Black America needs more films like ‘American Fiction’

Oct 22, 2017
despite it being the norm for white people, it’s not often you see a film positively depicting middle class black americans. this movie wasn’t without its flaws, as most movies aren’t, but it was still a great story about a regular black man dealing with challenges - career, family, love - that are too often treated as alien to the black existence when we’re featured on the big screen.

i’m not one of those people who frowns upon stories of our enslavement; in fact, i don’t think enough movies about slavery and its grotesque treatment of our ancestors are made. but, when that’s among the most common stories about us that’re told, when the narratives that hollywood green lights rarely include an honest reflection of the mundane, middle class lives many of us lead, it strips us of aspirations and conditions us to think and act accordingly.
