antecedents lay with Egypt: I'd assumed it was a multigenerational overland migration from W Asia via India but it seems to have been a more direct journey.

"In the past year, Sun, a highly decorated scientist, has ignited a passionate online debate with claims that the founders of Chinese civilization were not in any sense Chinese but actually migrants from Egypt. He conceived of this connection in the 1990s while performing radiometric dating of ancient Chinese bronzes; to his surprise, their chemical composition more closely resembled those of ancient Egyptian bronzes than native Chinese ores. Both Sun’s ideas and the controversy surrounding them flow out of a much older tradition of nationalist archaeology in China, which for more than a century has sought to answer a basic scientific question that has always been heavily politicized: Where do the Chinese people come from?"
This info also shows the importance of alternative scientific methodologies in uncovering history-the identical alloys used in Chinese/Egyptian bronzes is unmistakable proof of a common origin.
There's also linguistic evidence among the Qiang,the last to be assimilated by the Han:Their tonal type is more African than Chinese in 10 out of 12 respects ,specifically Dagaare ,spoken in Ghana as far as Burkina Faso. The language is of the Niger-Congo family

"The degrees of African-ness and Chinese-ness are evaluated, and African-style features arefound to be lurking throughout the Qiangic family. Similarities of word structure and wordlength between African and Qiangic languages are held responsible for the similarities..... A close inspection of the tone system of the Mianchi dialectof Southern Qiang (SQ) shows that its tone system behaves more like a prototypical Africanlanguage than it does like Chinese, even though the tone system arose under heavy influence...... As this paper was nearing completion, I was made aware of Hyman (2007 [forthcoming]),in which African tonal features are reported in Kuki-Thaadow, another Tibeto-Burman language........"

In fact the study by Hong Kong uni unequivocally states the tonal system is more African than Chinese in 10 out of 12 respects!?

Let me find pix of late 1800s/early 1900s Kuki Thaddou speakers in Upper Burma.

Sorry I missed this post. I'm aware of the first article describing the origins the Chinese in their oral tradition, but the last two are new sources to me. Thanks for the news brother!!!


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Just going over this again and fyi a good student has enough QUALITY material by page 2 to write his dissertation!

Do you have anything more on Dravidians and Set? There could be TRUTH as I've seen a THEORY wherein Cacs ARE SPECIFICALLY identified as ALBINISED Dravidians.

Here is an older source


H. Heras
Proceedings of the Indian History Congress
Vol. 5 (1941), pp. 92-101 (10 pages)
Published by: Indian History Congress

The source incorrectly calls the Anu (mentioned on the first few pages) as Dravidians, rather than the Bantu. Anu literally is a way of saying "the people", just as Bantu meaning "the people". The set worshipping Indians were exiled from Kemet following the conquest of Narmer. Some migrated into the Mediterranean, and others migrated into the what is now Pakistan where the Indus Valley stood. The supreme Dravidian Deity Shiva is described in the exact same way that Satan in the Bible is described. He is "the most beautiful/favorite deity, but has a duel personality that is a destroyer of all

"Typhon (Eg.). An aspect or shadow of Osiris. Typhon is not, as Plutarch asserts, the distinct" Evil Principle" or the Satan of the Jews; but rather the lower cosmic" principles" of the divine body of Osiris, the god in them-Osiris being the personified universe as an ideation, amI Typhon as that same universe in its material realization" The two in one are Vishnu-Siva. The true meaning of the Egyptian' myth is that Typhon is the terrestrial and material envelope of Osiris, who is the indwelling spirit thereof. In chapter 42 of the Ritual (" Book of the Dead "), Typhon is described as "Set,. formerly called Thoth". Orientalists find themselves greatly perplexed by discovering Set·Typhon addressed in some papyri as H a great and good god", and in others as the embodiment of evil. But is not Siva, one of the Hindu Trimilrti, described in some places as "the best and most bountiful of gods ", and at other t~mes, "a dark, black, destroying, terrible" and" fierce god"?"

2) Seth

Seth resembles Lord Rudra/Shiva:

1) Seth was ill tempered and known for his rage and violence [87]. Rudra is often angry and his third eye has fire.

2) Seth opposed truth; he was associated with crimes, sickness, disease, civil unrest and foreign invasion [5]. According to Taithiriya Samhita, Rudra is lord of plunderers and thieves [8].

3) Seth stood in the sun god’s barque to repel the cosmic serpent Apep [5]. In the Mahakaleshwara temple of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, Lord Shiva holds the serpents Rahu and Kethu in his hands.

4) Seth’s name should not be uttered and hence he is referred to indirectly as ‘Son of Nut’; his image is not carved, instead a surrogate animal represents him [5]. Rudra’s name should not be even uttered [8].

5) Seth was the dark side to the fabric of the universe [5]. This resembles the Vedic thought of the cosmos, which is a fabric woven by the gods, wherein each thread of the cosmic fabric according to the Samkhya consists of three strands- Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, where Tamas is descending and dark, and is associated with Lord Rudra [8].

6) Sacrificing of the Sethian animals such as antelope, donkey, goat, pig, hippopotamus, crocodile and some fish, was part of the religious activity [5]. Animal sacrifices form part of Rudra temple rituals.

7) Seth was invoked or mentioned in magical spells [5]. Lord Rudra is associated with witchcraft and hence called Vamadeva.

8) Seth seized the soul of the dead [5]. Lord Rudra is the destination of the dead.

9) Seth is associated with a rebel band [67]. This resembles the ‘Bhuta-Ganas’ of Rudra.

10) Rudra is Vastospati, who is the guardian of the house of Varuna [8]; Varuna is the lord of water. Osiris has come forth from the water [6], hence maps to Varuna. Since Seth guards Osiris’ doors and he maps to Rudra.

Rudra - Wikipedia
{Shiva as we know him today shares many features with Rudra,[58] and Shiva and Rudra are viewed as the same personality in Hindu scriptures. The two names are used synonymously. Rudra, the god of the roaring storm, is usually portrayed in accordance with the element he represents as a fierce, destructive deity.[59]

The oldest surviving text of Hinduism is the Rig Veda, which is dated to between 1700 and 1100 BC based on linguistic and philological evidence.[60] A god named Rudra is mentioned in the Rig Veda. The name Rudra is still used as a name for Shiva. In RV 2.33, he is described as the 'Father of the Rudras', a group of storm gods.[61]

Hymn 10.92 of the Rigveda states that the deity Rudra has two natures, one wild and cruel (rudra), and another that is kind and tranquil (shiva).[62] The Vedic texts do not mention a bull or any other animal as the vehicle (vahana) of Rudra or of any other deities. On the other hand, post-Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Puranas mention Nandi the bull and the zebu as the vehicles of Rudra and of Shiva, thereby unmistakably linking them as the same.[63]

Some of the Bantu's came with the Dravidians, and we know that in the existence of Bantu names in India, and sickle cell within some of the most ancient populations of the Indus Valley civilization.
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