nah it was mentioned before fiends don't come back, the devil reincarnates and it can become a fiend again but it won't have any previous memories, the devil can't even leave the body until it dies, so there's no reason we should see Aki outside of a flashback, we just saw gun devil turn into an arm for WarOnly reason I bring up Aki is because he died being the gun fiend
So in my mind I feel if you die as a fiend or even with a devil contract
Apart of your essence comes back or you come back as something else
It would only make sense in some way
the devil contract thing i wanna say you came up with yourself them nikkas be dying left and right and don't come back
fiends (a devil using a human corpse to survive) die
regular people with devil contracts die
devils dont
"hybrids" (a human with a devil's heart) don't
we knew Reze was gonna be back from the very beginning because she's a hybrid like denji
they only way Denji is gonna be in real danger is if they make him vomit up the originall "Hybrid" devil or whatever it's called, that's what Denji/reze/quanxi/katana/whip/etc. actually are, in the past the Chainsaw Devil ate the devil of whatever that form is, so the memory of what they were called got erased as well, they just made up "hybrid" as a placeholder.
Why hybrids themselves didn't disappear is a mystery, but if that devil gets vomited up they'll remember if there's a way to kill them or not
@tripleaamin CSM plot structure goes crazy on the reread Makima was so many steps ahead of us and it all went down fast as hell
the only new thing im seeing is that War seems to think all of the devil's chainsaw has eaten are just being stored inside