Anyone ever seen or got bitten by one of these fukkers?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I saw one chilling poolside at a resort in Orlando once.


The Belostomatidae are fierce predators which stalk, capture, and feed on aquaticinvertebrates, snails, crustaceans, fish, and amphibians. The largest species have also been found to capture and feed on baby turtles and water snakes.[1] They often lie motionless at the bottom of a body of water, attached to various objects, where they wait for prey to come near. They then strike, injecting a powerful digestive saliva with their rostrum, and sucking out the liquefied remains. Their bite is considered one of the most painful that can be inflicted by any insect; however, though excruciatingly painful, it is of no medical significance. Adults cannot breathe under water, so must surface periodically for air.[2] Occasionally, when encountered by a larger predator, such as a human, they have been known to "play dead" and emit a fluid from their anus.[2] Due to this, they are assumed dead by humans only to later "come alive" with painful results.[2]

Giant Water Bug 'Toe Biter' Devours Fish, Snakes, And Turtles; Vicious Bite Worse Than A Wasp Sting (VIDEO)

Scientists were able to capture a video of the monstrous insect stalking and attacking a small fish, LiveScience reported.

Lethocerus patruelis, (also known as the "toe-biter" or "electric light bug") is the largest European water insect. They are typically about three inches long.

The bug has a bite which is considered one of the most painful to humans, and utterly deadly to smaller prey.

"It's much, much worse than a bee or wasp sting. I was bitten in the pad of my little finger, and I felt intense pain all the way to my elbow for a good 30 minutes," Robert Sites, who led a toe biter study in 2007, said.

The insect injects its poison with a straw-like appendage.

The water bug's bite is not harmful to humans (except for the pain), but it liquefies the organs of its prey, allowing the bug to eat a fish from the inside-out.

Lethocerus' caustic digestive saliva is what gives them the ability to perform the grisly attacks.

The bug has only been known to attack moving prey, the BBC reported.

Scientists were surprised to see one of the predator's eating a snake in 2011.

"Everyone thinks that Lethocerinae bugs live on fishes and frogs. Although eating a turtle and snake are rare in the natural condition, [this evidence] surprises naturalists [by showing] voracious feeding habits," Dr. Shin-ya Ohba, who observed the event, said.

Toe biters mainly live in streams and waterfalls in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains.

The bugs are no match to humans. Locals have been known to cut down the natural environment, and exhaust the soil.

"It's an ongoing problem and a threat to species we haven't even discovered yet," Sites said.



Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Their bite gets a score of 4 on the Schmidt pain index, which is the highest score.

The Schmidt guy is some crazy ass cac scientist who went around the world getting bitten and stung by the most demonic bugs in the world and measuring how painful they were. :mjlol: Examples...

Schmidt Pain Index (Which Sting Hurts the Worst?)

1.0 Sweat bee: Light, ephemeral, almost fruity. A tiny spark has singed a single hair on your arm.
1.2 Fire ant: Sharp, sudden, mildly alarming. Like walking across a shag carpet & reaching for the light switch.
1.8 Bullhorn acacia ant: A rare, piercing, elevated sort of pain. Someone has fired a staple into your cheek.
2.0 Bald-faced hornet: Rich, hearty, slightly crunchy. Similar to getting your hand mashed in a revolving door.
2.0 Yellowjacket: Hot and smoky, almost irreverent. Imagine WC Fields extinguishing a cigar on your tongue.
2.x Honey bee and European hornet.
3.0 Red harvester ant: Bold and unrelenting. Somebody is using a drill to excavate your ingrown toenail.
3.0 Paper wasp: Caustic & burning. Distinctly bitter aftertaste. Like spilling a beaker of Hydrochloric acid on a paper cut.
4.0 Pepsis wasp: Blinding, fierce, shockingly electric. A running hair drier has been dropped into your bubble bath (if you get stung by one you might as well lie down and scream).
4.0+ Bullet ant: Pure, intense, brilliant pain. Like walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch nail in your heel.

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Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
I see your toe biters and raise you a....

A name like wheel bug should raise some alarms. In fact, it is not the strangewheel shaped adornment on the back of this American predator, but its highly evolved mouthparts that pose a threat to humans. Wheel bugs are among the larger predatory land bugs, and possess a sharp, flesh dissolving toxin released through a long beak. When humans get in the way of a wheel bug hiding among the leaves, extreme pain levels and local flesh damage occurs. The injuries can take months to heal, and often leave a noticeable scar where the tissue has been eroded by the venom.


Sep 11, 2015
Their bite gets a score of 4 on the Schmidt pain index, which is the highest score.

The Schmidt guy is some crazy ass cac scientist who went around the world getting bitten and stung by the most demonic bugs in the world and measuring how painful they were. :mjlol: Examples...

Schmidt Pain Index (Which Sting Hurts the Worst?)


This cat said

"Pure, intense, brilliant pain."

Dafuq is wrong with them people? :mjlol: