As More White People Get Doped Up....Government Now Calls It A Health Crisis


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

Now That Complexion of Addicts Has Changed to White, the Nation Pivots on War on Drugs, Calling It a Public Health Crisis - Atlanta Black Star

These days, the so-called “war on drugs” has taken a dramatic turn, with a shift away from treating substance abuse as a criminal issue, and a bipartisan consensus that this should be treated as a public health issue.

As Nora Kelly reported in The Atlantic, there is an opioid epidemic across the country, and it is chiefly a white problem that is increasingly affecting higher-income whites. Hence, the bipartisan agreement to move away from a law-enforcement approach. Members of the National Governors Association, who are holding their winter conference in Washington, met with President Obama at the White House on Monday.

“This is an area when I can get agreement from Bernie Sanders and Mitch McConnell,” President Obama said, referring to senators from Vermont and Kentucky, two states particularly affected by the epidemic. “That doesn’t happen that often,” but “it indicates the severity of the issue,” he said.

The governors, Democratic and Republican alike, want to develop protocols for the safe use of opioid pain relievers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prescription painkillers were responsible for over 70 percent of drug-related overdose deaths in 2013. Further, prescription painkillers are viewed as a gateway to heroin, both of which are opiate-based, as four out of every five new heroin users had already abused prescription drugs. The problem is particularly white and rural, as Kelly reports.

In a joint statement from the NGA and the American Medical Association, the groups said it is “unacceptable that nearly 30,000 Americans die each year from the misuse and abuse of prescription opioids and heroin. To end this national epidemic that claims the lives of so many of our family members and fellow citizens, governors, physicians, state legislatures and other stakeholders must join together to take action.”

“We must prioritize treatment for substance use disorder, a medical disease that needs our care and compassion. Millions of Americans need help overcoming this disease, but the challenge lies in closing the treatment gap,” the statement continued, arguing that it is time to end the hold that the epidemic has on the nation. “In addition, we must continue to promote overdose prevention and education efforts.”

President Obama cut to the chase and said that race and class affects how America has dealt with the issue of drugs.

“When it was isolated to certain low-income communities or minority communities, the tendency was [that] jail was a sufficient deterrent or approach,” Obama said. However, “as it has affected a broader and broader cross section of America, people start realizing [that] this is a complicated problem. There has to be a law enforcement element, but there also has to be a public health element to it.”

The President’s statement highlights the lengths to which society and its leaders will coalesce around a “crisis” when white folks are hanging in the balance. But when Black people are involved, they are simply left hanging and swinging in the breeze. When white people are at risk and demand a solution, help is on the way in bipartisan fashion. But when Black people need help, as they have for decades, now is never the right time, and it wouldn’t be politically prudent to help Black folks.

Even the President and the other Democrats require vast amounts of pressure from Black constituencies — their base — before they take notice of our crises, much less do anything about the problem. Obama received criticism, particularly in the first term of his presidency, for turning a deaf ear to the cries of Black America, as white neo-liberal advisers from Wall Street seemed to dominate his inner circle.

Meanwhile, when drugs were perceived as a Black thing, lawmakers brought the hammer down on the Black community. And it was a bipartisan effort. Now that the prisons are filled with Black bodies and the damage has been done — mission accomplished — we can now focus on white deaths to drugs as a public health crisis.

As Kirsten West Savali points out in The Root, white Americansare being treated to a gentler war on drugs that amounts to a slap in the collective faces of Black people.

“This suggestion that if only we had enough intelligence, if only we had made enough noise, then African-American communities would have been treated more gently by police officers when they came through the hood stopping and frisking for drugs is disingenuous and dangerous,” Savali wrote.

She added that drug addiction is a serious health issue that affects all groups regardless of race, ethnicity or class. And while drugs need to be decriminalized, whites are being protected while Blacks continue to face punishment.

“Police officers and politicians are simply making it clear that the war on drugs was never supposed to include white America,” she added. “It is racist, systemic, purposeful violence in the truest sense of the word, and there is nothing gentle about that.”

The New York Times seems particularly interested in the concept of white drug deaths. A Times report in January found that drug overdoses are fueling an increase in mortality rates among young white people, as death rates fall for Blacks and Latinos.

“The rising death rates for young white adults, ages 25 to 34, make them the first generation since the Vietnam War years to experience higher death rates in early adulthood than the previous generation,” according to the story from Gina Kolata and Sarah Cohen.

The report added that the increased death rates for white drug overdoses and suicides “have erased the benefits from advances in medical treatment for most age groups of whites” and “are running counter to those of chronic diseases” such as heart disease.

Also, in an op-ed in the New York Times, Andrew J. Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University, unpacked the issue of white people killing themselves with drugs and drinking themselves to death. Cherlin articulates the concept of reference group theory, which helps us understand how people behave. Under the theory, people view how their life is going based on how they stand compared to their parents. Blacks and Latinos have always known hard times in the country and yet they are far more positive about the future. Whites, on the other hand, have everything and always did, and they are earning and owning far more than people of color. Comparing themselves to the previous generation of whites, who had more economically than the current generation, today’s white folks feel worse off:

And here is one solution to the death-rate conundrum: It’s likely that many non-college-educated whites are comparing themselves to a generation that had more opportunities than they have, whereas many blacks and Hispanics are comparing themselves to a generation that had fewer opportunities.

Black folks, on the other hand, never had any high expectations for anything, though we always suffered and continue to suffer to this day. And now that drug addiction has changed in complexion, white America gets help when all we got were cops and prisons.



May 30, 2015
This article is a non-starter (though well-intentioned), the complexion of addicts never changed to begin with. Whites have always been using and selling drugs more prevalently as a group, they simply are not anywhere near as likely to be arrested and incarcerated for it as we are. The media spin is little more than that; if anything, the War on Drugs is slowly but surely becoming unpopular and they're spinning the narrative accordingly. You didn't see these white faces in the 90s because the War on Drugs was in full swing, they weren't about to put their own addicts on blast while declaring (black) drug users and dealers to be public enemy #1.


Apr 21, 2013
If you have time you should check out this doc on the war on drugs. It explores the racialized agenda of the government and media in regards to the war on drugs and incarceration. It features Freeway Rick, T.Rodgers and Chico Brown.

@KidStranglehold You tend to share a interest about Los Angeles. This segment at 57:10 explores the mass migration of blacks out of Los angeles .

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
If you have time you should check out this doc on the war on drugs. It explores the racialized agenda of the government and media in regards to the war on drugs and incarceration. It features Freeway Rick, T.Rodgers and Chico Brown.

@KidStranglehold You tend to share a interest about Los Angeles. This segment at 57:10 explores the mass migration of blacks out of Los angeles .

So again it not because of the media fairytale of Mexicans gangs ethnic cleansing blacks out... Will watch more of it later.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
If you have time you should check out this doc on the war on drugs. It explores the racialized agenda of the government and media in regards to the war on drugs and incarceration. It features Freeway Rick, T.Rodgers and Chico Brown.

@KidStranglehold You tend to share a interest about Los Angeles. This segment at 57:10 explores the mass migration of blacks out of Los angeles .

Also it seems the city purposely wanted to lower the cost of where blacks lived.

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
Sounds like we need to revise that infamous godfather scene :jawalrus:

I don't want it near schools! I don't want it sold to children! That's an infamia. In my city, we would keep the traffic with the cac people, the ghosts. They're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
America wasn't showing any type of compassion when heroin and crack cocaine was ravaging the inner cities of America in the 70's and 80's. All they wanted was to throw people of color under the bus and sweep the problem away.

Indeed.....The boldness in the hypocrisy.............


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
Does this mean the jumpout boys are going to be kicking down those gated upper middle class suburban drug houses?:troll:


All that money the government can get out of these cac dope heads......nah ain't even going to happen....not to their precious brethren........why you think they went over to Afghanistan.......they going to dope em up, keep em safe and then treat them and get them well, just as long as they keep comin back for more or sending more prospects..........The so called "War On Drugs" was a metaphor, for "War on Black People"....cacs can sell dope,smoke dope and kill over dope one night and be your mailman the next day...........

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
This article is a non-starter (though well-intentioned), the complexion of addicts never changed to begin with. Whites have always been using and selling drugs more prevalently as a group, they simply are not anywhere near as likely to be arrested and incarcerated for it as we are. The media spin is little more than that; if anything, the War on Drugs is slowly but surely becoming unpopular and they're spinning the narrative accordingly. You didn't see these white faces in the 90s because the War on Drugs was in full swing, they weren't about to put their own addicts on blast while declaring (black) drug users and dealers to be public enemy #1.

Yep. The addicts by and large have always been White. That is why the judicial and penal systems around the Country have always advocated treatment for users rather than incarceration. Conversely, the same system advocated incarceration for sellers; even if they themselves were users too. It goes without saying that the system has always tried to show that the sellers were always Black.