Betsy DeVos rolls back regulations holding for-profit colleges accountable


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012

Alan Pyke

Deputy Economic Policy Editor, ThinkProgress. Poverty, criminal-justice profiteering, police violence, & robber barons. Tips:
Jun 15
Betsy DeVos rolls back regulations holding for-profit colleges accountable
Trump’s team just killed two brand-new rules to protect students — and taxpayers — from scams like Trump University.


Education Secretary Betsy DeVos with President Donald Trump in Wisconsin on Tuesday. CREDIT: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Taxpayers and striving would-be students alike lost big on Wednesday. Twice.

The federal government will abandon two signature efforts to hold for-profit colleges accountable to the taxpayers who fund them or the Americans who take out loans to attend their classes, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced.

DeVos has canceled a pair of new regulations intended to thwart firms that over-promise and under-deliver on higher education credentials marketed primarily to lower-income adults eager to trade low-wage jobs for long-term careers. The move comes two months after DeVos rescinded another Obama-era policy aimed at protecting student loan borrowers from predatory debt servicers.

One of the now-ended federal policies is known as the “gainful employment rule.” It was hammered out over years of research and compromise, and was finalized in 2014. The policy restricted companies’ access to taxpayer-funded student loan dollars if too few of their graduates ultimately find jobs that pay well enough to allow them to repay their loans. While some critics worried the final rule was too lax, the outgoing Obama team announced that some 800 programs nationwide were failing to meet its standards as of early January.

The other rule DeVos canceled Wednesday is no less important to ensuring for-profit schools aren’t swindling vulnerable people into mountains of needless debt only to leave them with useless degrees. Known as “defense to repayment,” or DTR, the second rule established a formal process for students who believe they were defrauded by an educational company to seek the cancellation of their loans.

DTR remains conceptually grounded in the law itself, meaning DeVos’ regulatory annulment throws wronged students’ lives into chaos but does not permanently deprive them of recourse. The DTR process evolved out of the massive Corinthian Colleges scandal, after multiple state Attorneys General and thousands of self-organized for-profit students who’d been tricked by a now-defunct company went on strike from their debts. They invoked a dusty old piece of law to argue that Corinthian’s victims should not have to repay the Education Department for loans issued in bad faith for a proven scam.

The Inside Story Of How A For-Profit College Hoodwinked Students And Got Away With It

The students initially had to create DTR petition forms themselves, because the government had never actually established how the right to seek debt relief was supposed to work. Thousands of DTR petitions remain unresolved today. DeVos’ agency has tried, without success thus far, to undermine the DTR process in court. By canceling the regulation Wednesday, she threw thousands of ongoing petitions into the wind — effectively scotching the nascent hopes of the many victims of Corinthian’s defunct Everest College brand.

“This means that the vast majority of former for-profit students who are fighting for relief are getting screwed over by the same administration that promised to ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington and look out for working Americans,” organizers from The Debt Collective wrote in a statement on DeVos’ decision. “Mark our words: we will fight today’s decision, in court and elsewhere.”

Politicians in both parties have long supported for-profit college companies in their pursuit of taxpayer dollars, despite substantial evidence that their degrees are of far lesser value than a degree from a traditional higher-education institution.

But the for-profit education business finally had its feathers ruffled a bit in 2016, when the Obama administration grudgingly approved a pair of new regulations. (As The Debt Collective noted in its Wednesday statement, DeVos is only able to disrupt ongoing debt relief work because the Obama team dragged its feet for over a year after Corinthian’s fraud had been laid bare — despite the Education Department itself having proven the case against the company.)

Both DTR and the gainful employment rule came in response to a raft of lawsuits and public pressure to tighten up the government’s grip on student loan dollars. The bipartisan coalition of for-profit boosters in Washington fought hard against even the more basic idea that for-profits must show their graduates were actually finding jobs. But the mountains of evidence that Corinthian, ITT Tech, and other prominent for-profit college brands were charging too much and delivering too little eventually pushed the feds to act.

‘A Pool Of Sharks’: Why For-Profit Colleges Are Descending On Shuttering Corinthian Campuses

DeVos was widely expected to go after the two rules eventually. In the days after President Donald Trump won the November election, the stock prices of publicly-traded for-profit schools leaped in anticipation of just such action. That same week, Trump himself paid $25 million to settle fraud allegations against his own defunct Trump University.

DeVos — a prominent advocate for the privatization of public education dollars at the primary and secondary level for years, and a billionaire born on the economic equivalent of third base — has had a rocky start.

Her confirmation hearings featured shadowy ethical nondisclosures and weird comments about bear attacks on schools. She needed Vice President Mike Pence to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate to confirm her nomination. At multiple public appearances since taking office, DeVos has been greeted with boos and protesters.

But while her attempts to engage with students, teachers, and the public have been a rough ride, Wednesday’s moves illustrate the durability of her substantive power as head of the federal educational bureaucracy.

Boo her all you want. When she gets back to the office, she can still open up the taxpayer-funded faucet and play rainmaker for private investors who advertise college-style credentials during re-runs of Jerry Springer and Judge Judy.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Wednesday the department is establishing rulemaking committees to rework the gainful employment and the borrow defense to repayment rules.
In a statement, DeVos said her first priority is to protect students but that last year’s rulemaking efforts missed an opportunity to get it right.

“The result is a muddled process that's unfair to students and schools, and puts taxpayers on the hook for significant costs,” she said.
“It's time to take a step back and make sure these rules achieve their purpose: helping harmed students. It's time for a regulatory reset.”



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Education Dept. Says It Will Scale Back Civil Rights Investigations


  • The Department of Education is scaling back investigations into civil rights violations at the nation’s public schools and universities, easing off mandates imposed by the Obama administration that the new leadership says have bogged down the agency.

    According to an internal memo issued by Candice E. Jackson, the acting head of the department’s office for civil rights, requirements that investigators broaden their inquiries to identify systemic issues and whole classes of victims will be scaled back. Also, regional offices will no longer be required to alert department officials in Washington of all highly sensitive complaints on issues such as the disproportionate disciplining of minority students and the mishandling of sexual assaults on college campuses.

    The new directives are the first steps taken under Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to reshape her agency’s approach to civil rights enforcement, which was bolstered while President Barack Obama was in office. The efforts during Mr. Obama’s administration resulted in far-reaching investigations and resolutions that required schools and colleges to overhaul policies addressing a number of civil rights concerns.

    That approach sent complaints soaring, and the civil rights office found itself understaffed and struggling to meet the department’s stated goal of closing cases within 180 days.

Charter School Founded by DeVos Family Reflects National Tensions JUNE 14, 2017

The office’s processing times have “skyrocketed,” the Education Department spokeswoman, Liz Hill, said, adding that its backlog of cases has “exploded.” The new guidelines were to ensure that “every individual complainant gets the care and attention they deserve,” she said.

In the memo, which was first published by ProPublica, Ms. Jackson emphasized that the new protocols were aimed at resolving cases quickly.

“Justice delayed is justice denied, and justice for many complainants has been denied for too long,” Ms. Hill said in a statement.

But civil rights leaders believe that the new directives will have the opposite effect. They say that Education Department staff members would be discouraged from opening cases and that investigations could be weakened because efficiency would take priority over thoroughness.

“If we want to have assembly-line justice, and I say ‘justice’ in quotes, then that’s the direction that we should go,” said Catherine Lhamon, who was the assistant secretary of the Education Department’s civil rights office under Mr. Obama, and who now heads the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Document: Read the Commission's Statement on Civil Rights Enforcement

The commission — an independent, bipartisan agency charged with advising the president and Congress on matters of civil rights — voted on Friday to conduct a two-year investigation of federal civil rights enforcement, saying it had “grave concerns” about the Trump administration’s agenda. The commission identified the Education Department as an agency that was particularly troubling.

Nevertheless, the department’s move was lauded by advocates who believe that the office for civil rights has been overzealous in its enforcement activities in recent years.

Robert Shibley, the executive director of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, an advocacy group, said the measures will be welcomed on college campuses where the department has overstepped in carrying out sexual assault investigations. The organization is financially supporting a lawsuit against the department over a letter issued in 2011 directing campuses to change the burden of proof in cases of sexual assault.

“So many of the campus hearings are kangaroo courts with low due process, and you can’t really have any confidence in the outcomes,” Mr. Shibley said.

Both sides of the civil rights issue keyed on the department’s decision to reverse its practice of automatically broadening investigations and scrutinizing years of data, searching for patterns of violations.

The practice of systematic reviews, which Ms. Lhamon supported while leading the civil rights office, uncovered significant evidence of discrimination in school districts.

“It’s really a way of curtailing the way civil rights enforcement should be handled,” Ms. Lhamon said, reacting to the department’s new direction. “It’s literally a stick your head in the sand approach.”

For example, the department received a complaint that a black student at the Lodi Unified School District in California, about an hour south of Sacramento, received harsher punishment than a white student after the two were in a fight.

According to a published settlement agreement, the investigation found that schools with higher percentages of black students established stricter punishment for discipline incidents, and a review of four years of data revealed that black students across the district received disproportionately higher levels of discipline than white students.

But Mr. Shibley said the practice of systematic reviews was a significant burden, especially on colleges and universities, which sometimes had to review years of previous sexual assault complaints, and remedy anything they were found to have mishandled.

“That was quite alarming from a double jeopardy and civil liberties perspective,” Mr. Shibley said.

Since her appointment as the education secretary, Ms. DeVos has come under fire from lawmakers and civil rights advocates for her remarks about the department’s role in enforcing civil rights laws in the public school system.

The office is charged with enforcing legal prohibitions against discrimination by race, color, national origin, sex and disability.

Ms. DeVos has denounced discrimination in any form and has said schools that receive federal funds must follow federal laws. But she also believes in a limited federal role in education. She has signaled that her office is “not going to be issuing any decrees” on civil rights and that those should come from Congress or the courts.

In the memo issued last week, Ms. Jackson wrote that the department would “robustly enforce the civil rights laws under our jurisdiction, and we will do so in a neutral, impartial manner and as efficiently as possible.”

Ms. Jackson issued another internal memo last week about how her office would respond to cases of discrimination after the rollback of Obama administration rules that encouraged states to allow transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity.

Ms. Hill, the department spokeswoman, declined to release the internal document, but said it guides staff members on how to “functionally execute on these cases.” Transgender cases will be investigated by the department “fully and fairly” and will not be dismissed or referred because of a lack of guidance.

However, the office has indicated that it will also be more judicious in tackling complaints in general.

In the administration’s budget request for the fiscal year that begins in October, the Education Department has proposed cutting more than 40 staff positions from the office for civil rights, which would require the office to “make difficult choices, including cutting back on initiating proactive investigations,” the department wrote.

@DEAD7 popping bottles tonight or what?