Between 2013-16, Maryland Illegally Spent $550 Million to Avoid Investing in HBCUs


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Historically black universities in Maryland have long been victimized by the state’s efforts to maintain two systems of higher education separating black students from white students. It has been a painful part of our reality of learning, teaching and graduating from HBCUs in the state for generations, but that pain is now a part of the federal legal record, thanks to an October 2013 federal court ruling by Judge Catherine Blake.

Bowie State University, Coppin State University, Morgan State University and the University of Marland Eastern Shore – four institutions which have yielded nearly all of the state’s remarkable history tied to African American innovation in governance, entrepreneurship, clergy, criminal justice, education and athletics, but have endured historically unprecedented discrimination from state lawmakers and education policy which has stolen trillions of dollars from the HBCUs in the way of redirected funding and student enrollment.

At some point, Maryland will have to pay for its racist history. And depending on how often the state appeals Judge Blake’s decision and how long the judicial system churns to produce a final result, it could be years before HBCUs are made whole. But one part of her more than 60-page ruling on this landmark case for HBCU parity stands out for just how much HBCUs have lost in the years where racism and politics have dictated the state’s higher ed industrial output.

The Frampton Commission recommended, for example, that Morgan would “serve as a branch of the University of Maryland in the Baltimore area far more logically than . . . Towson, as the Warfield report had recommended. The state ignored the Frampton Commission’s recommendation, and instead of turning Morgan into the University of Maryland’s Baltimore campus—to which it was well-suited—the state opted to create a new campus entirely, the University of Maryland at Baltimore County (“UMBC”). The state later acquired the University of Baltimore (“UB”) in 1973. The Baltimore Sun referred to the large number of public schools in Baltimore as the “mess in Baltimore.” The problem of duplicative institutions in Baltimore has never been addressed. In fact, in 2007, MHEC approved the admission of freshmen at UB, which had been limited to third and fourth year undergraduates, adding an additional four-year institution to the region, and UB continues to seek an expansion of its four-year offerings.”

Maryland invested money two-times over in new schools to avoid growth at its historically black colleges. That effort has landed the state on the edge of a historic decision which could reverse much of the state’s race-based wrongdoing by transferring programs to HBCUs which have long-suffered as a result of the massive financial mismanagement and unconstitutional racial separation in higher learning.

Ironically, if HBCUs themselves had double-spent on any kind of construction project or initiative, the state would have brought hell to the campuses by way of legislative inquiry and nonstop media coverage. But in light of this lawsuit, what does Maryland’s long history of bad spending really mean for its four HBCUs?

The answer lies in a simple view of the state’s recent budget lines for the two schools specifically mentioned by Judge Blake in part of her ruling.

Between 2013 and 2016, the state of Maryland appropriated $418.8 million for UMBC and $131.1 million for the University of Baltimore for a total of $580 million that, according to a federal judge, would have been legally and more efficiently spent at HBCUs instead of schools which should have never existed in the state system of higher education.


Bowie State University – $156.8 million
Coppin State – $165.6 million
Morgan State University – $323. 4 million
UMES – $136.9 million

Total HBCU Funding – $782 million
UMBC and University of Baltimore- $550 million

This figure doesn’t include Towson University and the exclusively online University of Maryland University College, institutions named in Judge Blake’s order as direct beneficiaries of program duplication and the state’s unlawful development of PWIs over HBCUs. These are just two schools identified as the most egregious examples of the state willfully ignoring constitutional law and placing HBCUs at a competitive disadvantage for the sole reason of racial separation.

What’s worse is that this list only shows money allocated from Maryland taxpayer funds. It does not show the trillions of dollars invested by the federal government in student aid and Pell Grant awards, research contracts and grants, and private foundation awards for which HBCUs could have been eligible and likely would have received, if only Maryland had not committed to a racist path of progress for its students and workforce development objectives.

By way of illegal development of two schools which a federal judge says the state should have never built, purchased or supported, Maryland cost taxpayers and HBCUs throughout the state more than $200 million beyond what was invested in four black colleges over the last four years alone. What would like number look like over the last 50 years?

Recouping that number, and the trillions withheld which have permanently damaged public perceptions of Maryland HBCUs and their outputs is the historic work which lies ahead. But we should never pretend as if that damage is irreversible, or isn’t as bad as it may seem on the outside.

Between 2013-16, Maryland Illegally Spent $550 Million to Avoid Investing in HBCUs


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Decade-long legal battle to scrub segregation from Maryland universities returns to federal court

Attorneys with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, which is behind the lawsuit, wants new, attractive programs started at Maryland's four historically black universities: Morgan State, Bowie State, Coppin State, and the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore.

These attorneys are also demanding certain academic programs be stripped or transferred from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Towson University, the University of Baltimore and University of Maryland University College.

"If you have a program at Morgan, there is really no reason to have the exact same program at UMBC or Towson," said Michael Jones of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, a lead attorney for the lawyers' committee. "After all, it's one system. It's wasteful and it's contrary to best practices in higher ed. It's a continuation of this whole notion that somehow the historically black schools aren't good enough for non-black students."

Jones and his team have proposed about 100 programs to be transferred to or started at the historically black colleges. They want a program in homeland security to be transferred from Towson to Coppin. Some 31 Towson students were enrolled in the program last fall, according to the university.

These students would be allowed to finish, Jones said, and faculty would be encouraged to follow the program to the new campus.

Also, the attorneys want a computer engineering program moved from UMBC to Morgan State. About 200 undergraduate and graduate students are currently enrolled in UMBC's program, according to the university.

"We're not looking to harm the white schools. We're looking to correct a constitution violation," Jones said. "UMBC has a program they never should have had."

In the early 1980s, the Maryland Higher Education Commission recommended engineering be established at Morgan, said Earl Richardson, former president of Morgan. But the commission changed course and sent some engineering programs to the UMBC campus, undermining engineering education at Morgan, Richardson said.

Richardson was among a coalition of faculty, alumni and advocates to bring the lawsuit a decade ago.

"We had been so concerned about all the harm and damage that had been done to the university," he said, "we were trying to find a way to at least stop the bleeding."

Decade-long legal battle to scrub segregation from Maryland universities returns to federal court

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
Not gonna go into it to protect myself but i tried to link up with UB last year and their whole administration is a fukking mess. Not surprised their name popped up first in this

Kurt Schmoke is president now though, hopefully he addresses this in the capacity he's able to

He's the one who created hamsterdam, for perspective

Also, purely anecdotal but for what it's worth I know a gang of black folk born in the 50s that left HS and went straight to work that got BAs and MBAs via UMUC :manny:

If they made Morgan the UMBC the commission recommended, would it remain an hbcu?