Black Feminism, Serena Williams and Rage


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Cynthia G should've done research herself to see Black women praising her :francis:

It's great that she notes how Reddit is one of the most racist spaces on the internet. :ehh:

oh she know:coffee:Just maintaining her agenda/narrative not the truth

:snoop: I just watched the first 4.5 minutes of this video & Cynthia literally just did a Julez Santana special to explain away why she goes so hard on BMWW 'ships, but goes light on WMBW 'ships. This is why I no longer bother to watch her videos on IR 'ships.

Dude is right. That same level of hostility wasn't there. Even saw a comment on why she didn't call her a c00n like she does with black men. You gotta watch them, they're real slick like that. Nothing but hate and vitriol when a black man does it, but as soon as it's a black woman they play deaf, dumb and blind and need receipts. They got a lot of supporters in the back which swirlers know which is why they can be so blatant and nonchalant about doing it and catch little to no backlash. Very seldom will you ever find a black woman unleash the same hostility towards another black woman like they love to do with black men.

Which is why I don't trust black women talking all that shyt about black men doing it, but play blind, try to diminish how much is going on, or use kid gloves which they love to do when it's a black woman doing the same damn thing. You almost have to force them to castigate a black woman when she's doing it. When it's a black man, it's "c00n, sellout and etc." all day long.

They'll make roundabout excuses for them, that I guess they think men are too stupid to not pick up on. Just watch them close and you'll notice it. They aren't as sly as they think they are.

:mjpls:Yall nikkas keeping acting she ain't a reformed bedwench that won't hesitate to be 1 again..

How do you know Cynthia G is a former bedwench?

Multiple sisters who procreated & are in relationships with cacs. Got cac family members
Live in a cac neighborhood in seattle
Work with cacs
Social with cacs
And giving passes on wm/bw relationships
But somehow she never fuk'd with white boys:mjlol:& just became pro black 2 yrs all of a sudden..:gucci:

She a black unicorn :russ:

What I think happend was she was in a relationship with a white boy, he called her a few ****** bytches/she boons, rejected her ass & she became pro black :mjpls:

Mfs who live amongst whites don't be become pro black just because, especially in the middle of their lives :francis:

I just watched the 4 videos that Cynthia G did on "Birth of a Nation" & Nate Parker........

:francis: @Off Emerald.. It's looking like you're right. In 1 of those videos, she literally came up with a new spin of why she can justify WMBW 'ships while continuing to shyt on BMWW 'ships.


The 100s LochNess
Dec 31, 2014
I just watched the 4 videos that Cynthia G did on "Birth of a Nation" & Nate Parker........

:francis: @Off Emerald.. It's looking like you're right. In 1 of those videos, she literally came up with a new spin of why she can justify WMBW 'ships while continuing to shyt on BMWW 'ships.

Learn the difference between somebody who is Pro Black women, Pro Black men & Pro Black..

Cyn is preaching that pro black message (which means black people as a collective) but cyn is actually pro black women.. She could careless about black men & black boys.:mjpls:

Only reason people are confused with cyn is she mixed truth with her bullshyt agenda, if don't listen closely, u won't see thru it..


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Cynthia G should've done research herself to see Black women praising her :francis:

It's great that she notes how Reddit is one of the most racist spaces on the internet. :ehh:
oh she know:coffee:Just maintaining her agenda/narrative not the truth
Dude is right. That same level of hostility wasn't there. Even saw a comment on why she didn't call her a c00n like she does with black men. You gotta watch them, they're real slick like that. Nothing but hate and vitriol when a black man does it, but as soon as it's a black woman they play deaf, dumb and blind and need receipts. They got a lot of supporters in the back which swirlers know which is why they can be so blatant and nonchalant about doing it and catch little to no backlash. Very seldom will you ever find a black woman unleash the same hostility towards another black woman like they love to do with black men.

Which is why I don't trust black women talking all that shyt about black men doing it, but play blind, try to diminish how much is going on, or use kid gloves which they love to do when it's a black woman doing the same damn thing. You almost have to force them to castigate a black woman when she's doing it. When it's a black man, it's "c00n, sellout and etc." all day long.

They'll make roundabout excuses for them, that I guess they think men are too stupid to not pick up on. Just watch them close and you'll notice it. They aren't as sly as they think they are.
I just watched the 4 videos that Cynthia G did on "Birth of a Nation" & Nate Parker........

:francis: @Off Emerald.. It's looking like you're right. In 1 of those videos, she literally came up with a new spin of why she can justify WMBW 'ships while continuing to shyt on BMWW 'ships.
@Stacker Pentecost told me before that she been see threw Cynthia G fake pro-black act, saying Cynthia G is faking her pro-black talk and just hustling for views.

She was right. :leon:

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
I don't remember the thread but the last time I talk to her it was about Cynthia G. I'll try to find the thread when I get time.

Found it

This video on Facebook got cacs losing they damn love is a threat

Probably this thread:

Brother Polight and wife arrested

And this is actually a post I made in that thread and it applies to her:

She's a hotep hustler, scammer, tabloid activist, whatever you want to call it. She makes the same video over and over about how cacs are demonic, literally making a career off 'exposing' them :comeon: and nothing else. Like nine out of ten vids are 'Demonic Albinoid Cacs Do Something Evil To Black People.' If the revolution ever really came she'd be out of a following because all she does is literally talk about white people all day and get into beefs with other Youtubers, she offers very little content on actual building in the Black community and tangible action outside of talking shyt about cacs all day long. I think of her as the Black, hotep version of Tomi Lahren :scust: aka a cute talking bobblehead that's not really about that action but will gladly take your money and talk a whole bunch of nothing on a public platform. A race hustler aka a person using racial issues for her own financial gain.

She puts like 7-10 ads on every video :jbhmm:

Has GoFundMe, Patreon, and Google funding enabled although she's only been making videos about a year (most Youtubers that enable fan funding that early are all about that cash, not content) :jbhmm:

Says all money donated goes towards her channel but the video quality/content never improves :jbhmm:

Says she's using the funds to write a book :jbhmm: what funds do you need to write a book? :jbhmm: The internet/research is free, self-publishing through Amazon is free :jbhmm:

:hubie: Honestly she's hustling ppl cuz they're allowing themselves to be hustled tho... just like the rest of these hotep scammers she says what they want to hear about cacs being evil, her followers give her some cash then everyone goes about their day feeling like they're so 'conscious' even tho no one has actually done anything :hubie:

EDIT: And she's really not the only one. So many people have made livings off of disseminating images and stories of cacs tormenting Black people, because we as Black people love consuming that fukking torture porn. On some, "See! Cacs are demons!" shyt. At some point you have to accept that that's cac nature and move on to stage two of resistance. But once you accept that move to phase two a lot of these people are out of a hustle. :manny:


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
I just watched the 4 videos that Cynthia G did on "Birth of a Nation" & Nate Parker........

:francis: @Off Emerald.. It's looking like you're right. In 1 of those videos, she literally came up with a new spin of why she can justify WMBW 'ships while continuing to shyt on BMWW 'ships.

@Stacker Pentecost told me before that she been see threw Cynthia G fake pro-black act, saying Cynthia G is faking her pro-black talk and just hustling for views.

She was right. :leon:

Found it

This video on Facebook got cacs losing they damn love is a threat

And this is actually a post I made in that thread and it applies to her:

She's a hotep hustler, scammer, tabloid activist, whatever you want to call it. She makes the same video over and over about how cacs are demonic, literally making a career off 'exposing' them :comeon: and nothing else. Like nine out of ten vids are 'Demonic Albinoid Cacs Do Something Evil To Black People.' If the revolution ever really came she'd be out of a following because all she does is literally talk about white people all day and get into beefs with other Youtubers, she offers very little content on actual building in the Black community and tangible action outside of talking shyt about cacs all day long. I think of her as the Black, hotep version of Tomi Lahren :scust: aka a cute talking bobblehead that's not really about that action but will gladly take your money and talk a whole bunch of nothing on a public platform. A race hustler aka a person using racial issues for her own financial gain.

She puts like 7-10 ads on every video :jbhmm:

Has GoFundMe, Patreon, and Google funding enabled although she's only been making videos about a year (most Youtubers that enable fan funding that early are all about that cash, not content) :jbhmm:

Says all money donated goes towards her channel but the video quality/content never improves :jbhmm:

Says she's using the funds to write a book :jbhmm: what funds do you need to write a book? :jbhmm: The internet/research is free, self-publishing through Amazon is free :jbhmm:

:hubie: Honestly she's hustling ppl cuz they're allowing themselves to be hustled tho... just like the rest of these hotep scammers she says what they want to hear about cacs being evil, her followers give her some cash then everyone goes about their day feeling like they're so 'conscious' even tho no one has actually done anything :hubie:

EDIT: And she's really not the only one. So many people have made livings off of disseminating images and stories of cacs tormenting Black people, because we as Black people love consuming that fukking torture porn. On some, "See! Cacs are demons!" shyt. At some point you have to accept that that's cac nature and move on to stage two of resistance. But once you accept that move to phase two a lot of these people are out of a hustle. :manny:

:ohhh: Jason Black just did an episode last week that no one seems to be talking about where he called out all pro-black YouTubers & Podcasters as frauds (He made an exception for 1 person outside of his The Black Channel family/co-hosts):

:ehh:Back to your post @Stacker Pentecost, I just realized this week that all of Cynthia G's videos have clickbait-ass titles & she is repetitive (:mindblown: How many damn videos is she gonna do BMWW IR 'ships??!!). I do think it's weird that Cynthia G quit her job to be a YouTuber.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
:ohhh: Jason Black just did an episode last week that no one seems to be talking about where he called out all pro-black YouTubers & Podcasters as frauds (He made an exception for 1 person outside of his The Black Channel family/co-hosts):

:ehh:Back to your post @Stacker Pentecost, I just realized this week that all of Cynthia G's videos have clickbait-ass titles & she is repetitive (:mindblown: How many damn videos is she gonna do BMWW IR 'ships??!!). I do think it's weird that Cynthia G quit her job to be a YouTuber.

She quit because she's making a fukkload of money off YouTube ads and she's pulling like 3 stacks a month on Patreon to make the SAME fukkING VIDEOS EVERY WEEK. YouTube also introduced this new feature where people can donate during live streams and she streams multiple times a week, talking about the same shyt. People love it and they love her. And the part about infighting within the pro-black community is also 1000% true, her and the Youtuber Chrissie have had some beef going for MONTHS. These people are not about building.

But give the masses what they want... bread and circuses