Article on Malcolm X's Assasins. (must read)


Nov 25, 2016
East Africa
The Assassins of Malcolm X

The Assassins of Malcolm X


In a year that marks the 52nd anniversary of the 21st February 1965 assassination of Malcolm X, we believe that a number of recent developments relating to this atrocity require the US Department of Justice to take a second look at what remains, to this very day, an unsolved crime.

William X Bradley (aka Al-Mustafa Shabazz)

In 2010, the current Democrat Senator of New Jersey, Cory Booker, recorded a TV campaign commercial as part of his Newark mayoral race and in which, unbeknownst to him, one of the suspected assassins of Malcolm X – indeed the person believed to have fired the fatal shotgun round that took Malcolm’s life – made a fleeting but chilling appearance. This alleged killer, Al-Mustafa Shabazz (formerly known as William X Bradley), is alive and well and, of all things, working as the proprietor of the First Class Championship Development Centre gymnasium located at 936 Bergen Street in Newark. News reports of his emergence and whereabouts appeared in a number of publications in 2011:






The ‘MalcolmsRevenge’ YouTube channel features a video that contains film footage shot outside the Audubon Ballroom in the immediate aftermath of Malcolm’s slaying and that has appeared in numerous documentaries about the subject. But it wasn’t until 2010 that a member of the public identified, for the first time in over 40 years, the Frankenstein-like frame of assassin Bradley who, in a display of stupefying audacity, is still lingering at the scene of his own murderous act and attempting to free his fellow assassin, Talmadge X Hayer (aka Thomas Hagan), from the clutches of an angry mob. None of these recent revelations are to be found in any published work on the Malcolm X assassination.

Like an aging former Nazi war criminal who managed to escape judgement at the Nuremberg Trials and later went on to reinvent himself as a respectable senior citizen and pillar of his local community, Bradley was featured in a recent New York Daily News report and one that could finally bring him to the attention of the US Department of Justice and its incoming Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

Clarence 2X Gill


An extremely rare 90s-era photo has surfaced in which Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is pictured with the former ‘captain’ of Boston Mosque #11, CLARENCE 2X GILL (Gill is on the right with the blue bow-tie). Farrakhan himself was the minister of the Boston temple. Gill, who served as one of Muhammad Ali’s bodyguards and close confidants, is suspected of having been part of a ‘back-up’ hit team at the Audubon Ballroom on the occasion of Malcolm X‘s 21st February 1965 assassination. Gill was reportedly shot by one of Malcolm’s bodyguards (Reuben Francis) while attempting to flee the venue and may have later received treatment for his wounds at Ali’s Miami training camp – quite possibly from Ali’s very own fight doctor.

Gill, a cocaine addict, was an especially psychotic and homicidal character and was implicated by Malcolm himself in an assassination attempt that was to have been carried out in league with fellow Massachusetts ‘captain’ of Springfield Mosque #13, John X Peters. Both Gill and Peters had camped out in the New York home of Farrakhan’s half-brother, ALVAN X FARRAKHAN, ahead of the attack and all three are widely suspected of carrying out the 14th February 1965 firebomb attack on Malcolm’s home – along with Norman 3X Butler, Thomas 15X Johnson and the ‘captain’ of Harlem’s Mosque #7, Joseph X Gravitt.

In February 1965 the New York Herald Tribune carried an article (penned by the late Jimmy Breslin) in which he described the NYPD’s arrest of TWO suspects in connection with the Malcolm X assassination – only to have the story later altered to reflect the arrest of only ONE suspect in the afternoon edition of the same paper, notwithstanding the fact that several eyewitnesses corroborated and confirmed the earlier version of the story.

Eyewitnesses have since confirmed that the second suspect arrested by the NYPD that afternoon was none other than Clarence Gill. If true, this would establish a Boston Mosque #11 presence at the Audubon Ballroom on the day of Malcolm’s assassination – and directly implicate Louis Farrakhan in the assassination of Malcolm X.

Talmadge X Hayer (aka Mujahid Abdul Halim)

In this damning interview confessed Malcolm X assassin, Talmadge X Hayer (aka Thomas Hagan aka Mujahid Abdul Halim), implicitly acknowledges that he bears full responsibility for the wrongful imprisonment of Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson due to his blunt refusal to identify his true co-assassins during his 1966 trial for the assassination of Malcolm X. Hayer, who later named his accomplices in a 1977-78 sworn affidavit, also admits that he committed perjury during the trial by falsely claiming that he was not a member of the Nation of Islam – a falsehood adopted by other suspected participants in the Malcolm X assassination (such as New Jersey FOI lieutenant Agurs Linward X Cathcart who has also claimed that he was “not an active member” of Newark Mosque #25 at the time of his 21st February 1965 visit to the Audubon Ballroom where he reportedly ‘supervised’ the Malcolm X murderers).

These attempts by the Malcolm X assassins and their accomplices to disassociate themselves from the NOI is a common tactic employed by the participants in this crime in a bid to protect Elijah Muhammad and the NOI’s Chicago leadership from culpability and, as a ploy that was devised during the planning of the assassination, is circumstantial evidence of guilt in its own right.

The Hayer interview raises further questions as to whether this confessed assassin may have lied in his 1977-78 affidavit when he claimed that the plot to murder Malcolm X was hatched solely by himself and his four New Jersey Mosque #25 accomplices and was not ordered from Chicago. We now know this to be untrue due to publicly available evidence that NOI National Secretary, John Ali visited New York City in early 1965 for the express purpose of recruiting Hayer and others to assassinate Malcolm X – a visit that could only have taken place with the explicit approval of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad and the man who bears ultimate responsibility for the assassination of Malcolm X.

Hayer, who was paroled in 2010, thus has on his conscience not one but two lamentable misdeeds: the cold-blooded murder of Malcolm X and the decades-long, wrongful imprisonment of two ostensibly innocent men – Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson. And as a proven liar, new questions have to be raised as to the reliability of Hayer’s claim that the assassination was carried out solely by himself and his four New Jersey accomplices – or whether, as some experts have long speculated, the entire plot may have consisted of up to ten participants: half of them from Newark Mosque #25 and the other half from Harlem Mosque #7, some located on the inside of the Ballroom while others lay in wait outside to murder Malcolm X in the event he managed to escape from the venue.

A first step in reopening the investigation into the assassination of Malcolm X and securing the conviction of the aforementioned Mr Bradley should therefore take the form of a subpoena issued to Hayer and that requires this convicted murderer to swear a new affidavit in 2017 (following on from his 1977-78 affidavits) and in which, having been shown a recent photograph or video of Mr Bradley, Hayer is legally compelled, on pain of imprisonment, to clearly state whether or not the person in the photograph or video is the same individual with whom he carried out the Malcolm X killing.


Nov 25, 2016
East Africa
Norman 3X Butler (aka Muhammad Abdul Aziz)

‘The (Abraham) Zapruder film shows the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, but doesn’t show the assassins. The Black Zapruder film doesn’t show the assassination of Malcolm X, but it shows the assassins…’ – Karl Evanzz (author of ‘The Judas Factor’), 6 March 2014

Norman 3X Butler, a former lieutenant at the NOI’s Harlem Mosque #7, was one of three persons convicted for the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X. He was paroled in 1985 and has always maintained his innocence. His alibi during the 1966 assassination trial is that he was at home nursing an injured leg when the killing occurred. But as this startling video reveals, an individual who bears a striking resemblance to Butler (known today as Muhammad Abdul Aziz) can clearly be seen outside the Audubon Ballroom in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

In the event that the person in the video turns out to be Butler it would mean that Talmadge X Hayer, the supposedly repentant assassin who finally ‘told the truth’ in his 1977-78 sworn affidavits to attorney William Kunstler, may have lied in those affidavits when he explicitly exonerated Butler of any involvement in the killing. It would also mean that Hayer may have committed perjury during his 1966 trial when he testified, under oath, that neither Butler nor his accused accomplice, Thomas 15X Johnson, had played any part in the crime. This could place Hayer, who was paroled in 2010, in some legal jeopardy owing to these apparent untruths.

Butler’s confirmed appearance in the Audubon Ballroom video (dubbed the ‘Black Zapruder Film’ by author Karl Evanzz) would serve to substantiate eyewitness testimony provided by former NOI Mosque #7 member Sharon 6X Shabazz that an individual fitting Butler’s description was either one of the shooters or one of those involved in the “get your hand out of my pocket” ruse that was staged in the auditorium in order to distract Malcolm’s bodyguards.

It could also lend further credence to a theory first floated by filmmaker (and former NOI member) Omar Shabazz to the effect that the Malcolm X assassination plot may have involved two hit squads – one team from New Jersey Mosque #25 and a second ‘backup’ crew from Harlem’s Mosque #7 (the mosque to which Butler was affiliated) and whose job it was to administer the coup de grace in the event that Malcolm escaped the New Jersey killers. The behaviour of the Butler-like individual in the video strongly suggests that he is trying to force his way into the crowd to perhaps see if Malcolm is actually dead and, if not, to finish Malcolm off himself.

In a final Hitchcockian twist to this sordid tale, Butler was appointed as chief of security for Harlem’s Mosque #7 in 1998 by NOI leader Louis Farrakhan – a position from which Butler was later forced to resign following an outcry from Black America. It would appear that his appointment by Farrakhan was made as a ‘thank you’ for his silence and loyalty to the NOI during the period of his incarceration and may suggest that Farrakhan is, in fact, fully aware of the criminal role Butler played in the events of the 21st of February 1965 – a role that Farrakhan deemed worthy of reward.

Elijah Muhammad Jr.

The former Assistant Supreme Captain of the Nation of Islam (and son of its late leader, Elijah Muhammad), Elijah Muhammad Jr. – perhaps the key figure in the Malcolm X assassination – presided over a notorious Fruit of Islam (FOI) meeting on 28 June 1964 and during which he delivered a grotesque order that Malcolm’s home be destroyed, his family murdered, Malcolm’s tongue be severed by his NOI attackers, placed in an envelope and delivered to him to be presented to his father, Elijah Muhammad, as a macabre ‘gift’ or trophy.

Elijah Jr is believed to have issued several direct orders to kill Malcolm X during 1964-5 and is most likely the person who directed National Secretary John Ali to assemble the 10-man ‘Special Team’ (codenamed ‘Task Force FARD’ and comprising FOI ‘soldiers’ from New Jersey Mosque #25 and New York Mosque #7) which carried out the 21st February 1965 assassination of Malcolm X.

Agurs Linward X Cathcart (aka Abdul Karriem Muhammad)

In a role eerily reminiscent of that performed by Mafia enforcer Luca Brasi in Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather (where Don Corleone tasks his loyal hatchet man with visiting drug lord Virgil Sollozzo to feign disillusionment with his own Family in a cunning ruse aimed at drawing out the Don’s enemies), Nation of Islam lieutenant Agurs Linward X Cathcart (aka Abdul Karriem Muhammad) of Muhammad’s Mosque #25 in New Jersey has implausibly claimed that his decision to attend the Malcolm X rally at the Audubon Ballroom on 21st February 1965 was driven by his ‘disaffection’ with Elijah Muhammad’s program and his new-found interest in Malcolm X’s Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) initiative.

In reality Cathcart, like Brasi, remained loyal to ‘Don Elijah’ and was likely present at the Audubon Ballroom in order to ‘oversee’ the five Newark Mosque #25 assassins in the conduct of their murderous ‘operation’, ensure the success of the hit on Malcolm X and report back to NOI National Secretary John X Ali (who was in New York at the time) and Minister Louis X Farrakhan of Boston Mosque #11 (and who just so happened to be delivering a sermon at Newark Mosque #25 that afternoon – the same NOI mosque to which the assassins were affiliated) that the mission had been accomplished.

John X Ali later caught a flight to Chicago and returned to 4847 South Woodlawn Avenue to personally inform NOI leader Elijah Muhammad that the ‘hypocrite’ was dead. Elijah Muhammad then held a press conference, attended by Ali, and during which he flatly denied any involvement in the assassination of Malcolm X. In a chilling statement that he later gave to the NYPD, Cathcart likened Malcolm X to notorious American turncoat Benedict Arnold and went on to imply that Malcolm, in being murdered, essentially got what he deserved.

On page 294 of Peter Goldman’s 1979 biography The Death & Life of Malcolm X passing reference is made to a member of the NOI’s Newark Mosque #25 who was observed either ‘smiling’ or ‘laughing’ as he gazed upon Malcolm’s bullet-ridden corpse in the immediate aftermath of the assassination:

“Life (magazine) bought up some photos one of the brothers had taken immediately after the shooting stopped. The pictures, when the police got hold of them, identified and placed still more witnesses. One of them showed a known Muslim (Cathcart), the man who had got into the hall wearing an FOI pin and was allowed to stay once he took it off. The camera caught him standing there staring at Malcolm’s body. He looked as if he were laughing…”

John X Ali

The once all-powerful ‘National Secretary’ of the Nation of Islam and principal architect of the Malcolm X assassination, John X Ali, recently surfaced at Louis Farrakhan’s 2015 Saviours Day convention after going into hiding following the death of Elijah Muhammad in 1975. In the first publicly-available photographs of this reclusive and notorious figure to emerge in nearly half a century, it would appear that Ali has lost none of his sneering arrogance – nor his capacity to bewitch Farrakhan’s top goons such as Jamil Muhammad who wrapped his arm around this killer and snapped a selfie like a star-struck schoolgirl.

During a June 1964 appearance on Chicago’s WVON Radio show called ‘Hotline’ (hosted by the late Wesley South), Ali publicly declared that the Nation of Islam planned to murder Malcolm X. And like New Jersey assassin William Bradley (aka Al-Mustafa Shabazz), Ali must now be arrested on suspicion of complicity in the 1965 killing.

Alvan X Walcott (aka Alvan Farrakhan)


This is a rare photo of the (now deceased) brother of current Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and one of the suspects in the 14 February 1965 firebomb attack on the New York home of Malcolm X. Alvan X, who was an ENFORCER for the Fruit of Islam at Harlem’s Mosque #7, also reportedly collaborated with Captain Clarence X Gill of Boston’s Mosque #11 and Captain John X Peters of Springfield’s Mosque #13 in an effort to obtain a pistol silencer from the late Leon X Ameer for use in an assassination attempt on Malcolm X.

The reason this matters is that, as the minister of the aforementioned Mosque #11 (and as the brother of Alvan X), there is simply no way in the world that LOUIS FARRAKHAN was not, at a minimum, aware of these specific efforts to murder Malcolm and, at worst, an active participant in them. This would flatly contradict Farrakhan’s long-standing assertion that the only role he may have played in Malcolm’s assassination was speaking vitriolic words that contributed to the murderous climate. Farrakhan, it would now appear, may have been a direct and active participant in the Malcolm X murder plot.

Malcolm himself referred to the roles of Alvan X and Captains Gill and Peters in efforts to take his life in this 1965 TV interview.


Nov 25, 2016
East Africa
Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali)

Evidence has emerged of the close personal relationship which the late world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali enjoyed with at least one of Malcolm’s would-be assassins, Clarence 2X Gill. Gill, who served as one of Ali’s bodyguards and close confidants, was a Fruit of Islam (FOI) captain at Louis Farrakhan’s Boston Mosque #11 and is suspected of having been part of a ‘back-up’ hit team at the Audubon Ballroom on the occasion of Malcolm’s assassination.

Prior to his 2016 passing, Ali might have been in a position to assist any new investigation into Malcolm’s assassination by testifying as to whether Gill ever engaged in any discussions about the killing of Malcolm X in his presence. Ali may have also been in a position to account for the whereabouts of Gill in the days following Malcolm’s assassination. Long-standing suspicions that members of the NOI’s Miami Mosque led by Abdul Rahman Muhammad (aka Captain Samuel X Saxon, who was a member of Elijah Muhammad’s personal ‘Honor Guard’ and captain of Muhammad’s Mosque #29 under Minister Lucius Beyah Muhammad) may have played a role in the harbouring of Gill might also have been something Ali may have been in a position to address.

As it stands, the horrifying prospect that so revered and beloved a figure as Muhammad Ali may have played an indirect role in the assassination of Malcolm X by providing refuge to a vile thug like Gill in the full knowledge of his complicity in an attempt on Malcolm’s life will forever remain one of the great unanswered questions of this case.

Raymond Sharrieff


On 7th December 1964 the so-called ‘Supreme Captain’ of the Nation of Islam (NOI), Raymond Sharrieff, issued what was, up to that point, the most explicit threat to the life of Malcolm X to have emerged from the leadership of Elijah Muhammad’s organisation when he took to Chicago’s Crusader newspaper to declare:

“We hereby OFFICIALLY warn you that the Nation of Islam shall no longer tolerate your scandalising the name of our leader and teacher the Hon. Elijah Muhammad regardless of where such scandalising has been.”

Such a threat could not have been made without the explicit sanction and approval of Elijah Muhammad – a man whose apologists stubbornly insist was either unaware or disapproving of any efforts by his own followers to take Malcolm’s life.

The significance of the Sharrieff declaration as an official ‘Green Light’ from the NOI’s leadership to its rank-and-file to proceed with any and all efforts to murder Malcolm cannot be rationalised away as a mere statement of the NOI’s intention to pursue a propaganda campaign against its former star minister since such an effort had been underway from the moment of his departure from the organisation in March of that year – and with its most vicious iteration having appeared only four days earlier in the 3rd December edition of the NOI’s own newspaper, the Muhammad Speaks, which carried Boston Mosque #11 Minister Louis X Farrakhan’s infamous “such a man as Malcolm is worthy of death” screed.

Louis X Walcott (aka Louis Haleem Abdul Farrakhan)

In an horrific (and self-incriminating) 1972 speech, NOI leader Louis Farrakhan celebrates the cold-blooded murder of Malcolm X, glorifies his killers as “fearless men” and ridicules what he refers to as the “cowardice” of the defenceless men, women and children in the Audubon Ballroom who attempted to flee as the assassins bullets ricocheted around the auditorium.

What is peculiar about this sickening diatribe is the ‘first person’ character of Farrakhan’s description of the chaotic manner in which Malcolm’s bodyguards responded to the shooting spree. Farrakhan, who wasn’t present in the Audubon Ballroom on that fateful day, nevertheless provides a vivid account of the mayhem that unfolded during the 21st February 1965 assassination and describes Malcolm’s bodyguards as “damn cowardly dogs” and “damn punks” who were “ducking and running” as bullets flew around the venue.

This strongly suggests to the listener that Farrakhan is relaying a first-hand account shared with him by someone who personally witnessed the killing – and is doing so in the same derisory terms in which that account was itself conveyed to him. One possible source of this account could be the aforementioned Newark Mosque #25 ‘lieutenant’ Linward X Cathcart who witnessed Malcolm’s assassination from a front-row seat in the Ballroom and appears to have later relayed what transpired to Farrakhan in the same disparaging terms in which Farrakhan, in turn, retold it to his audience. Simply put, Louis Farrakhan appears to be describing the assassination of Malcolm X…in Linward X Cathcart’s very own words.

This is compelling circumstantial evidence that Cathcart, contrary to his long-standing denials, was a hostile presence in the Audubon Ballroom that Sunday afternoon and was likely acting in league with the assassins of Malcolm X. It also suggests that Farrakhan and Cathcart may have communicated with one another on the day of Malcolm’s assassination.

An even more disquieting possibility is that Farrakhan may have received a first-hand account of the Malcolm X killing from one (or more) of the escaped assassins themselves: William X Bradley, Leon Davis, Albert Benjamin Thomas or Wilbert McKinney (Talmadge X Hayer was arrested at the crime scene and is unlikely to have relayed what occurred there to Farrakhan). How else could Farrakhan possibly know that Malcolm’s bodyguards were “ducking and running” like “damn cowardly dogs” and “damn punks” (since no description even remotely matching the one contained in Farrakhan’s diatribe was provided by any of the eyewitnesses who were interviewed by the news media or by detectives following the assassination)?

Like Farrakhan’s disgraceful 1993 ‘Saviours Day’ tirade in which he revelled in the NOI’s role in murdering the “traitor” Malcolm X, these sermons clearly demonstrate the depth of Farrakhan’s homicidal animus towards Malcolm and strengthen suspicions that Farrakhan’s personal involvement in the assassination may run far deeper than his previously acknowledged culpability for “creating the atmosphere” that led to Malcolm’s killing.

Elijah Robert Poole (aka Elijah Muhammad)

In this chilling transcript of a conversation that was secretly recorded by the FBI at Elijah Muhammad’s Phoenix residence in January of 1964, the Nation of Islam leader uses a Mafia-like euphemism (“they had better close his eyes”) to convey an explicit order to Captain Joseph X Gravitt of Harlem’s Mosque #7 (seen in this photo to the left of Elijah Muhammad) that Malcolm X should be murdered. As a result of this directive, Gravitt approached an explosives expert in Mosque #7 known as Luqman Abdurr Rahim (aka Anas M Luqman) and instructed him to wire Malcolm’s Oldsmobile to explode upon ignition – an order Luqman refused to carry out.

This FBI transcript offers the clearest evidence yet that, contrary to NOI claims that Elijah Muhammad had instructed his ministers to “leave Malcolm alone”, the order to assassinate Malcolm X appears to have originated with Elijah Muhammad himself – a criminal conspiracy of which the FBI was fully aware and to which they were active accessories by virtue of their failure to disrupt the plot and arrest its participants.


Nov 25, 2016
East Africa
James Earle Breslin (aka Jimmy Breslin)


There is ample reason to suspect that the white journalist Jimmy Breslin, in response to whose March 2017 passing many in his profession tripped over themselves to eulogize, may have been complicit in the assassination of Malcolm X.

For as was to later emerge in 2005, Mr Breslin who on the morning of the 21st of February 1965 was heading off to attend yet another one of the many galas at which his fellow white journalists routinely congratulated themselves, reportedly received a tip-off from a source within the NYPD urging him to cancel those plans and instead head down to Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom and, upon arrival at the venue, to make sure to sit “well back” from the stage area where, shortly thereafter, Malcolm X was scheduled to appear to address his supporters.

The rest is now history and it is a period about which the notoriously loquacious Mr Breslin, with the solitary exception of a news story that featured in the following morning’s issue of the New York Herald Tribune reporting Malcolm’s shocking assassination (and a story Mr Breslin later rewrote for the paper’s afternoon edition after a scolding he received from the NYPD), was to maintain a deafening silence for the remainder of his life.

It is now widely suspected that Mr Breslin, like many white ‘journalists’ of that era, was a party to the media operations of the FBI’s Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) – and to which many an unscrupulous white reporter volunteered their services – in assisting Director J. Edgar Hoover’s efforts to ‘neutralize’ African-American leaders like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X for the simple crime of having the temerity to challenge their country to finally live up to the ideals it professed.

Malcolm X (aka El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)

In this riveting video Malcolm X provides compelling testimony from ‘beyond the grave’ of the Nation of Islam’s role in his own assassination. The slain martyr describes the true reasons behind his departure from the NOI and the numerous attempts that were made on his life by his former colleagues in the sect. Malcolm refutes one of the key falsehoods peddled to this day by Louis Farrakhan and other NOI officials to the effect that he ‘defected from’, ‘broke with’ or otherwise left the NOI movement of his own volition.

In reality, Malcolm was expelled from the NOI along with Wallace Muhammad (the son of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad) for fear that if either man were granted an opportunity to defend themselves before the NOI’s membership body (against false charges that were being spread about them by the NOI’s Chicago leadership) that the adulteries of Elijah Muhammad would surface during the NOI’s internal judicial proceedings. Malcolm also describes the 14th February 1965 firebombing of his New York home – an act reportedly carried out by Alvan X Walcott (the half-brother of Louis Farrakhan), Harlem Mosque #7 captain Joseph X Gravitt, Boston Mosque #11 captain Clarence 2X Gill and Springfield Mosque #13 captain John X Peters.

Malcolm’s riveting posthumous testimony could enable him to serve as the ‘star witness for the prosecution’ in his own assassination trial and to indict his killers ‘from the graveyard’ and could play a central role in any grand jury proceedings against the surviving participants in his 21st February 1965 assassination.


Under current US law there is a 50-year moratorium before federal records can be released by the American National Archives and Records Administration – a time period that has since elapsed. We believe that the publication of all federal files relating to this 1965 crime will necessitate a re-opening of the investigation into this atrocity.

To that end, we have established a Petition to President Donald Trump that calls on his administration to declassify and publish all FBI, CIA and NYPD-BOSSI files relating to the assassination of Malcolm X. The Malcolm X campaign has also been featured in two leading US newspapers – the Boston Globe and the Baltimore Times.

We would be grateful if you would SIGN and SHARE these petitions with your friends and families and help us to finally bring the evil murderers of Malcolm X to justice.

Thank you.
Oct 22, 2017
Low Quality Posting
Malcolm went off code. Not condoning what happened, if we are to assume the accepted narrative is true, but he lost the script once ge started talking that All Lives Matter shyt. :francis:


Nov 18, 2016
Malcolm went off code. Not condoning what happened, if we are to assume the accepted narrative is true, but he lost the script once ge started talking that All Lives Matter shyt. :francis:

He saw the true end of what improving our situation looks like.

He left the NOI when they essentially had a non-compete clause and was talking Elijah's business in public. He knew what he was doing by saying the glow around Elijah was his shadow and dark side being illuminated.
Oct 22, 2017
Low Quality Posting
Shut the fukk up
Why? Malcolm went off code and began reeling back a lot od what his core philosophy had been during the spread of his movement. That is factual and isn’t even disputed by those closest to him before his death. I love the brother and still allow his teachings to inform my navigation of this perilous society, but the brother got compromised by _someone_. That is not debatable. :francis: