Biden is Anti-Haiti, and His Haitian-American Press Person Doesn’t Give a Damn

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Go home or shut up about liberation, you living in the country that came through and made sure liberation ENDED.


Bro why are you so mad at 8AM? breath probably smelling like shyt

and you right, whats that shyt you guys are always talking bout? Reparations? Yeah my family came and got that. Big time.

America is the center of business & I'm gonna keep gettin money... I'm gonna keep shining.. I'm gonna keep winning and we gonna keep coming over here and we gonna keep sending money back and you aint gon do shyt about it but watch it happen.

and we gon keep celebrating independence day every January 1st and we gonna keep celebrating Haitian flag day every May 18th and we gon praise our ancestors every chance we get - and you aint gon do shyt bout that either.

Never been ashamed of my background... Mainstream media been running a slander campaign on my people since I was a toddler... I'm immune to this shyt.

I'm gonna keep riding Benzes... I'm gonna keep stacking bread... I'm gonna keep raping this country for every dollar and you aint gon do shyt bout it

There will always be a Haitian population in America.... and YOU AINT GON DO shyt


What opportunities do you provide? What opportunities can you take away? Exactly.

You irrelevant, lil nikka.


Apr 24, 2015

Bro why are you so mad at 8AM? breath probably smelling like shyt

and you right, whats that shyt you guys are always talking bout? Reparations? Yeah my family came and got that. Big time.

America is the center of business & I'm gonna keep gettin money... I'm gonna keep shining.. I'm gonna keep winning and we gonna keep coming over here and we gonna keep sending money back and you aint gon do shyt about it but watch it happen.

and we gon keep celebrating independence day every January 1st and we gonna keep celebrating Haitian flag day every May 18th and we gon praise our ancestors every chance we get - and you aint do shyt bout that either.

Never been ashamed of my background... Mainstream media been running a slander campaign on my people since I was a toddler... I'm immune to this shyt.

I'm gonna keep riding Benzes... I'm gonna keep stacking bread... I'm gonna keep raping this country for every dollar and you aint gon do shyt bout it

There will always be a Haitian population in America.... and YOU AINT GON DO shyt


What opportunities do you provide? What opportunities can you take away? Exactly.

You irrelevant, lil nikka.

Toussaint Justifies His Forced-Labor Program (1800)

“In order to secure our liberties, which are indispensable to our happiness, every individual must be usefully employed, so as to contribute to the public good… Whereas, since the revolution, labourers of both sexes, then too young to be employed in the field, refuse to go to it now under pretext of freedom, spend their time in wandering about, and give a bad example to the other cultivators… I do most peremptorily order as follows: “Art. 1. All overseers, drivers, and field-negroes are bound to observe, with exactness, submission, and obedience, their duty in the same manner as soldiers…. Art. 3 “All field-labourers, men and women, now in a state of idleness, living in towns, villages, and on other plantations than those to which they belong… are required to return immediately to their respective plantations…” (G. Tyson, Toussaint L’Ouverture, 52-3)


Why you not at home freeing them restavek children?

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Why you not at home freeing them restavek children?

I dont do the tribal diaspora warfare bro.....Thats beneath me... you obviously have a chip on your shoulder or feel insecure about something.

Listen bro, the reasons the rebellions in America were unsuccessful was because you guys did not murder your traitors and you had too many mulattos within your ranks that ran back to their fathers and snitched on the operations.

If the snitches & mulattos were "put down" early - I guarantee the rebellions in America would have been flawless.

When I celebrate my ancestors, I'm not throwing shade at yours.

Haiti always had its doors open to slaves from America during the 1800s cause we always viewed blacks in America as family/cousins.

So I dont know what your beef is bro, its 9AM.

Go brush your teeth my nikka :russ::russ::russ:

Swahili P'Bitek

Jan 16, 2018
@Swahili P'Bitek @CorporateTrapper
Epidemics have been pivotal in the history of the world as exemplified by a yellow fever epidemic in the Caribbean that clearly altered New World geopolitics. By the end of the 18th century, yellow fever--then an "emerging disease"--was widespread throughout the Caribbean and particularly lethal in Saint-Domingue (present day Haiti). From 1793 to 1798, case fatality rates among British troops in the West Indies (including Saint-Domingue) were as high as 70%. A worse fate befell newly arrived French armed forces in 1802, ostensibly sent by Napoleon to suppress a rebellion and to reestablish slavery. Historians have disagreed on why Napoleon initially dispatched nearly 30,000 soldiers and sailors to the island. Evidence suggests the troops were actually an expeditionary force with intensions to invade North America through New Orleans and to establish a major holding in the Mississippi valley. However, lacking knowledge of basic prevention and control measures, mortality from the disease left only a small and shattered fraction of his troops alive, thwarting his secret ambition to colonize and hold French-held lands, which later became better known as the Louisiana Purchase. If an event of the magnitude of France's experience were to occur in the 21st century, it might also have profound unanticipated consequences.

The 1802 Saint-Domingue yellow fever epidemic and the Louisiana Purchase - PubMed

@CorporateTrapper you don't live in Haiti, you live in AMERICA.
When shyt really popped off (Cacos wars), none of that revolutionary spirit made a difference. nikkas got 200-2 bodybagged multiple times and had to run up under the ppl that did it. Go home or shut up about liberation, you living in the country that came through and made sure liberation ENDED.
So you think it didn't affect both sides or what? lol. Diseases affected both camps equally, and the less armed Haitians still had to fight it out still. Mortality rates of slaves sure wasn't used as an excuse to end slavery in Haiti when nearly 30% of new slave arrivals were dropping out within 3 months of their arrival, but when they started fighting and putting the French in a position where it would cost more to keep it, that's when what happened happened.

Since it seems you have sparse knowledge of fights against imperialism, their dynamics and what causes them to end, go read about similar struggles, the Algerian war of Independence, Angolan war of Independence etc and see what the objectives of the leaders were. The concept of neo-colonialism that occurs today was first experimented on Haiti, and it's more of a covert economic war than an overt one like slavery.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Im not a Haitian I just remember being around some Haitian friends way back in the early 2000s and the Miami Haitian community in general not fukking with him at all because he was corrupt/inept and then he got chased out of Haiti. What Im seeing now is crazy tho full on Brazil favela style warfare, no police in whole neighborhoods thats insane. What would you say is the state of the country cuz this shyt looks like de facto civil war right now

Astride was the first democratically elected president of Haiti, he was never chased out of Haiti. Baby Doc was. Sweet Mickey was. Jovenel Moise was in Okap(North Haiti) multiple times. Aristide in 2004 was kidnapped by US special forces and fly to some country(I forgot which one maybe Central African Republic) in Africa. This happen in the 2004 coup the US & international community did on the 200 year anniversary of Haiti independence.

I know all too well about the Haitian-American community in Miami (or better yet in the US) and the 90s/early 2000s information war on Astride by the US, Canada, France, and the EU.

Most of those regular Haitian Americans in South Florida don’t really know much about Haiti history if it’s not pertaining to the history of Haiti defeating France for independence.

the crazy thing about the dynamics of Haitians and Haitians in the west(more specifically in the US). majority of Haitians in Haiti and leftists outside of US supported Aristide while afew Haitian in the west were supporting the right wingers that worked with Haitian elites and the US to undermined Haiti sovereignty. Even nation who were not really on that type of time like Jamaica try to get involved(to help Haiti) in 2000’s but Susan Rice threaten them to fall back. This what neoliberalism do to foreign black Americans have them root for they own people demise

The US information war distorted the truth about Haiti in America as well as the sellouts that help them. Sellouts like Wyclef. Pras. Raoul Peck...etc

We all need to understand not all Haitians is the same. You have progressive /leftist Haitians, moderate and you have right wingers(sellouts)who pledge allegiance to the US/West. When these extreme right winger sellouts come to the US they can’t talk crazy like that in Black America community they would be they blend in with Black America political landscape when they get to the US. You should hear what these Miami Haitian radio stations personalities say about Haitians. They’re as anti Haitians as a white supremacist in the DR...

These sellouts make lies about they own people like for example saying “only Haitians protest.... why y’all showing your ugly ass faces on the mainstream news... Haitians get what they deserved ”. They also Talked bad about the Haitians coming from Brazil and co-signing DR ethnic cleansing of Haitians and Haitians descents

where did that Haitian type of sellout mindset came from? colonialism but more recently the US Occupation of Haiti in 1915. Unlike Cuba ousting Batista and the US controlled government with the Italian mafia in the mix. Haiti never had that chance to oust the US and it’s mafia run Haitian elites.

So all the sellouts bred since the US involvement in Haiti were never kicked out but transferred and rebranded in Haiti, Canada and the US(now they in the Bahamas). So just like in Cuban American community in Miami you have those types. In the Haitian American community in Florida we have those types in Miami (all over the West really ) and in Haiti(but they in power positions). They hate Aristide like Miami Cubans hate Fidel like how Venezuelans in South Florida hated Hugo Chavez


Haiti been controlled by the US since 1915 US occupation of Haiti that lasted in 1935. They remove and reorganize Haiti renowned historical Haitian military to the US controlled Haiti military. Basically turning Haiti military to the biggest disgraceful human right violators and sellouts (this would be the connected tissue that link US military to Haiti military overlapping over the years). The US occupied forces were Jim Crow US southern marines who put they own Jim Crow like system in Haiti

Also during the US occupation, the US government hand picked Haiti presidents who were usually fair-skin or damn near white passing (all this would eventually start the black movement in Haiti ). The US Change the Haitian constitution. Put Haitian peasants to slaves labor. Help and finance to put middle eastern immigrants (descent) in wealth power positions that would make them double agents of the state (this would be some of the same grandkids who finance the 2004 coup in Haiti)

fast forward to the papa/baby doc era who co-opted the black movement that was sprouting in Haiti from the displeasure Over the years of the US occupation and the lasting effects. When Papa doc came to Haiti nobody really knew him(some people believe at that time he wasn’t Haitian). He eventually took power and it was hard to remove him because all the funding US & Canada helped to militarize his forces.

Finally in the 90s the first democratically president of Haiti got elected the former Haitian priest aka Jean-Bertrand Aristide (who represented the people movement/lavalas ). The first time ever since probably 1900-1910 Haiti finally won somewhat of they nation back. The Haitians defeated the US funded opposition and elected Astride. Haitians from the worst part of the slums in Haiti like Cite sole, bel air, martissan organized and did the impossible ....beat the US and the Haitian elites through the ballet.

Aristide had support by majority of Haiti population, some wealth Haitians, some AA entertainers (I forgot her name)... but the US didn’t care and got involved in another Coup in Haiti to remove Astride. The US used the Haitian military (who was still controlled and use by the US) to kill his supporters in those neighborhoods.

They did the same in early 2000 when he got re-elected but this time they had think tanks to come together to put the final nail in Haiti. The US and the international community (France, Canada, Germany, EU, BraziL, UN) planned out the destruction of Haiti in 2000’s with the 2004 coup on the 200 anniversary of Haiti by using fake rebel groups (who were mostly former Haiti military trained in the DR) ,Canada special military force, and US special military forces. The rebel group was used as pretext to the US proxy UN occupation of Haiti from 2004- to now. The 2004 coup turned Haiti to what you see right now and led to Hillary Clinton stealing the 2010 election to get one of the biggest criminal in Haiti in power “Sweet Mickey” and the USAID funded party “PHTK” . PHTK would led to Jovenel Moise (aka bannna) in power

Also after the fall of papa/baby doc the US start funding NGO in Haiti in the 90s and start funneling guns in slums of PAP ... which eventually created the evolutions of gangs in PAP

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
@loyola llothta

Its scary how similiar my country and yours political situations have been but then branched off into different things :wow: a large chunk of Haitians I know and work with are all very conservative voters that are like the mirror image of the Cuban conservatives but you are very right, they move much more silent and are able to blend in with moderates. And Im sure these same suit and tie mufukkas in Dade county have a hand in the massacres going on right now behind the scenes. Youve taught me alot today.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
US press was a tool against Aristide cause he was pro-poor, same as they spread lies and bullshyt against socialists and pro-poor leaders all across the world. Here's an essay that gets at the massive amount of bullshyt that was spread in US media about the Aristide regime. (I don't know anything about the author but his take seems legit to me from the other stuff I know.)

#3679: Re: Enemy Ally: The Demonization of Aristide (fwd)

Enemy Ally: The Demonization of Jean-Bertrand Aristide

November/December 1994

By Jim Naureckas

Usually when the U.S. military intervenes overseas, the U.S. press demonizes the enemy. But in the case of the Haiti occupation, many media reports have spent more time demonizing the U.S.'s ostensible ally, deposed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Newsweek (9/26/94) described Aristide as "an anti-American demagogue, an unsteady left-wing populist who threatened private enterprise and condoned violence against his political opponents."

An editorial in the liberal New York Newsday (9/21/94) proclaimed: "Aristide seems bent on proving his critics' claims: that he's a fickle ideologue, a rabble-rouser with a messianic complex essentially uninterested in the pragmatic realities and possibly incompetent to be chief exec."

Fred Barnes on the McLaughlin Group (9/20/94) dismissed the fact that two-thirds of the Haitian population voted for Aristide: "The notion that because Aristide was once elected, that we now have to impose him, carries democratic formalism to an extreme....Hitler was elected."

Disinformation Campaign

Aristide has long been the target of a disinformation campaign, with CIA distortions sourced to the Haitian military being disseminated through the media by P.R. agents paid for by the Haitian elite (Extra!Update, 12/93). The key elements of the campaign have long been disproven, but they still keep coming up in coverage of the Haitian occupation.

John McLaughlin provided one of the shriller summaries of the claims on the McLaughlin Group (9/20/94): "Aristide has been charged by eye-witnesses with criminal horrors, including assassination; complicity in the humiliation of the Papal Nuncio...and, most horribly, Aristide's exhorting of mobs to use necklacing, Haitian slang for gang execution with a gasoline-soaked tire put around the neck and set aflame, also called Pere Lebrun." McLaughlin then showed a video clip that he said showed "Aristide inciting a mob to Pere Lebrun with his lunatic sing-song chant."

The assault against the Papal Nuncio, who was suspected of supporting an attempted coup, occurred before Aristide came to power, and Aristide was not involved. As for the alleged "Pere Lebrun" speech, it nowhere mentions necklacing, and seems in context to be referring to the Haitian constitution as a "beautiful tool." Despite the constant repetition of the claim that the spell-binding Aristide "exhorted mobs to use necklacing," there were no documented cases of necklacing from the day of Aristide's inauguration until the day of the coup.

While the old charges linger on (Newsweek, 9/19/94, merged quotes from two different statements into "one angry speech" to make it seem like Aristide had called for necklacing), new disinformation is surfacing -- often based on the flimsiest of reporting.

Time (9/26/94) ran an item on "a series of uncorroborated but sensational allegations that "Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti's erstwhile President, took hundreds of thousands of dollars in look-the-other-way money from Colombian drug cartels while in office."

Not even Time claims that they have credible evidence for this: "None of the claims have been supported, and the sources may have suspect motives," the magazine admits. In reality, far from looking the other way, the ascetic Aristide instigated the first-ever serious crackdown on drug trafficking by the military -- whose involvement in the cocaine trade is well-documented.

What could motivate Time editors to print such a dubious charge against Aristide? Time's standards were quite different when a reporter there tried to do a story in 1987 -- based on substantial documentation -- about drug smuggling by Oliver North's contra resupply network. After the article was repeatedly sent back for rewrites, the reporter told Extra! (11-12/91), a senior editor leveled with him: "Time is institutionally behind the contras. If this story were about the Sandinistas and drugs, you'd have no trouble getting it in the magazine."

The Cherubin Smear

Another Aristide smear involves his administration's Port-au-Prince police chief, Col. Pierre Cherubin, whose human rights record compares very favorably with others who have held that post - particularly compared to his self-appointed successor, Col. Michel Francois.

But while Cherubin was in charge, five alleged "bandits" were murdered by Port-au-Prince police - a crime for which a subordinate of Cherubin's was arrested. Because of the new seriousness about human rights under Aristide, an investigation was launched to see if Cherubin himself had anything to do with the killings -- an investigation aborted by the 1991 coup.

This incident has resurfaced in distorted form. The Washington Post's version of the charge (9/18/94) is that Cherubin was "authorizing torture and killing of Aristide's opponents." The Post's evidence? An anonymous U.S. government official provided a "classified assessment" that "concludes there is circumstantial evidence to suggest it could be true." If Woodward and Bernstein were dead, they'd be turning over in their graves.

As with the children's game of Telephone, the charge becomes wilder with each retelling: John McLaughlin (9/20/94) refers to him as "Cherubin the torturer and the murderer."

Why is this incident being re-examined now? Because Cherubin is Aristide's representative in trying to form a new police force. If Cherubin can be discredited, Aristide's influence over the new force may be greatly limited.

Moral Equivalence

It was difficult to whitewash the murderous Haitian military and police, who savagely beat demonstrators in plain view of U.S. cameras. (CBS's Dan Rather did make an honest effort, conducting a series of interviews with Gen. Raoul Cedras -- whom Rather referred to as "President Cedras" -- that concentrated on his patriotism, honor and love of family, and avoided any serious mention of his human rights abuses.) Instead, reports adopted the "balanced" approach of condemning equally the violence of Aristide and the military.

"For two centuries, political opponents in Haiti have routinely slaughtered each other," wrote R.W. Apple in the New York Times (9/20/94). "Backers of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, followers of General Cedras and the former Tontons Macoute retain their homicidal tendencies, to say nothing of their weapons."

"Everybody in both factions down there, both factions are shot through with slavering murderers," Jack Germond declared on the McLaughlin Group (9/20/94).

This equation of the military and Aristide would seem ridiculous if news reports were accurately reporting on Aristide's human rights record. The number of killings dropped precipitously during Aristide's tenure: There were 53 murders in Haiti in the seven months he held office, including common non-political murders, spontaneous lynchings of criminal suspects, and killings by the military. A comprehensive Human Rights Watch report does not attribute direct responsibility for any of these murders to Aristide. Compare that with the estimated 3,000 killings by the military regime since Aristide's overthrow.

Still, violence is treated as an endemic quality in Haitian life. "Vengeance, not voting, has been the Haitian way," reported Newsweek (9/26/94). Morton Kondracke (McLaughlin Group, 9/20/94) gave the same sentiment more of a racist spin: "Nobody is going to bring democracy to Haiti any time soon. This is a country soaked in blood -- primitive, backward, you know."

Unnoticed fact: The per capita murder rate in the United States in a normal year is roughly nine times what it was in Haiti under Aristide's administration.

Historic Revisionism

R.W. Apple (New York Times, 9/20/94) suggested vaguely that Clinton's occupation would be "another futile attempt to reshape a society that has long resisted reform." But the absence of any real historical context was glaring in most U.S. coverage of the occupation.

Occasionally reporters mentioned the 1915-1934 occupation as a "previous attempt to support democracy." But how many mentioned that the U.S. occupation dissolved the Haitian parliament, forced Haiti to accept a U.S.-written constitution that allowed foreign ownership of land, and reinstituted virtual slavery? (This and other information about Haitian history can be found in The Uses of Haiti, by Paul Farmer.)
Oh I know. I was protesting in the early 2000s

I remember BET brought Wyclef to push the lies. I remember Reuter pushing lies. I remember French media, Western Europe media pushing the lies like they care about Haiti (when they never talked about Haiti once). I remember the UN pushing the lies as well. I remember Haitian “intellectuals” from French supporting the lies. Film maker like Raoul Peck push lies and making propaganda films about Aristide

I remember the dead bodies of Aristide supporters getting killed by US funded Haitian “ rebels”, US military, UN “peacekeepers” multinational forces. I remember seeing a man guts on the ground while he crawled for help. I remember see a little boy head blown off while his body laying down in a sitting position
Last edited:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Oh I know. I was protesting in the early 2000s

I remember BET brought Wyclef to push the lies. I remember Reuter pushing lies. I remember French media, Western Europe media pushing the lies like they care about Haiti (when never talked about Haiti once). I remember the UN pushing the lies as well. I remember Haitian “intellectuals” from French supporting the lies. Film maker like Raoul Peck push lies and making propaganda films about Aristide

I remember the dead bodies of Aristide supporters getting killed by US funded Haitian “ rebels”, US military, UN “peacekeepers” multinational forces. I remember seeing a man guts on the ground while he crawled for help. I remember see a little boy head blown off while his body laying down in a sitting position

That's fukked up man. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Now we got Kats on this site disrespecting Astride...:snoop:

Where is that energy for Papa and Baby Doc?

The reach of American propaganda is fukking wild.

I can even remember when I was younger there was a short period of time where I thought Aristide was a bad guy before I realized I'd been had.


Live as if BLM
Nov 15, 2017
EveryQUOTE="loyola llothta, post: 42248131, member: 16715"]
Biden is Anti-Haiti, and His Haitian-American Press Person Doesn’t Give a Damn

Pascal Robert
02 Jun 2021

The current Haitian president is perhaps the most ineffectual US stooge to date, but Joe Biden and his Haitian American press person couldn’t care less.

“Biden is currently supporting a political regime in Haiti almost universally loathed by the Haitian people.”

Biden is Anti-Haiti, and His Haitian-American Press Person Doesn’t Give a Damn | Black Agenda Report[/QUOTE]
EVERY Hatian regime is loathed by the people.
Just sayin'.