Black Girl Magic?

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Since this is the root. I will give my honest opinion. Not TRL opinion.

A lot of publications from the white supremacists society are not being honest as this would showcase Black failure systematically and truthfully, they like it. So when I watch this, research the data for myself. The truth is, BW having the greatest business growth but not showing the reality of BW situation is truly extreme in thought and reality.

Her saying it's just a hobby if it's just you is real. This shyt ain't even Amway. This shyt is worse. This shyt is Tummy Tea but with no influence abilities which makes it a lot worse than that. Its simply not even as substantial as a Wendy's job.

Whites know that they mask Black failure to avoid making BP whole. This is a strategy. This show called Black girl magic is really just a play on this false feel good story to address what this really means. It was a good message from an emotional stance. In reality, it's worse than what Yvette actually stated. The reality is far much worse.