“Bleached” A Twitter analysis of the antithesis to “Blacked”


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
Was wandering around on Twitter again. Found an thread which might interest TheRoot and theColi in general.

It’s crazy. There’s a site dedicated to white surpemacist “raceplay” which portrays white men as sexually superior to non white men via depictions of white men having sex with black and Asian women. It seems to be called “bleachbooru”. The site references being “bleached” i.e. non white women fukking white men.

(This seems to be antithetical to being “blacked” which is antiblack, fetishistic language taken from the popular porn series Blacked. Blacked features black men sleeping with white women in various scenes which allude to white male impotence and inferiority. “Bleached” is backlash to Blacked. Which is comical cuz white men created Blacked to begin with lol)

The site is littered with negrophobic language and Nazi & “Aryan” symbols :gucci:

The real icing on the cake is that they take pictures of Black females (some of whom could be underage) and add degrading captions, about them submitting to white men and being sold into sexual slavery :gucci:

Another interesting point in the thread is that the White guys who run the site have Asian girlfriends who run a group discord for members of the site. The discord is riddled with a shyt ton of racism against various non White ethnic groups. There is also a white female moderator in the discord as well. Someone indicated that she may be a transgender MTF.

There are so many layers to this and I think this confirms what a lot of the smarter brehs on here say:

A) Racism is a very sexual thing. A large part of anti-black racism is rooted in sexual insecurity and a desire for conquest. Word to Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.

B) Peep the two Asian women being agents of white supremacy :mjpls: Look at how these two non-white women are upholding white supremacy! There is no need to generalize all Asians for this so don’t but we must be weary as black folk of other groups as their loyalty is probably to upholding white and colonialist power structure. Also, I’m looking funny at people who are sexually beholden to whites. Race dominates every aspect of society including and especially sex. I look funny at non-white men and women who engage whites sexually on a regular basis. There’s a large chance that they have been into some racially degrading sexual kink shyt.

C) White women and white LGBT are as racist, if not moreso than white men. Look at the white (trans) woman and what she says about black folks. Eyes open. It’s crazy. Just because they are “minorities” does not disqualify them from violating black people or being enemies to black people.

Final Note: We as black people collectively have our disagreements but there are people who legitimately hate us in this world. If you’re black and your conscious and pro-community, I’m here for you.

It’s crazy how deep and sexualized their hatred of us is smh. Be careful out here and make choices that benefit you and your people
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