Black People Are All We Got Volume #84594560 : AirBnB Edition


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Full article: Airbnb Host Who Canceled on an Asian Renter in a Hateful Rant Is Fined $5,000

This is an interesting and not so surprising development. Cacs have ruled that 1 of their own must pay a fine of $5000 and be forced to take a university ASIAN STUDIES course, because they refused to rent to an Asian AirbnB renter. :ohhh:

Now this comes as no surprise to black people, who deal with this sort of thing on a daily biases. There have been campaigns on tv to stop racism in AirbnB. We marched against AirbnB. And there is video of a black women being thrown down stairs from an AirbnB renter, video of blacks being denied. and comment after comment of blacks, rich and not rich being denied service from an AirbnB renter for no other reason except being "black". ALL of these black situations amounted to no real justice or change. :picard:

As usual, white people DOUBLED DOWN on their racism and started arguing that everyone should have the preference of renting to who they want....BUT HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!

Because then a non-black person was discriminated against:mjgrin: An Asian woman! We know how many racist white men have Asian women for wives, and we also know that Cacs are trying desperately to ally themselves with Asians who they (falsely) see as the 1 group of people who don't hate them for their past and modern day atrocities. And Chinese have money now, so :mjlol:

Justice! Justice for all! These cacs are so evil and hypocritical. Ya'll keep trying to win a MORALITY war with a group of people who collectively have no MORALS at all. Individually, maybe you can find some, but collectively??:russ: NAH!


In a first-of-its-kind ruling, an Airbnb host who canceled a renter's reservation, spewed racist remarks, and wrote "I wouldn't rent to you if you were the last person on earth" was fined by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) on July 13. The former host, Tami Barker, was ordered to pay $5,000 in damages, take a class in Asian-American studies, and apologize to the renter, Dyne Suh.
Tami Barker, was ordered to pay $5,000 in damages, take a class in Asian-American studies, and apologize to the renter, Dyne Suh. In addition to the fine, Barker will also be required to volunteer at a civil rights organization and report her rental data to the DFEH for four years." data-reactid="22">In a first-of-its-kind ruling, an Airbnb host who canceled a renter's reservation, spewed racist remarks, and wrote "I wouldn't rent to you if you were the last person on earth" was fined by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) on July 13. The former host, Tami Barker, was ordered to pay $5,000 in damages, take a class in Asian-American studies, and apologize to the renter, Dyne Suh. In addition to the fine, Barker will also be required to volunteer at a civil rights organization and report her rental data to the DFEH for four years.

Barker has been banned from Airbnb since the incident took place. The DFEH and Airbnb entered an agreement this year, in which the DFEH would be allowed to "conduct fair housing testing of certain California hosts." This case is the first result of that agreement.

"The real story is how a charged and painful encounter led to an opportunity for reconciliation between the people involved, and to an opportunity for them to enhance the public's understanding of discrimination and civil rights in California," Kevin Kish, DFEH Director, stated in a press release.

Suh issued a statement on Facebook about the DFEH's ruling and stated that she hopes this incident encourages others "to come forward with their own stories.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Simply because Asians will take legal action and we won't ...
Breh they dont give a fukk bout our legal actions. :mjlol: Black people getting help from the law is like getting magical 3 wishes, but the catch is all of them are cursed.

How many times have black people collectively gone down the legal road just to hear, "not guilty" :picard: Courts aren't there to give black people justice for anything. Courts are there to give cacs an excuse when they kill innocent black people and to lock up black people at a 10X higher rate for the same exact crime as a non-black person.


Jul 24, 2015
Breh they dont give a fukk bout our legal actions. :mjlol: Black people getting help from the law is like getting magical 3 wishes, but the catch is all of them are cursed.

How many times have black people collectively gone down the legal road just to hear, "not guilty" :picard: Courts aren't there to give black people justice for anything. Courts are there to give cacs an excuse when they kill innocent black people and to lock up black people at a 10X higher rate for the same exact crime as a non-black person.
True ... but we don't sue enough ... do it enough we will wear them down ... and its better than marching, singing and crying on twitter


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
True ... but we don't sue enough ... do it enough we will wear them down ... and its better than marching, singing and crying on twitter

Suing unfortunately doesn't work the same for black people like it does for any other group of people. Black people don''t get the same results for doing the same thing as everybody else. It is designed that way, that's the whole point of "whiteness" or white supremacy .I know ya'll already know this but it doesn't hurt to repeat the reality, without blacks as the enemy white people would be killing each other or fighting and killing other non-black people. It's black hate them keeps them together collectively, it keeps them on code, morality and fairness doesn't. It's the reason they don't just "wipe us out", if they did, then what would they do? They'd kill each other.

Money means nothing. They will LOSE money to keep white supremacy on code, because they know without the perceived privilege then the money is meaningless. The same thing happens with wealthy elitist, it's the idea that not everybody can afford the things a billionaire can afford that gives them the feeling of privilege and makes being a billionaire special. If things didn't have prices, there would be no privilege in being rich. WITHOUT BLACK DISCRIMINATION, there is no privilege in being white.

You can see white privilege get tweaked, every time a black person does something that the average white person can't do. Like a white person in coach, seeing a black person in 1st class, it bothers them so badly because it hurts the perceived privilege of people who are white supremacist.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
If you watched the OG video, the only reason they ruled in her favor is because her boyfriend is a cac:russ:
Don't fall for the sauce..
If she had been with an Asian man or any other race/ethnicity, that jury wouldn't give two fukks:mjlol:


Nov 18, 2016

Suing unfortunately doesn't work the same for black people like it does for any other group of people. Black people don''t get the same results for doing the same thing as everybody else. It is designed that way, that's the whole point of "whiteness" or white supremacy .I know ya'll already know this but it doesn't hurt to repeat the reality, without blacks as the enemy white people would be killing each other or fighting and killing other non-black people. It's black hate them keeps them together collectively, it keeps them on code, morality and fairness doesn't. It's the reason they don't just "wipe us out", if they did, then what would they do? They'd kill each other.

Money means nothing. They will LOSE money to keep white supremacy on code, because they know without the perceived privilege then the money is meaningless. The same thing happens with wealthy elitist, it's the idea that not everybody can afford the things a billionaire can afford that gives them the feeling of privilege and makes being a billionaire special. If things didn't have prices, there would be no privilege in being rich. WITHOUT BLACK DISCRIMINATION, there is no privilege in being white.

You can see white privilege get tweaked, every time a black person does something that the average white person can't do. Like a white person in coach, seeing a black person in 1st class, it bothers them so badly because it hurts the perceived privilege of people who are white supremacist.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
If you watched the OG video, the only reason they ruled in her favor is because her boyfriend is a cac:russ:
Don't fall for the sauce..
If she had been with an Asian man or any other race/ethnicity, that jury wouldn't give two fukks:mjlol:
The plot goes deeper. I didn't go checking for her cac boyfriend. Not surprised she is with 1 and not an asian man