Charles Barkley and Ernie on TNT back in 1992


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
On KRS One's nose, eating sunflower seeds.
That must've been a few months before he got traded to the Suns.I have vivid memories of that exact day.Me & moms had just landed in Phoenix to visit my grandmother for the summer.We took a taxi from the airport to my grams.Halfway there, news broke on the radio.I just remember that taxi driver getting excited and clapping "Oh wow we got Charles Barkley!".It was a big deal for Phoenix.The city still had a small town feel.They felt like the illegitimate b*stard of Cali & TX.They'd never had a superstar caliber athlete like Chuck.Plus at thst time, he's was coming off a great Olympic run.Many people felt like he outplayed every guy on the Dream Team.He owned the city.They started making murals, painting his face on buses.I've been other places, but I've never seen a athlete rule a city like Chuck ruled Phoenix.Nash, Booker, Warner, and even Fitz.They all pale in comparison.Some of thst is due to Chuck having a larger than life personality.Low key, Randy Johnson was probably the most accomplished athlete in the city's history, but he had the personality of a doorknob.
Interesting. I always felt that it was Charles who put Phoenix on the map and made them what they became, and never got the real credit. And here you go solidifying it.


Oct 26, 2014
That must've been a few months before he got traded to the Suns.I have vivid memories of that exact day.Me & moms had just landed in Phoenix to visit my grandmother for the summer.We took a taxi from the airport to my grams.Halfway there, news broke on the radio.I just remember that taxi driver getting excited and clapping "Oh wow we got Charles Barkley!".It was a big deal for Phoenix.The city still had a small town feel.They felt like the illegitimate b*stard of Cali & TX.They'd never had a superstar caliber athlete like Chuck.Plus at thst time, he's was coming off a great Olympic run.Many people felt like he outplayed every guy on the Dream Team.He owned the city.They started making murals, painting his face on buses.I've been other places, but I've never seen a athlete rule a city like Chuck ruled Phoenix.Nash, Booker, Warner, and even Fitz.They all pale in comparison.Some of thst is due to Chuck having a larger than life personality.Low key, Randy Johnson was probably the most accomplished athlete in the city's history, but he had the personality of a doorknob.
Cool ass post man