BBC: "We're (lesbians) are being forced into sex by trans women"

Apr 30, 2012
The problem with people like you is you're dishonest and not as smart as you think.

You want to go down the path of discrediting something based on the pioneer? :mjgrin:

Let us talk about John Money.....
Let's talk about John Money he says.


Doubling down, tripling down and quadrupling down on being wrong, where your ignorance (arrogance too, in this case) leads you to not actually addressing the matter where this blatant subterfuge has everyone in hysterics of this alleged sexual predatory phenomena of an already stigmatized group, from another stigmatized group [the lesbians], who've taken on the form of a crab in the LGBT bucket, doing whatever it takes to pull themselves out, even handing pitchforks to an actual lesbian rapist to march against what is essentially the illusion of lesbians being raped by trans people.

This is akin to a self-fulfilling prophecy, where your confirmation bias wants you to believe these small-scale accounts are a part of a larger issue, that you're willing to believe fabricated machinations that you actually acknowledge to be, but ultimately turn a blind eye to, all because it may someday turn out to be true.

This isn't a pioneering movement. This is lesbians begging for attention because their plight has been pushed to the side in favor of trans people, and the only way they can get back to the front of queue and have their minority-cards stamped, is to poison the chalice from which the public views trans people from. And you're out here gladly drinking from it, cognizant of what's in it, and preaching that this is going to lead to some empirical outcome on some Jonestown shyt.

You're sick in the head. You need to seek help for your mental illness, not for your own sake, but for those who unfortunately come into contact with you.
You played yourself. The fact of the matter is society has been more than generous and accommodating where the issue on gender identity is concerned.

People graciously overlook the intent of the people pushing certain issues in an attempt to focus on the actual issues. The same should apply here.
Do you hear yourself?


I know you have absolutely no concept of the racial dynamic in America (it's come to my knowledge you're a foreigner who lives elsewhere), but this type of rationality is the reality in which white folks have forced us to exist in for the last 400-odd years. We've been more than generous and accommodating said the slave masters; we've graciously overlooked the intent of pushing certain issues (like human rights) said the slave masters.

And then that has mutated into the denial and tone-deafness of how anything and everything that has not been afforded to us, as humans, ever since.

That is you right here. You're looking for some get-back in the most undeserved and warped sense possible.
Their intention in this case is a matter of opinion, but ultimately it doesn't matter. What matters if they have shed light on an issue affecting many people within the LGBT community.

You crying and calling foul isn't going to get people to look the other way.
This isn't affecting many people, that's the entire point.

This was taken from a tweet in response:

"There are 33,818,578 women (16+) in the UK. Of those, about 1.1% are lesbians. From that, we can estimate that there about 372,004 lesbian women in total. The BBC article in discussion today sampled just 80 lesbians for it's data. That's 0.0215051451% of the relevant population."

Read that carefully and marinate on it.

It's affecting a fraction of a fraction, of a fraction, of a carefully curated dog-whistling narrative designed only to deceive.

Hell, I bet a trans person could easily replicate a vice versa article, where they'd manipulate data and find other trans people who've been sexually assaulted by lesbians. And I've only just come to realize, here you are in one breath damming trans people and their objectives, but in the next breath you're showing concern for an alleged issue that is "affecting many people within the LGBT community", which means one of three things: either you're gay/lesbian yourself, you're in bed politically with alt-right gays, or you're someone who has complete warped sense of the world around them that you're willing to break your moral code on an anonymous msgboard, to the point where you're masquerading as anti-LGBT one minute, and then pro-LGBT the next, just to refrain from admitting to being wrong.

It doesn't matter anyway, because no matter what you say (apart from finally admitting you're in the wrong), I'm not going to believe you. Do better in life, cause this ain't it, chief.

Apr 30, 2012
It's funny how folks on this board are quick to point out the mental illness of groups, when this board, itself, has a huge problem with its posters suffering from mental illness. Nobody is taking measures to address it though.



Death to the demoness Allegra Geller
Aug 24, 2017
It's funny how folks on this board are quick to point out the mental illness of groups, when this board, itself, has a huge problem with its posters suffering from mental illness. Nobody is taking measures to address it though.

Do you believe transwomen are women? Yes or no?
Is the penis of transwoman a female sex organ? Y or N?

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
This is hilarious. Dudes dressing up as women to link up with lesbians.


The only stock I have in this is for folks not to believe bullshyt, no matter the subject matter and no matter how much or how little connection I have to it. Y'all fell for the lesbian okey doke.


Funny how this post was ignored.


Let me get this straight:

The author used a lesbian [anti-trans foundation] questionnaire and used the account of a lesbian porn star, who's a serial rapist, as sources for her hit-piece about the alleged predatory behavior of trans people on lesbians.

You can't make this shyt up. These lesbians have hoodwinked all y'all mfers. @Umoja


:heh:Whatever the tranny lobby is paying is nowhere near enough.