Audio Documentary on Owen Hart’s Final Day


May 1, 2012
Brick City/Happy Valley
Cliff notes?

20 years already. I still remember the day. :mjcry:

Cliff notes: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

WhatCulture has a recap of the piece:

10 Things We Learned From Owen Hart’s Final Day: A POST Profile

Man it’s really been 20 years, I remember I was like one of my dad’s friends house after it happened. I was just 8 years old and didn’t really know much about wrestling besides the fact both WWF and WCW were popular. I didn’t have cable as a kid so I always felt left out when everybody was taking about wrestling Tuesday morning lol. But, I remember my father’s friend son was sad and upset about the death of this Owen Hart guy. All I remember of Owen Hart was he was on the WWF Warzone game we would play on N64 time to time.

I didn’t really much of a reaction it was sad to hear that this wrestler had died in the ring somehow. It wasn’t until the next day watching GMA as I was getting ready for school and seeing them interview the Hart family that I realized this was serious the way he died. I remember how sad and shocked all my classmates were on how Owen Hart died and I just how sad and solemn the conversation about him was.

Looking back after listening to this piece, man I would see why it would the media attention it did. From the reason Owen died, to the Hart family being a legendary wrestling family, to the fact the WWF went too far in trying to win the MNW with WCW with the stunt mocking Sting. All in that, this tragedy should’ve been a wake up call to Vince on treating his talent with more respect, but lmao that wasn’t the case and sadly only more tragedies happened under Vince’s watch. I’m glad with YouTube and social media over the years I got to watch and listen to Owen Hart’s great matches and moments. I got to appreciate not only what a great talent he was, but a great person as well.