Black cop Captain dropping knowledge on all the cops & Brutality...interview.:ohhh:


Frozen Flames Goddess
Jul 19, 2012
Goddess power
At this point, we all know racism is alive and current in America. It's what the country was built on and its on every executive level of business and government which rules over all of society and affects our every day lives.

Even if cops or any person who is a victim or opposer of racism fights back, they will be harassed by the figures of authority over them until they comply. Racism is a bully system and as long as it has the upper hand, or appears to, it won't stop bc the benefitters rely on it to feel superior.

Without getting too much into the inferiority of Whites, they themselves know they are inferior their studies keep reminding them) and they see the lies relative to their alleged superiority, and yet they keep it going. So then who is going to stop them?

Racism is a White person problem and it should be stopped by them and amongst themselves. Since they have ruling power in America, every other racial group is considered a minority and would have to make the change through an elaborate boycott or bloodshed (which is what these psychos want and fear the most). It would take actions that would turn our society upside down over night especially if all minorities rebelled but idt minorities are ready for that.

I mean we could talk about when a change 'gon come or cry that weak azz 'they killn us' bs, but what is going to be done about racism overall? Even in here all y'all are sayin is why doesn't this have more responses, but why aren't y'all talking about what can be done on every level? Conversations like that shouldn't be had online on a public Cac forum imo, but getting mad at the obvious isn't productive either.


Frozen Flames Goddess
Jul 19, 2012
Goddess power

Who we gon discuss resolutions with if no one is responding graduate?

All I'm saying is a response about waiting for others to respond is not beneficial to the convo. Start the conversation, Sir. The few who've responded could have done that already instead of worrying about who hasn't spoken up.