Chef Mello's 2016 HL Mock Presidential Bid is Daring All Challengers

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Hello and Good Morning or Afternoon to all Coli Members and Guests wherever you may be.

One of the many great things about this website is that there are members and guests from many different towns, cities, states, regions, countries and even continents. It is quite likely that each and every one of us, to some degree, underestimate the overall reach of the information posted here. That reach is unquantifiable however it is clear that our diverse population spans across many lands and interacts with many people who may or may not be aware of this website's existence. On the surface it may seem like a niche population based on common interests but beneath that surface lies many differences in general preferences, opinions of the abstract, interpretations of statistics and current events as well as nuanced beliefs expressed through tangential sub-discussions and debates amongst one another.

All of these things, as well as our generally fantastic sense of humor and creativity make this website great. It also makes it influential to each and every one of us to varying degrees based on our level of involvement and what we gather from here and decide to apply and/or spread to others outside of here in whatever form and through whichever medium that may be. On this, I re-iterate that, while I am certainly not speaking for everyone here, I do believe that that the overall sum of the parts of The Coli add up to something far greater than most of us believe. Even if that isn't true nor can it be ultimately verifiable, I believe that it is better to over-estimate the influence than under-estimate it in order to be more cognizant of the greater good of those we influence on local, state, regional, national and international levels.

The reason for this transcript is not to merely trumpet up the greatness of this web-site..but it is also to formally announce my candidacy in the first Higher Learning Mock Presidential Election.

It is true that I think every individual can improve themselves and should strive to do so. Similarly, I think that the United States of America should continuously improve and needs to be directed and stewarded by: a populace that is actively interested in improving for both themselves and the greater good, local governments that accurately represent and aid their constituents, state governments that guide and manage the interests of and services provided for their residents and a federal government that does its best to assist in each of the aforementioned as well as it possibly can, defend the nation and her interest's as much as it possibly can while improving international diplomacy by both mending broken fences and drawing lines in the sand when appropriate.

Not only is there a trickle down effect from decisions made by the President and the Federal Government, but there is also a trickle up effect from each individual person, school, company, town, city and state in terms of the effective function of the nation. We all must try to improve and do our best. If we do this, everyone and everything along the way will have more potential for growth and access to improvement. Will there be road blocks? Certainly. Obstacles will continue to exist in everyone's life and it'd be more of the same foolishness and arrogance you constantly hear from career politicians If I claimed otherwise. What I am merely asking of you is to allow yourself to be open and receptive to what specifics I will be proposing as the campaign continues and evaluate them fairly to the best of your ability. I am not selling a dream..I am proposing a reality.

America has many wonderful resources, both tangible and intangible, to use to promote the greatest good for as many people as possible in current times and into the future. We just have to get it right and I believe that we can, specifically if: moderation is exhibited, tolerance is shown and the necessary consideration and effort is put forth into achieving our individual and collective goals.

If you decide there is a better candidate then please vote in their favor. Even if I think a candidate is better than me, I'd have no problem voting for him or herself instead of myself. With that said, I would never drop out of the race unless the fat lady is singing, as it would be a disservice to my supporters. This is not about self-promotion or the proliferation of ideals from special interest groups and lobbyists. This is about presenting myself as a candidate to serve the United States of America in its most important position but also to serve in the most important government position in the world....and I am doing this because I am willing, able and capable to serve this position for the people of America. One for all and all for one.

Thank you for your time. I am available to field and answer questions.

**Sidenote**I will wait to reveal an in-depth layout of my platform until there are other candidates and perhaps if a structure is established to the process. Otherwise, if the interest is there, I will lay out my platform over time and eventually just pretend I am in the general election and answer the same questions that the nominees do on questions (or just scrap it all lol).
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May 6, 2012
If elected President of Higher Learning what do you want to achieve, and how do you plan to achieve it?

And how will the world benefit?

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
If elected President of Higher Learning what do you want to achieve, and how do you plan to achieve it?

And how will the world benefit?

There are many things I would like to achieve and many proposals I would seek approval and implementation of..with that said, not everything can or should be achieved immediately..nor should everything take an extended amount of time to get done. There is a time, a place and an avenue for all pursuits and generalizing them or giving off the presentation that, as President, I would be able to get everything done exactly when I or the nation want them to get done would be flat-out false. This is a result of the nature of the bureaucratic system that is currently in place.

First and foremost, I would like to focus on the individual. I want there to be less feelings of hopelessness and helplessness from our great citizens in themselves and in our government. As I said, there is both a trickle down and a trickle up. I want each individual to feel an increased sense of cohesion and productive co-operation amongst all levels of government across all states. The more an individual feels that their local government is truly listening to them, their state government is listening to the needs of the local governments and all state residents and finally that the federal government is listening to and caring for the needs of each state, the better off everyone should be.

One quick and small thing that I would implement immediately would be national online voting on federal laws to get a more precise gauge on how the NATION is feeling..not relying on Senators to represent their states accurately rather than just play party warfare. The online vote would NOT trump Congressional processes but it'd put the pressure on them in quantifiable terms and if a bill hit the floor for a vote and politicians voted nay when their constituents were in favor or vice versa then it would also serve as an convenient tool for the average citizen to use in determining if their representative is listening to them.

As it stands, many people are completely disenchanted with the process and that is unacceptable. It starts with government officials on all levels to rebuild that trust of altruism that has been gradually disappearing for over 50 years now. With increased attention, consideration and interaction between private individuals and public government figures at all levels, there will be a more concentrated focus on what the majority of people truly care about and how the priorities of those cares fall on a scale of "it'd be nice but whatever" to "we need this and demand it now".

Obviously, as President, I simply cannot nor do I want to have my eyes on every single elected official in the nation. It's not possible. But what I would be able to do is set a winning example and offer proposals that would change term limits, salaries and pensions for the positions I can directly affect and pressure Governors and State Congresses to follow suit in a similar fashion within their states and municipalities. Additionally, I would introduce significant campaign financing reforms.

There needs to be a shift in political hopefuls that want to run because they've been into politics their whole life and it was their dream...and the pay is people who want to run to serve the people and execute the functions of their positions as best as they can without being a puppet for non-constituents or a small but rich group of constituents. I am a Utilitarian and I strongly believe that achieving the greatest good for the most amount of people as possible is what is most important and should be the goal of every community and government. That is simply not how things are currently working.

The world would benefit if this comes to fruition. As it stands, America is still the premier powerhouse in many ways..our influence in countless areas of life are apparent and as clear as day. I love the individual sovereignty and culture of each other country and do not want to impede on that..but between Wall Street, our current events, social trends and beyond..we have a lot of influence, both good and bad. And I think that influence has a positive correlation to our health as a nation...which subsequently has a direct impact on our citizens. When we are better, our citizens are better off and so are the citizens of other countries.
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May 6, 2012
There are many things I would like to achieve and many proposals I would seek approval and implementation of..with that said, not everything can or should be achieved immediately..nor should everything take an extended amount of time to get done. There is a time, a place and an avenue for all pursuits and generalizing them or giving off the presentation that, as President, I would be able to get everything done exactly when I or the nation want them to get done would be flat-out false. This is a result of the nature of the bureaucratic system that is currently in place.

First and foremost, I would like to focus on the individual. I want there to be less feelings of hopelessness and helplessness from our great citizens in themselves and in our government. As I said, there is both a trickle down and a trickle up. I want each individual to feel an increased sense of cohesion and productive co-operation amongst all levels of government across all states. The more an individual feels that their local government is truly listening to them, their state government is listening to the needs of the local governments and all state residents and finally that the federal government is listening to and caring for the needs of each state, the better off everyone should be. As it stands, many people are completely disenchanted with the process and that is unacceptable. It starts with government officials on all levels to rebuild that trust of altruism that has been gradually disappearing for over 50 years now.

With increased attention, consideration and interaction between private individuals and public government figures at all levels, there will be a more concentrated focus on what the majority of people truly care about and how the priorities of those cares fall on a scale of "it'd be nice but whatever" to "we need this and demand it now".

Obviously, as President, I simply cannot nor do I want to have my eyes on every single elected official in the nation. It's not possible. But what I would be able to do is set a winning example and offer proposals that would change term limits, salaries and pensions for the positions I can directly affect and pressure Governors and State Congresses to follow suit in a similar fashion within their states and municipalities. Additionally, I would introduce significant campaign financing reforms.

There needs to be a shift in political hopefuls that want to run because they've been into politics their whole life and it was their dream...and the pay is people who want to run to serve the people and execute the functions of their positions as best as they can without being a puppet for non-constituents or a small but rich group of constituents. I am a Utilitarian and I strongly believe that achieving the greatest good for the most amount of people as possible is what is most important and should be the goal of every community and government. That is simply not how things are currently working.

The world would benefit if this comes to fruition. As it stands, America is still the premier powerhouse in many ways..our influence in countless areas of life are apparent and as clear as day. I love the individual sovereignty and culture of each other country and do not want to impede on that..but between Wall Street, our current events, social trends and beyond..we have a lot of influence, both good and bad. And I think that influence has a positive correlation to our health as a nation...which subsequently has a direct impact on our citizens. When we are better, our citizens are better off and so are the citizens of other countries.

So you're organizing a social movement using the Coli as a platform... I'm with it. You got my vote :obama:

Let me know how I can help.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Can I be the anti-Hillary? :lupe:

Do it :manny:

It was briefly discussed a while back (perhaps mid-term elections) about mock elections here. I thought I'd get it started. I think it'd be dope to have a mock presidential election here. Nothing would come of it (maybe a title under the name), but it would be interesting to see how the candidates would debate each other, what platforms they would have and how HL ends up voting on it. :manny:


Jul 6, 2014
Do it :manny:

It was briefly discussed a while back (perhaps mid-term elections) about mock elections here. I thought I'd get it started. I think it'd be dope to have a mock presidential election here. Nothing would come of it (maybe a title under the name), but it would be interesting to see how the candidates would debate each other, what platforms they would have and how HL ends up voting on it. :manny:
:leon: it is an interesting idea

Assuming there are other cadidates, when do you think elections should be?

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
:leon: it is an interesting idea

Assuming there are other cadidates, when do you think elections should be?

Whenever it makes the most sense to the people involved. We could align it with the actual 2016 election but things may get hectic around that time period. I dont know nor do I care for that matter. It could be a shorter process. Its up to everyone else really and how the structure for it all comes together (debates, speeches, primaries??,etc). If it gets serious, Ill just stay in character in threads 0% troll and essentially campaign the whole time.


May 6, 2012
It was briefly discussed a while back (perhaps mid-term elections) about mock elections here. I thought I'd get it started. I think it'd be dope to have a mock presidential election here. Nothing would come of it (maybe a title under the name),

:beli: I thought you were serious. The Coli really is a social platform we could start a movement from. Coli has over 20K users :mjpls:

Daps retracted.

I'm outta here :cape:


Jul 17, 2013
:ehh:Great idea. It could grow onto something serious..

I hope a black candidate wins... :troll::manny:
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