Black Street Fighter Pro's Wife Does Enough shyt-Talking For The Both Of Them

King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt

On Saturday, Marcus “The Cool Kid93" Redmond fought his way back through the losers bracket in Red Bull Battle Grounds’ Street Fighter V last chance qualifier for Capcom Cup, eventually securing himself the first-place trophy and a spot in the North American Regional Finals the next day. Redmond held his trophy aloft for the cheering crowd with tears streaming down his face—but there was a distinctive voice missing from the audience.

Joy Goodwin, Redmond’s wife, has made a name for herself as one of the most vocal trash talkers of the fighting games scene. As soon as her husband had secured his spot in the regional finals, the tournament put her on an overnight flight from Chicago to Boston, knowing that her vocal energy would rev up the crowd during Sunday’s finals.

Sunday’s bracket kicked off with Redmond facing his most intimidating opponent: Victor “Punk” Woodley, who has held steady in first place on the Capcom Pro Tour rankings all season. Redmond’s partner in crime stepped up to the plate, cheering loud enough for the commentators to give her a shout-out on the stream: “Even if Punk was the crowd favorite, but Joy was in the crowd—Cool Kid would be getting more cheering than everybody else.”

Redmond lost the match and ended up in the losers bracket again, but his personal hype woman didn’t let that slow her roll. During Redmond’s next match against Gustavo “801 Strider” Romero, Joy Goodwin got to her feet and roasted her husband’s opponent at top volume: “He’s nothing! He’s such trash! So freakin’ pathetic!” Fellow Street Fighter pro Alex Myers posted a video of Goodwin’s trash talk during the match, writing, “You are legit fighting two people when you fight Redmond.”

BBW wife popoff

Click that link for more trash talk...

Gotta say the brother has a damm good supportive woman.:ehh::russ: