Bernie and some House Dems want to expand Medicare For All - Exactly As Its Architects Wanted


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Bernie Sanders Wants to Expand Medicare to Everybody — Exactly What Its Architects Wanted

BERNIE SANDERS DOESN’T just want to play defense on health care — he’s introducing a bill that would expand the Medicare program to everybody in America, creating a single-payer health care system.

Such a system would wipe out inefficiencies in our current, private insurance-run system, and polls very well — yet it is opposed by the health care industry and the Democratic and Republican establishments that relies on them for campaign cash.

But creating a “Medicare-for-all,” single-payer health insurance system for all Americans would be fulfilling the dream of those who created the Medicare system in the first place in 1965.

Medicare’s architects ended up compromising with Congress and establishing a system that offered public-run health insurance just for the elderly, but they never intended for only retirees to benefit from the program.

Retired senior citizens carry pro-Medicare signs in an undated photo.
Photo: Bettmann Archive

Medicare’s Roots and a Vision Unfulfilled

Yale political scientist Theodore Marmore, commenting on Medicare, once wrote that no “other industrial democracy” other than the United States “has compulsory health insurance for its elderly citizens alone, and none started a program with such a beneficiary group.”

The reason Medicare was offered only to senior citizens is a tale of legislative compromise, not intellectual intent.

Since Theodore Roosevelt ran on a platform of health insurance for all industrial workers as a presidential candidate for the Bull Moose Party in 1912, offering government-backed health insurance to workers has been a progressive cause. Franklin Roosevelt proposed guaranteeing a right to health care shortly before his death; his successor Harry Truman worked hard to pass a form of single-payer health insurance, but was defeated in Congress after a smear campaign led by the American Medical Association that associated the president’s plan with the Soviet Union.

Thus reformers decided to focus on the most sympathetic part of the population, which the health insurance industry had the least interest in covering: the elderly.

Robert Ball was the commissioner of Social Security under presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, and one of the officials who was involved in the push to create Medicare. In 1995, he wrote a short history of how the Johnson administration and its allies in civic society passed Medicare for the journal Health Affairs.

For persons who are trying to understand what we were up to, the first broad point to keep in mind is that all of us who developed Medicare and fought for it — including Nelson Cruikshank and Lisbeth Schorr of the AFL-CIO and [Under Secretary for Health, Education, and Welfare] Wilbur Cohen, [long-time Social Security administration official] Alvin David, [the Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council’s] Bill Fullerton, [Social Security Administration officials] Art Hess, Ida Merriam, Irv Wolkstein, myself, and others at the Social Security Administration — had been advocates of universal national health insurance. We all saw insurance for the elderly as a fallback position, which we advocated solely because it seemed to have the best chance politically. Although the public record contains some explicit denials, we expected Medicare to be a first step toward universal national health insurance, perhaps with “Kiddicare” as another step.

After the passage of the initial program, Johnson administration officials didn’t wait long before calling for expanding health coverage. Johnson explained to Congress in his 1968 State of the Union address that he wanted a “child health program to provide, over the next five years, for families unable to afford it, access to health services from prenatal care of the mother through the child’s first year.” Cohen was tasked by the president to design the program, which Ball refers to above as “Kiddie Care.”

The war in Vietnam and Johnson’s fraying political coalition made Kiddie Care a vision that remained unfulfilled. Today, the United States continues to have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.

All that Sanders is trying to do is fulfill the original promise of Medicare, by expanding it to everyone.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Instead of wasting time on a Russia probe that will not accomplish anything, progressives need to focus their attention on getting this passed.

I posted this on some pro-Trump FB pages and they loved it



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Instead of wasting time on a Russia probe that will not accomplish anything, progressives need to focus their attention on getting this passed.
You mean like stopping his travel ban?

or stopping his Obamacare repeal?

Or is it the push back on various policies he realizes he can't get through?

Its been 10 weeks of hell for the GOP
, the fukk are you CUCKS smoking?

Sack up :pacspit:

THE PEOPLE have been putting in work...and its only 10 weeks. How fast you want this shyt done?


Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I support it but it won't happen anytime soon. Medicare for all would effectively kill the insurance industry, who would spend millions of dollars to prevent that. We saw this in 2009 when Medicare for All was being discussed as a part of Obamacare and Joe Lieberman single handedly shytcanned the attempt.

A more feasible idea for the short term would be to simply raise the Medicaid expansion income requirement. Right now the Medicaid expansion applies to individuals who make less than 16k a year, and families (of three) that make 27k a year. Raising the edibility for individuals to 35k, and families to (insert whatever you think make sense) would instantly transform healthcare in America. No it wouldn't cover everyone, but the point would be to begin slowly phasing more and more people in by raising the rate.

Imagine how much financial freedom that would provide for the working class. And imagine the money businesses would save by not having to pay for healthcare for those employees.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
I understand what Single Payer is, but can y'all explain to me what a "Public Option" is?
The public option would have operated much like Medicare, whereby people under age 65 could buy health insurance from the federal government. The federal government, under these plans, would dictate or negotiate what they would pay to health care providers.

When the ACA was being formulated, there was some question about whether medical providers would have been forced to participate (and therefore forced to work for less money even when private insurers would have paid them more). Additionally, the premiums for the public option plans would likely have been artificially lower than the market rates offered by private insurers, raising antitrust issues (though we're seeing the private insurers violating antitrust everyday anyway), though at least one version of the legislation involved charging premiums that were higher than the premiums offered by private insurers.

It would have served as the gateway for single payer... but Joe fukking Lieberman single handily killed it.