Another lawsuit was filed against Bill Cosby as the Adult Survivors Act nears expiration--edit:Axl Rose sued in NY too


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Updated 7:26 PM CST, November 21, 2023
NEW YORK (AP) — A woman who worked as a stand-in at “The Cosby Show” in the 1980s said in a lawsuit Tuesday that Bill Cosby drugged and sexually abused her after offering to mentor her in her acting career.
It is the latest in a string of lawsuits filed against Cosby under New York’s expiring Adult Survivors Act, which has given victims of sexual abuse a one-year window for claims that would otherwise be barred by time limits. That window closes on Thanksgiving.
The anonymous accuser said that soon after meeting Cosby while working on his show, he started offering style tips and performing acting exercises with her in his dressing room. When he invited her to his home, she accepted, she said, in part because of “Cosby’s wholesome image as `America’s Dad,’” according to the lawsuit.

Once there, she said she blacked out during an acting exercise after drinking wine apparently laced with an intoxicant. She awoke “partially undressed and vomiting into a toilet,” according to the lawsuit in state Supreme Court in New York.

An unidentified actor on the show later expressed to her that Cosby “could do whatever he wanted to do with impunity at `The Cosby Show,’” according to the lawsuit, which seeks damages for battery, assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress and false imprisonment.

NBCUniversal, along with Kaufman Astoria Studios and The Carsey-Werner Company, are accused in the lawsuit of negligence related to Cosby’s alleged behavior. Representatives of the companies did not immediately respond to emailed messages seeking comment Tuesday evening.
A spokesperson for Cosby, 86, declined to comment on the specifics of the lawsuit, but suggested that look-back windows in place in New York and elsewhere should be closed because they were being abused to go after wealthy celebrities.
“When will it stop and who will be the next man to be victimized by these look-back windows?” spokesperson Andrew Wyatt wrote in an email.
Cosby has been accused of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment by more than 60 women, including several who have filed lawsuits over the past year under the Adult Survivors Act. He has denied all allegations involving sex crimes.
Cosby was the first celebrity tried and convicted in the #MeToo era and spent nearly three years at a state prison near Philadelphia before a higher court overturned the conviction and released him in 2021.

they gotta beat the deadline.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Axl Rose from Guns N Roses got accused too.
Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose was accused of a brutal rape more than 30 years ago in a lawsuit brought Wednesday on the eve of the Adult Survivors Act expiring.

The lawsuit filed by actress and model Sheila Kennedy in Manhattan Supreme Court accuses Rose of raping her in a New York City hotel room in December 1989 after meeting her at a night club.

The rockstar targeted Kennedy “when he was at the peak of his commercial success,” the suit alleges.

“Rose used his fame, status, and power as a celebrity and performer in the music industry to gain access to manipulate, control, and violently sexually assault Kennedy,” reads the suit.
Axl Rose speaks at the public memorial for Lisa Marie Presley on January 22, 2023 in Memphis, Tennessee. (Jason Kempin/Getty Images)
The claims were brought under the Adult Survivors Act — historic legislation that lifted the statute of limitations to bring sex abuse claims that’s set to expire at midnight.

Representatives for Rose and Kennedy did not immediately respond to requests for comment.