Black Panther Vs. Captain America: The Winter Soldier


May 5, 2012
The best fights in the movie were without him in a suit. I don't have problem with Killmonger beating BP thats as it should be.... I have a problem with black panther going from what appear to be a character of skill and great hand to hand combat to a dude jumping around in a suit slashing stuff.

Black panther in this movie was unsure of anything, got caught off guard constantly, didn't definitively win any battles outside of goons with guns. Didn't show off any of his intellect and sucked at combat compared to what I've seen in the MCU. Like spider-man would dance all over this current black panther, really everyone would. He was more reliant on tech than batman.

You got to see all those sides of him but didn't get to see his dominant side and the side that makes him one of the best black panthers if not the best.

Everything Killmonger has trained to do BP has and then some.

Without his shield cap is still a huge threat, without his suit......MCU bp is kinda trash based off this last movie.


-Dude, you realize that first of all that Black Panther was DEPOWERED in those fights. When he's in the suit, he's barely bothered and can tank damn near everything from grunts. His only fight he had with super powers was the last one with Kilmonger.

If you ripped the Super Serum from Cap, he'd be much weaker too. Black Panther was a few steps from death when he came back and showed AMAZING willpower to even be alive after getting thrown off a fukking cliff and thrown into freezing water despite being a NORMAL HUMAN.

-Didn't show his intellect? He came up with the idea to fight Kilmonger on equal ground. Cap got caught off-guard constantly and would have been dead without Black Widow. He's not supposed to be infalliable. He's a newly crowned king, he's not supposed to be sure of himself. This is how most the stories ago. He has characters flaws, he's not super negro.

Spider-Man treated the WINTER SOLDIER like a damn child, the same Winter Soldier that was matching Cap and Iron Man. You're just underrating Kilmonger who is put on the same level as the super soldiers that Bucky/Cap were scared would get released in Civil War (Capable of destabilizing and destroying countries).

You're comparing powerless BP to powered Cap but that's stupid as hell. We've seen how big sheer stats mean because Black Widow is the most skilled hand to hand combantant in Marvel but she just can't deal with the sheer stats of Bucky who just tanks her blows and chokes her out in CW but T'Challa is able to match him outside the suit and is clearly stronger in it.

Spider-Man would actually probably lose too because the ability to absorb and redirect kinetic energy is fukking broken.

Kilmonger, Okoye, and T'Challa are really good fighters.


Mar 11, 2015
Yeah I expect this in the next one. Where hes more certain and acting more like a king instead of someone thats new to it.

People forget that this was just after Civil War timeline wise.

In CW he was angry and more of a mysterious character seeking revenge... We didn't get to see much of his weaknesses and vulnerabilities like in this one. He didn't care about murdering ppl (he still didn't care in this one, but it was those behind him trying to make him not kill while in the spotlight).

As far as intelligence, they showed it in subtle ways. Like they mention him creating his original BP suit, was in the lab before shuri, could understand languages even though he wasn't talking, etc.

Coogler need to holler at the one and only Wesley Snipes to figure out how to master all of the weaknesses in BP:wow:

Wesley helped with the fight choreography in Blade,came up with alot of the gadgets in Blade. Blades weapons were much better than Panthers cheap kinetic energy hat trick they took off Gambit from Xmen Origins. i want to see Blade level fighting,Blade level weapons and gadgets. i cant put racial bias aside to say WS is better.But Blade 1 and 2?might be better than BP:patrice:

Ill have to watch them back to back once time has passed.But i still enjoy both those Blade movies.the cgi just about equal:troll:


Mar 11, 2015
Plus I liked the aspect of BP only caring about Wakanda.And not caring about who dies or who he has to hurt outside of it for the good of his home. That may be a little too dark for disney though,but i actually wish he wouldve doubled down and told Killmonger to go fukk himself and his non wakandan people:mjpls:

This the second movie in a row the villian got him flipflopping on his beliefs.i dont want to see team player black panther.from what ive learned about him it seems like he works in his own best interest.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Coogler need to holler at the one and only Wesley Snipes to figure out how to master all of the weaknesses in BP:wow:

Wesley helped with the fight choreography in Blade,came up with alot of the gadgets in Blade. Blades weapons were much better than Panthers cheap kinetic energy hat trick they took off Gambit from Xmen Origins. i want to see Blade level fighting,Blade level weapons and gadgets. i cant put racial bias aside to say WS is better.But Blade 1 and 2?might be better than BP:patrice:

Ill have to watch them back to back once time has passed.But i still enjoy both those Blade movies.the cgi just about equal:troll:
Blade foght scenes were flames though...

Well, the first 2 at least

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
The CGI is not the selling point of BP, the fighting is secondary because the story was so great. Winter Soldier is cool but I think Civil War is the second best Marvel film.
Nobody said it was a selling point but it is a feature in the film and one that detracts because of its quality.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012

-Dude, you realize that first of all that Black Panther was DEPOWERED in those fights. When he's in the suit, he's barely bothered and can tank damn near everything from grunts. His only fight he had with super powers was the last one with Kilmonger.

If you ripped the Super Serum from Cap, he'd be much weaker too. Black Panther was a few steps from death when he came back and showed AMAZING willpower to even be alive after getting thrown off a fukking cliff and thrown into freezing water despite being a NORMAL HUMAN.

-Didn't show his intellect? He came up with the idea to fight Kilmonger on equal ground. Cap got caught off-guard constantly and would have been dead without Black Widow. He's not supposed to be infalliable. He's a newly crowned king, he's not supposed to be sure of himself. This is how most the stories ago. He has characters flaws, he's not super negro.

Spider-Man treated the WINTER SOLDIER like a damn child, the same Winter Soldier that was matching Cap and Iron Man. You're just underrating Kilmonger who is put on the same level as the super soldiers that Bucky/Cap were scared would get released in Civil War (Capable of destabilizing and destroying countries).

You're comparing powerless BP to powered Cap but that's stupid as hell. We've seen how big sheer stats mean because Black Widow is the most skilled hand to hand combantant in Marvel but she just can't deal with the sheer stats of Bucky who just tanks her blows and chokes her out in CW but T'Challa is able to match him outside the suit and is clearly stronger in it.

Spider-Man would actually probably lose too because the ability to absorb and redirect kinetic energy is fukking broken.

Kilmonger, Okoye, and T'Challa are really good fighters.
You saying a lot but your not saying anything.

My point is bp doesn’t need his powers to dominant in combat none of the fighters that challenged him did either.

The fights that were shown didn’t represent that. Outside of kill monger vs him. Which I get they were trying to show him show mercy but it just made him look like an ok fighter instead of one of the best marvel fighters powers or no powers.

He didn’t show any combat wits at all he literally either wanted to rush into every battle swinging or took advice from a 3rd party.

The only time he really used his head was after klaw was caught. And even then you think klaw had more enhanced senses than black panther screaming I know you there and “I can see you” from the other side of the wall.

He’s been training to be king longer than killmonger has been plotting revenge. You couldn’t tell that based on what was shown in the movie.

I get what they wanted to depict in the movie, it just didn’t do a good job at showing off why BP and not just his tech or wakanda is a force to be recocked with.

And I was comparing a powered up black panther to others. Don’t know where you got me comparing a depowered panther vs people, although even de powered he should still be a threat.

Winter soldier vs cap is cap all day, still should be a good fight.

Spider-Man is one of the few characters than can wash bp, but only because of spider senses and being a genius his self. Black panther wins a lot of his fights because of prep time and the ability to think on the fly in combat and improvise. Not because of his powers, tech or suit. That’s just icing on the cake that puts him over the top

White City Black

Ol’ Basquiat head ass
Aug 4, 2017
Chicago's South Shore
I've seen BP three times, and I just (finally) watched WS for the first time earlier today. I hope to catch up to AoU and CW within the next week.

I still love BP as an overall film, and the fight/action scenes they did have were no slouch, and they all had logic to how they were executed. That being said...yea, the action and the fights in WS were better. I'm in no position to say so atm (far as who's the best), but I see why cats hold WS in high regard. But I also agree that with the origin story and world building necessary for the first BP flick, Ryan and Marvel will look to step the action (and hopefully CGI) game up tenfold in the sequel.