Black Ohio Newspaper Endorses Republican Governor for Re-Election


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Black Ohio Newspaper Endorses Republican Governor for Re-Election

conventional (and political) wisdom goes, black Americans, on average, typically vote for Democrats, and so when the Call & Post, a Cleveland newspaper that targets African-American readers, endorsed Ohio’s Republican governor for re-election on Tuesday, it represented a slight change of course in the stream of racial politics.
Although it’s not the first time the newspaper has backed a Republican candidate, reports, Call & Post editors argued that Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich earned his endorsement because many facets of his agenda have helped African Americans, especially those who are low-income and those who own businesses.

The endorsement specifically touts Kasich’s push to expand Medicaid coverage to low-income Ohioans and his support of set-asides for minority contractors on the Opportunity Corridor project being built in Cleveland’s inner city,” explained.

As if the paper knew that it might receive backlash about the endorsement and would need to back up and delineate why it’s supporting a Republican, it came armed with some pretty impressive numbers that would put a smile on any black business owner or job seeker’s face in Ohio.

"Of the $267 million in construction contracts on the Corridor, Kasich set aside a staggering 20 percent for minority-owned and disadvantaged firms. That’s about $22.7 million 'specifically' for black-owned businesses, not to mention an additional half a million dollars thrown in for job training of area residents. And even this came with some maneuvering from him on our behalf with the federal government and Turnpike Board,” the Call & Post endorsement read.

The Republican National Committee, in a press statement emailed to The Root, applauded Kasich’s efforts and encouragedblack Americans to perhaps reconsider where their political allegiances lie.

“Republicans make inroads within black communities when we engage voters and work hard to earn their trust,” Orlando Watson, the RNC’s communications director for black media, wrote.

“The Call & Post’s endorsement of Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich proves he has done just that. Meanwhile, Democrats have offered little to black voters and continue to take the black vote for granted,” Watson said.


Nov 2, 2013
:ld: not bad.

Anyone from Ohio have a take on this?

I didn't pay much attention to the race, but I did hear how FitzGerald drove a decade without a license and was caught in 2012 at 430am inside a parked car with a woman who wasn't his wife.

Seems like a typical political scumbag and while Kasich hasn't done that great, I'm sure those things are dogging FitzGerald to the point where those who are typically Democrat are aligning with Kasich.

I'd bet Kasich dogs the shyt out of FitzGerald to the tune of something like 60-35.

Plus, capitalizing the "G" in "FitzGerald" is fukking awkward, so that sort of makes me hate him.
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Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
meanwhile way down south in Ga. ....

40,000 Voter-Registration Applications Submitted by Blacks and Hispanics Disappear in Ga.

It’s one thing to misplace your keys, your wallet, a receipt from Macy’s or your favorite pen, but Georgia’s secretary of state cannot account for approximately 40,000 voter-registration applications that, if processed, would enfranchise predominantly black and Hispanic Georgians.
According to an Al-Jazeera report, it’s a sentiment that the staffers at Third Sector Development are expressing. The nonprofit organization was on a mission to register as many black and Hispanic people in the state of Georgia as possible so that voter turnout for the upcoming midterm elections in November would be high. And they were successful at it, until they received word that about half of the applications they submitted for processing have gone missing in action.
“Over the last few months, the group submitted some 80,000 voter-registration forms to the Georgia secretary of state’s office—but as of last week, about half those new registrants, more than 40,000 Georgians, were still not listed on preliminary voter rolls. And there is no public record of those 40,000-plus applications, according to state Rep. Stacey Adams, a Democrat,” Al-Jazeera explained.

Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp explained that his office is not doing anything differently from how it usually processes applications. But some people aren’t buying his story, seeing as how he’s a Republican, and black and Hispanic people tend to vote for Democrats.
Georgia Republicans have been raising eyebrows for some time now with regard to early voting and voter-ID issues. One state Republican didn’t like how black and Hispanic voters had easy access to early-voting opportunities.
The “Republican whip of the state Senate complained that DeKalb County, Ga., was making it too easy for minorities to vote by allowing early voting in an area mall close to many predominantly African-American churches,” Think Progress reports.
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