Black people should at least consider voting republican


May 5, 2012
Yes and no....only some people switched but both parties changed strategies but you could tell that the democrats hadnt lost that just became more subtle and paternalistic

Because stupid and immoral ideas dont last very long unless they are backed up by legislation and paid for by taxpayers...if we both had convenience stores and you put up a sign saying "no negros"..and mine says "everybody welcome" you are immediately at a disadvantage
You will make less money,Angry activists can legally protest outside and slowly drive you out of business and soon you will be in bankrupcy and ill be buying your store at the auction.
The only way you can survive is if there is a almost totally white customer base , they must support your idiocy AND the Govt doesnt protect you from the public backlash....

There is already a de facto segregation at certain places like country clubs and in a few parts of the world businesses are segregated along tribal and ethnic lines but its not as rigid or as brutal because it isnt enforced by the govt and paid for by taxpayers so as soon as enough people have a problem with it its quickly dismantled,

And this exists firstly, so everything else was a direct result of that and that alone.

Why should anyone black split a vote between one white group that hates your guts, and the other white group that hates your guts, and whatever the third white group is that hates your guts?
The one group that says what you wanna hear, the second one that says what you wanna hear and the third that says what you wanna hear?

Stupid and immoral people have been in power since there was power to have, how does libertarianism fix that?


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
And this exists firstly, so everything else was a direct result of that and that alone.
But the very same segregation exists for many non white immigrant groups like koreans and Arabs some even dont have the English skills as a further disadvantage yet somehow they find a way to build something.
My point was that with economics its sometimes better to be locked out if you arent being fully included..That forces you to build your own infrastructure rather than wait to be included.

Why should anyone black split a vote between one white group that hates your guts, and the other white group that hates your guts, and whatever the third white group is that hates your guts?
Because sticking to the one group makes them take us for granted..they dont even bother coming to your hood and asking for your vote anymore..they know its theirs
the other group knows you wont even listen to them so they dont care to try and make a better offer
At least if the vote was split they would both consider making better would see them campaign in your neighborhood and once in a while something will get done..
look at the other groups..jews cut deals for israel,Gays get marriage and benefits,latinos want (and probably will get)concessions for immigration..Negros get______????

Stupid and immoral people have been in power since there was power to have, how does libertarianism fix that?
No economic or political system can fix that..thats a problem within most human beings right long as most people would rather accept external control than rely on themselves so scoundrels will rise to the top because they love to control people...look how many people are cool with hillarys shady system can fix that.


May 1, 2012
It’s like that invisible fence that a herd of sheep won’t cross bc the sheep dogs keep them mentally locked in. Pretty soon they collectively know not to cross that invisible line. Sheep dogs say “that mean ol wolf out there yonder”

sheep dogs ≠ boule