Bernie Sanders statement on Trump victory

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
There's nothing else wrong with her besides that. But a black female breh?

Maybe I'm a pessimist but I think Obama was the exception not the norm.
Have u ever seen Nina Turner. Lets see if she could win a congressional seat b4 we nominate her for fukkin POTUS. I just don't see that being realistic. Tulsi either. For President. . . :snoop:


May 1, 2012
Bonus question: What were the political affiliations of the Presidents who championed those trade deals and signed them into law? You can phone a friend if you want.

And :mjlol: at you still thinking Trump campaigned as a traditional Republican. You still don't get it :laff:

I'll just leave this here again

Hillary is part of the establishment...just like OG Bill Clintion, both Bushes, and even Beloved Barack Obama...all of these candidates are bought out by lobbyists and have them as a priority over the American people...this country is run by corporations and because of this it has total disregard for the lower and middle class...meaning that a vote for Hillary ensures that Wall St keeps siphoning money from hard working Americans and basically causing everyone to work to an exausted heap with no real benefit or gain.

History of Labor from US Labor Statistics. This began with Reagan, and continued with GOP written and diced up bills. Do the research on WHY good paying American jobs have been oursourced since Reagan's era and beyond. Many sold us out, not just one party - Fascists.


Remember, a union (The AFL) fought and purged Communism from the labor movements worldwide.

1950’s The CEO pay was 50 times higher than the average worker Corporate profits were slightly over $1 billion dollars The Teamsters expelled from AFL union affiliation for corrupt behavior. UAW helped fund and support the Civil Rights Movement. Cesar Chavez help form United Farm Workers for migrant farm labor.

1975 Corporate profits rising, slowing at $100 billion, along with workers wage growth. 1980 Average corporate profit rise to $200 billion. Labor law changes – Right to Work instituted as a way to bust unions

1981-85 Air Traffic Controllers go on strike over safety and retirement concerns.
Reagan makes ultimatum. Fired 13, 000 workers. The average first year raise fell from 7.2% to a negative 1.2 % Salaries of unionized workers also fell, relative to non-union workers.

1986 NAFTA discussions began

1992 Corporate profits rose to over $300 billion with steady rise along with worker wages.

1994 NAFTA became law, allowing free trade between export and import.1996 CEO pay is now 350 times higher than the average American worker, compared to the 50 times higher statistics of 1950.

1997 Corporations began outsourcing American jobs to foreign countries Union busting continues, COLA increases as wages fall. Trade imbalance began as American exports plummet rapidly.

1998 Corporate profits are almost 600%.

2002-10 Corporate profits skyrocket to $1.4 trillion. CEO pay and bonuses skyrocket to 758% more than the average

2015 TPP deal is made which will remove even more jobs from America

In a nutshell this is why we cant save...our jobs are being outsourced to Habib and the system is designed to keep the rich rich and the poor poor...Thank cacs and the GOP...especially Regan and Clinton which is the bolded...every detrimental deal done was from members of the establishment...Voting for Hillary is voting for more of the same

Said this months ago

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
This is why you shouldn't jump into the middle of a conversation that doesn't concern you.

You're so confused about american history that you simply do not understand the range of philosophies within the Democratic Party. You prove my point every time you bring up Clinton and Obama being Democrats. I've already explained and proven why NAFTA is a Republican trade deal. The author was a republican. The mechanisms with which the trade deal operates are republican principles. This is what I mean when I say you can't add 2 and 2. NEO-LIBERALS LOVE REPUBLICAN MARKET PRINCIPLES. Where they differ is market oversight and government regulation.

The statement "it's a bi-partisan effort" only hurts Democrats. If there is equal blame to go around for this bill, then why are only Democrats suffering for the sins of 93. The reason: dumbasses like you can't see this as anything other than a Clinton bill - notice your first retort wasn't about the congressional democrats who voted for the bill, but the democratic president who signed it. I even explained how thinking that was wrong because Clinton was conceding and compromising on pro-labor ideas with to build credibility with the Republican moderate base. Everything, everything, about that bill is Republican.

Just admit that up until last night you knew nothing about the background of NAFTA. We get into this showdown every time because you want to prove you're smarter than you really are.

Again, stop jumping into threads and talking about shyt you don't know about. You don't know anything b.

I'm sorry, where was this "range of philosophies" talk when you clumsily blamed one party for these shytty trade deals? By saying NAFTA and TPP are Republican trade deals, you're necessarily and ahistorically ignoring the FACT that these deals had bi-partisan support. You explained that NAFTA was a Republican trade showing that over 50% of Democratic Senators and 40% of Democratic Representatives supported it? Does that look like a partisan effort to you? :mjlol:

Of course the statement "it's a bi-partisan effort" hurts Democrats. That's exactly why I said it. Democrats should hurt for what they've done. You're allowing the neoliberals hiding under the Democratic banner to skirt blame for their deeds by saying these were Republican deals. The two previous Democratic presidents have championed these deals. fukkin Obama is using the last ounce of his lame duck political capital to push TPP :mjlol:. Stop trying to save this party, let it burn and rebuild itself.

:deadmanny: at you calling me confused while confusing Republican for Neoliberal. There are plenty of Democratic neoliberals. They are the dominant ideology of the party, for fukks sake. Neoliberal ≠ Republican. Republican and Democrat are party affiliations, not political ideologies. They're shells. The Democratic party of 50 years ago was still Democrat, but had a very different ideology than the Democratic party of this day. The ideology changed, the affiliation stayed the same. Same goes for Republicans.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

I'm sorry, where was this "range of philosophies" talk when you clumsily blamed one party for these shytty trade deals? By saying NAFTA and TPP are Republican trade deals, you're necessarily and ahistorically ignoring the FACT that these deals had bi-partisan support.

:mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown: :mindblown:

How many times must this be explained to you? I'm out.