Best Game of Thrones battle? (Season 1-6 spoilers)

Which GoT battle is the best battle?

  • Blackwater - season two (Lannister vs. [Stannis] Baratheon)

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Battle of Castle Black - season four (Night's Watch vs. Wildlings)

    Votes: 12 18.8%
  • Hardhome - season five (NW/wildlings vs White Walkers/wights)

    Votes: 19 29.7%
  • Battle of the b*stards - season six (Jon Snow/Starks vs. Ramsay/Boltons)

    Votes: 30 46.9%
  • Cave of the Three-Eyed Raven - season six (Children of the Forest vs. White Walkers)

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Ironborn Sea Battle - season seven (Greyjoys vs. Greyjoys)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
So I'm on vacation and watching a GoT marathon and there are so many good battles - mainly one per season, but I don't remember a major battle from seasons one or three. (Remind me, brehs and brehettes.)

I've always thought the Three-Eyed Raven (3ER) battle is seriously underrated; meanwhile, I've always thought the Battle of the b*stards (BotB) is overrated as hell. I know many people consider it the GOAT, but I remember being bored by it all. We all knew Jon would win, and the only thing that was a surprise to me was the arrival of the Knights of the Vale. I also have no idea why people were so pissed w/Sansa withholding that information - had Jon known about them, he would've just gotten them all prematurely killed anyway. (RIP to my nikka Wun Wun.) I also think any battle w/the wildlings tend to get overlooked - very few people rank the Battle of Castle Black with the rest of battles, but I think it's a terrific one.

Still, w/both my hands tied, I'd have to go with Blackwater as my fave, even though it kills me to vote against Hardhome. I guess it's b/c Hardhome was such a lopsided battle, whereas Blackwater was razor thin to the end, even WITH the wildfire. (Remember, Stannis n'nem STILL stormed the shores.) I've given a spot (and discussion) for other battles, but note that I consider a battle to be a two-sided (or more) fight between parties, not individual people. That's why I've left out events like the Sept of Baelor (season six) or one-on-one battles (Martell vs. the Mountain, Bronn vs. Ser Vardis, etc).

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
b*stards is one of the best large scale battle sequences ever put to film, and that's including tv and movies, so on that level it's the easy answer. It's technically flawless.

But I do have issues with some of the characterization - problems I don't have with Blackwater, Hardhome, or Battle at Castle Black.

In the end, I think b*stards is easily the best television battle. But I still would say Blackwater is the best Game of Thrones battle. I think there is a difference.

*note I'm referencing the downtime in the battle as well, not just the fighting.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
b*stards is one of the best large scale battle sequences ever put to film, and that's including tv and movies, so on that level it's the easy answer. It's technically flawless.

But I do have issues with some of the characterization - problems I don't have with Blackwater, Hardhome, or Battle at Castle Black.

In the end, I think b*stards is easily the best television battle. But I still would say Blackwater is the best Game of Thrones battle. I think there is a difference.

*note I'm referencing the downtime in the battle as well, not just the fighting.
We on the same page.... The behind the scenes of b*stards could be a movie in itself. Its staggering the scale and attention to detail on display. Knowing that and having just a bit of film knowledge I'd slap myself to not say its GOAT.

Castle Black hit on that characterization you spoke of and stayed personal with all of the characters involved. I don't think America ever turned on a GOOD KID faster than they did after that little b*stard killed Ygrette.

Mr. Manhattan

May 3, 2012
Hardhome because of the element of surprise and chaos that hit outta nowhere. Whitewalkers getting screentime and showin their power and threat. Jon Snow vs the Whitewalker was intense as fukk
Given the shows nature of killing off characters i really thought it was over for Snowman. The special effects were top notch

Battle of the b*stards you knew it was a battle and you knew it was gonna be epic
but i really didnt fear for Snowmans life
definetly a close second
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May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
So I'm on vacation and watching a GoT marathon and there are so many good battles - mainly one per season, but I don't remember a major battle from seasons one or three. (Remind me, brehs and brehettes.)

I've always thought the Three-Eyed Raven (3ER) battle is seriously underrated; meanwhile, I've always thought the Battle of the b*stards (BotB) is overrated as hell. I know many people consider it the GOAT, but I remember being bored by it all. We all knew Jon would win, and the only thing that was a surprise to me was the arrival of the Knights of the Vale. I also have no idea why people were so pissed w/Sansa withholding that information - had Jon known about them, he would've just gotten them all prematurely killed anyway. (RIP to my nikka Wun Wun.) I also think any battle w/the wildlings tend to get overlooked - very few people rank the Battle of Castle Black with the rest of battles, but I think it's a terrific one.

Still, w/both my hands tied, I'd have to go with Blackwater as my fave, even though it kills me to vote against Hardhome. I guess it's b/c Hardhome was such a lopsided battle, whereas Blackwater was razor thin to the end, even WITH the wildfire. (Remember, Stannis n'nem STILL stormed the shores.) I've given a spot (and discussion) for other battles, but note that I consider a battle to be a two-sided (or more) fight between parties, not individual people. That's why I've left out events like the Sept of Baelor (season six) or one-on-one battles (Martell vs. the Mountain, Bronn vs. Ser Vardis, etc).

Jon's entire purpose for entering that battle as to save Rickon. Sansa manipulated him into that battle because she wanted revenge and she wanted to reclaim Winterfell. Jon gave two fukks about Winterfell. THATS why people are pissed at Sansa, for manipulating Jon because she knew nobody would follow just her.

I still :pacspit: at Sansa for that bullshyt she pulled during that entire encounter. If I was Jon, after Winterfell was reclaimed I would've told her to fukk off and left her there


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
Castle Black for me. So many gifs were generated from that battle.

First time we saw the giants and them wrecking shyt.
That crazy one take.
Jon Snow really showing us his fighting skills.
Tormund also showing his skills.
Alliser fighting alongside the night's watch after that speech.
The cook.
Ygrit sniping everybody.
Grenn and the night's watch reciting the oath with one of the giants rushing them.
Dropping that scythe.

Hardhome is my (close) 2nd
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Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Alliser fighting alongside the night's watch after that speech.

BREH. Thorne was the biggest prick alive, but after his rallying speech, I wanted to take up arms and join the Night's Watch. Honestly, we could have a thread based on the best GOT speeches alone.

Speaking of which, here's Tyrion rallying the Lannister troops after Joffrey's punk ass left them on the battlefield:

Jon's entire purpose for entering that battle as to save Rickon. Sansa manipulated him into that battle because she wanted revenge and she wanted to reclaim Winterfell.

I'll have to go back and rewatch that ep. What I remember was her clearly telling Jon that there was nothing they could do to save Rickon, and begging him not to do what Ramsay wanted him to do...which was exactly what Jon did. I watch the eps in order (like I don't know what's going to happen!) and I'm only on season three, but I'll be sure to pay attention when I rewatch that ep.

Castle Black hit on that characterization you spoke of and stayed personal with all of the characters involved. I don't think America ever turned on a GOOD KID faster than they did after that little b*stard killed Ygrette.

I had no problem with him killing Ygrette. But (slightly O/T) wasn't it kind of harsh for Jon to hang Olly, considering how brainwashed he was? If anybody was going to convince the poor kid he was doing the right thing, it was Thorne (who honestly DID believe he was doing the right thing). I wonder whether he could've been deprogrammed.

I'm surprised there's no love for the Three-Eyed Raven battle - that's the first battle I remember that actually involved magic forces on top of physical battle. (RIP Summer!) I wonder if Hodor is going to come back as a White Walker or a Wight?
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