"Bachelor in Paradise" Show suspended Because drunk PAWG Tried To Have Sex With a Black Man


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
:hubie:To be fair, she NEVER explicitly threw him under the bus in public or to the media & according to them they regularly kept in contact & were friendly, which is why he never threw her under the bus either & always caped for her in the media.

Also DeMario has said he wants to work in Television/Media, so of course he gonna play the game.

Wait is this true? I haven't been keeping up with this but i could have sworn she had said something damning about him. I at least thought she was onboard with the allegations.

Yes. Corrinne NEVER once blamed/shytted/scapegoated Demario for this scandal/controversy all. Whenever she would talk about it, she would talk about it as an unfortunate incident & threw the producers under the bus. But never DeMario.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
:mjgrin:@MalikX Looks like all is well between them:

Corinne Olympios Kisses DeMario Jackson After ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Controversy: Photos

By Megan French 8/31/17


Reunited! Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson happened to run into each other at sbe's Nightingale Plaza in Los Angeles on Wednesday, August 31, and they made it clear that they’re putting the past behind them. The duo hugged and looked happy to see each other.

This is the first time the pair have been spotted together since production on Bachelor in Paradise was shut down earlier this summer. Both stars opted not to return to complete the season after a full investigation by Warner Bros. found no evidence of misconduct by any party.

Scroll to see pics of Olympios and Jackson’s reunion below:


Friends Again
Olympios jumped up and wrapped her legs around Jackson. She even gave him a smooch on the cheek.


All Good Here
As previously reported, a Bachelor in Paradise producer filed a complaint of alleged sexual misconduct in the workplace after witnessing the pair getting hot and heavy. Olympios recently said on Good Morning America that she has no recollection of the incident after she unintentionally blacked out from a combination of alcohol and medication.


Kiss and Make Up
“It really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went, like, under anesthesia and then just, like, woke up,” the Miami native said on GMA. “I’ve seen some of the footage, yeah, and obviously I watched the first episode. It’s like I’m not watching me. I’m watching someone else. I was, like, in shock.”


No Bad Blood
The Bachelor alum made it clear during her sit-down with Chris Harrison, which aired on August 29, that she doesn’t blame Jackson. “I honestly don’t think he did anything wrong,” Olympios said. “I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault. It’s just a really unfortunate, annoying situation that had to go down.”


All Smiles
After getting emotional while sharing his side of the story in an interview with Harrison last week, Jackson looked much happier during his meet-up with Olympios. He explained what happened during the alleged pool incident. “We got turnt up. We’re at bar hanging out. One thing leads to another and we’re making out,” he said to Harrison. “One thing leads to another, and the pool gets a little intense, and I didn’t think anything of it.” He added that they had a “great” breakfast together the next morning.


Onward and Upward
The executive recruiter wanted people to know that not everything they read is true. “I’m not that monster that they’re trying to portray on TV,” he insisted to Harrison. “Like Michelle Obama said, ‘When they go low, you go high.’ It was hard to go high.”


Hug It Out
Jackson also claimed that race played a factor in the headline-making situation. “I think people wanted it to be something different,” he told The Hollywood Reporter in August. “They wanted the angry black guy and this little, innocent white girl. But it wasn’t that.”


Moving On
Since the controversy, Olympios said she’s “doing a lot better.” She told Harrison that she’s been spending time with her family, and her mom, Peri, who’s been staying with her.

Peri exclusively told Us Weekly that their family “got through a lot” in the last few months. “There are times you need your parents and you need your family,” she told Us. “And her sister was there and her dad was there and that makes all the difference to get through this."
He drawling.....look I love white women too but once a chick accuse me of rape or any sort of serious sexual impropriety, I wouldn't even accept as much as a phone call from the hoe again. He got lucky last time as there were cameras showing what went down. That chick was trying to ruin his life. What is there for them to talk about :hhh:

Video footage:

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson hooked up again -- literally -- and DeMario said something during the encounter that registered in a big way on our BS detector.

Olympios sat down with ET the morning after she and Jackson saw each for the first time since the 'Bachelor in Paradise' shutdown. The star is now moving on with new TV projects and a clothing line

O³ (O cubed)

No more PAWGs, PLEASE??!!!??
Mar 8, 2017
Hackney, London
Yes. Corrinne NEVER once blamed/shytted/scapegoated Demario for this scandal/controversy all. Whenever she would talk about it, she would talk about it as an unfortunate incident & threw the producers under the bus. But never DeMario.
But did she outright say that he didn't do anything inappropriate? If she didn't say anything to defend DeMario then she is just as guilty.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
Is Pawg p*ssy that good? :wtf:

There's level to this shyt. I find white women attractive but, that nikka is a c00n :ufdup:

No self respecting black man would be buddy buddy with someone that almost ruined his life. Whenever you Google this kid's name for the rest of his days, the rape case will be attached to it. All because of her. But he's buddy buddy with the broad. smh.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
:gladbron: @MalikX This nikka DeMario went there:

There’s certainly no love lost between Rachel Lindsay and DeMario Jackson.

On Monday, Jackson, 30, took it upon himself to discuss the former Bachelorette’s preference in men at length during an appearance on The E&G Podcast, alleging that she only took interest in white men during her recent season of the ABC reality dating show.

While Jackson admitted he was only in the house for two weeks before he was sent home, he claimed that “from the beginning, you knew that she was attracted to white men.”

“You knew that. No disrespect, you just knew,” he said of Lindsay, 32. “She had that vibe. From night one, we all sat down, all the guys and I said, ‘They’re going to have a black representative, either myself or Eric [Bigger], and they’re going to have Dean [Unglert], Peter [Kraus], and Bryan [Abasolo] as the final four.’ We all caught that. I mean, it was obvious.”

Jackson claimed he knew from the start that either himself or Bigger (who did ultimately make it to the final three) would be amongst the finalists.

“I said, ‘It’s either going to be myself or Eric,’ just for the fact that I feel like Eric and I both have … I mean, we have different but similar personalities and we’re both … pretty good for TV,” he said. “It’s either me, the wild and crazy black guy, or it’s going to be the very spiritual, down-to-earth, positive motivating guy. Then you have Dean because he’s f—— drop dead gorgeous, Dean’s beautiful as f—. Then you have Peter and Bryan, who from night one you knew that they were into her.”

Jackson went on to criticize the way he perceived Lindsay’s interactions with some of the men.

“What is portrayed out here is this sweet, nice, caring, compassionate girl, but it was like, the total opposite. There were times in the episodes where you could just tell that she just wasn’t interested in any of the black guys,” he said. “I remember one specific episode where she had her one-on-one with Kenny [Layne], and Kenny was telling her about his daughter and she’s just sitting there with this unbothered look. And then you see her talk to Dean and she’s just like, head over heels. You can kind of tell.

In response to Jackson’s claims, Lindsay commented on a photo from the podcast’s official Instagram page that was promoting Jackson’s appearance.

“Says the guy that dated Lexi,” she wrote, referencing Jackson’s ex, Lexi Thexton, who appeared on an early episode of The Bachelorette and accused Jackson of having signed onto the show without ending their relationship.

“Demario never knew me and still doesn’t,” added Lindsay.

But despite some of Jackson’s harsher comments — he also said he thinks Lindsay’s final pick and fiancé Bryan Abasolo was a “consolation” prize — he still sent both of them his regards.

“I’m not disrespecting Bryan at all,” he insisted. “Great guy … he was focused, locked in on Rachel the whole entire time. Much love to him, much love to her, and I hope they have beautiful mixed little babies.”