Chef Mello's 2016 HL Mock Presidential Bid is Daring All Challengers


Jul 17, 2013
I nominate @Kritic so he can run on his anti-Zio, anti-Central Bank, etc.. platform.
:banderas:you a real jew. just like them zios who funded hitler...

i don't need none of this voting shyt:camby:. i'll run through the doors and coup the election...

crown me already niccas:birdman: :boss:


plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012
fukk all the uppity politician talk i just want to know a few things.
1) For or Against Gun Control?
2) Small or Big government?
3)Do you believe in God?
4)Do you plan on Bombing ISIS or kill as many terrorist as you can?
5)Will you promote family values by pushing legislature against gay marriage and abortion ?
6) Will you reduce the number of blacks getting free sht from the government?
7)Lastly, are you the type of president I can have beer with?


Apr 30, 2012
I'm going to keep it real. Vote for me because I will cut down on the verbosity of people like the OP. Are you tired of having to scroll down for 3 minutes to reaa message on your phone? I know I am. You know what to do :damedash:

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
fukk all the uppity politician talk i just want to know a few things.
1) For or Against Gun Control?
2) Small or Big government?
3)Do you believe in God?
4)Do you plan on Bombing ISIS or kill as many terrorist as you can?
5)Will you promote family values by pushing legislature against gay marriage and abortion ?
6) Will you reduce the number of blacks getting free sht from the government?
7)Lastly, are you the type of president I can have beer with?

  1. Status quo seems alright on a federal level. Id defer to state governments on that to better represent their individual cultures. Im not a big fan of hunting or the use of guns in general but its constitutionally protected and there just needs to be more due diligence on sales and private individuals to secure and properly use their firearms or face consequences in the justice system. In addition, over-regulation on it would create an even larger black market for guns...thus making it even harder to track.
  2. Ideologically I lean in favor of smaller government than what it is now but shrinking it on a significant level quickly isn't really practical. I would either cut spending or move some money around and give more power or grant more leniency to state and local governments however. Im not sure if that counts but I just think governments in closer proximity with better nuanced knowledge of its individual populaces should have a bit more power to tailor their laws to more accurately reflect the desires of the majority of their citizens rather than having to worry about Uncle Sam swooping in to enforce federal laws all the time over state preferences (i.e. marijuana as a convenient example)
  3. I am spiritual and lean Taoist if I had to identify. I think it's intellectually arrogant to claim knowledge and rule out or otherwise discredit religious belief systems. I am in favor of increased tolerance in general. That's a deep question and a lot of it hinges on your definition of God. Im not sure my faith/belief is at a strong enough level to outright say I believe in the Abrahamic God as being the lone God while ruling out other possibilities.
  4. Once provided with advanced information from intelligence services, I would be resolute in my decision making but would also show faith in the higher-ups in the armed forces for advice. They are far more knowledgeable than I. I don't think Id necessarily "kill as many terrorists as I can" because that would result in a lot of collateral damage..with civilian casualties and global opinion. I will say this though...I really do not think it is wise to publicly disclose military strategy as much as other Presidents the last 15+ years or so have. Id keep it close to the vest and conduct as many covert operations as possible, when appropriate, rather than announcing to the world that a flurry of bombs are coming.
  5. Again, I know it sounds a bit dodgy...but I am strongly in favor of state and local governments making decisions on social policies like gay marriage and abortion. It'd be ignorant to enforce something federally on those subjects when there are literally tens of millions on both sides of the arguments on both issues. If I had to take a stance, Id say that I would extend the same tax rights to gay married couples as heterosexual couples have and would definitely not make abortion outright illegal. I, however, would not make a push to change the official definition of marriage federally nor would I be opposed to some restrictions or caveats on abortion rights (i.e. after a certain stage of fetal development and without extenuating circumstances such as rape etc).
  6. I would aim to have less people getting "free" stuff because that would ultimately mean that they have become more successful and do not need it. I would make some social reforms but people do need a safety net regardless of their ethnicity. It's about economics and being able to have a reasonable standard of life not race.
  7. The beer and wing combo with sports on the tube is a hard combination to beat.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I'm going to keep it real. Vote for me because I will cut down on the verbosity of people like the OP. Are you tired of having to scroll down for 3 minutes to reaa message on your phone? I know I am. You know what to do :damedash:

:francis: Seeing this right after I finished my previous post. Im never this verbose outside of this thread really and would actually propose there to be character limits if it comes down to debates on issues etc. :yeshrug::mjcry:I have the bully pulpit now as the only official candidate.


Jul 17, 2013
fukk all the uppity politician talk i just want to know a few things.
1) For or Against Gun Control?
2) Small or Big government?
3)Do you believe in God?
4)Do you plan on Bombing ISIS or kill as many terrorist as you can?
5)Will you promote family values by pushing legislature against gay marriage and abortion ?
6) Will you reduce the number of blacks getting free sht from the government?
7)Lastly, are you the type of president I can have beer with?
1. the zios want our guns so they can control us like they do in europe/england. fuq all that gun control. when the economy's good ppl won't go crazy shooting everyone in sight.

2. Small. I'd abolish the nasa. it's totally unecessarily. it's just a tool to for the elite to stay in power.
3. No i don't. but i respect all religions including islam and the hebrew israelites :myman:. i was brought up roman catholic and family still has strong ties to the religion.
4. man... isis is a false flag operation being used to destabilize syria. to get rid of them i'd stop funding them and stop israel from funding them. they'd be gone in 2 months.
5. fuq all that gay shyt man. i'm not down with that shyt. family and marriage are comprised of a man and woman. gay ppl need to invent their own words and culture.
i ain no bytch so i can't tell them what to do with their bodies. if they have something in them they should be the ones who say what they want to do with it.
6. wtf...
what about whites? :usure:
fuq it. i'll reduce the number of whites getting free shyt from the govt cause they take the most of it.
since we're on helping black ppl, i would institute some form of reparations for blacks eg. exempt taxes on black students and professionals. give them money to start their own shyt and they can pay it back on their own time if they want to which would be = :duck:

7. i pretty much quit drinking. but not officially yet. it won't hurt having one. i'd rather go on a walk in the woods.:whoa: no homo. no killer. i just like nature.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
But can you hold a candle to Newt Gingrich?

He made some great points in this article:

Americans paying $70m a seat to the Russians in order to launch astronauts is unacceptable..then Putin hit us with this
That is embarrassing. % of Federal Budget is at it's historical lowest since 1960. Staff members are reported to be at their lowest ever.

Between 1976-1984 NASA was responsible for:
  • $21.6 billion in sales and benefits
  • 352,000 (mostly skilled) jobs created or saved
  • $355 million in federal corporate income taxes
So the economics of it makes sense as well as the necessity to increase importance on NASA's scientific efforts. I will say that I would like NASA to appropriate their own funding in higher amounts towards some different programs than before (potential defense efforts in the case of unforeseen emergencies). Also, I commend Elon Musk and SpaceX and would consider more support towards them as well.
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Jul 17, 2013
nasa is a nsa-cia front. at some point they have to do some shyt publicly. they just cannot launch some shyt in secret...

and yeah.. i'd be abolishing all that shyt. they're just money wasting projects. let corporations like google and apple pursue space. they got money to burn. if they want to waste on space research let em...


Jul 17, 2013
when i get in office i'd put the federal reserve thugs in check. and make sure they don't fail the economy and blame it on me. if they attempt that like they did my man hit then we finna have to go through another holocaust..
I'd def go back to the jfk days and put them out of business. i'd hire ron paul get accountants to audit them.

i'd get a committee what ppl conspiracy theorist from youtube to help fix this mess the jews have put us in.

i'll def troll the gay movement and not address them. i'll treat them like the way the black agenda is currently being treated. i'll just troll them that there are bigger issues than their issues. prolly hire some fakkits to shut them up.

i know the jews will be after my head so i'll half to change up my security. i'll need the nation of islam.

we gonna have to change our number one interests from israel to the motherland. if them arabs kill them niccas that's just too bad. france and them other euros can help them. there's nothing israel or the middle east have that we really need. we need the african resources though... and we need to boost african people's morale.. white supremacy has been whoopin they ass for way too long.

-i'll back bitcoin;

-reform elections, and stop or limit lobbying.
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plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012
1. the zios want our guns so they can control us like they do in europe/england. fuq all that gun control. when the economy's good ppl won't go crazy shooting everyone in sight.

2. Small. I'd abolish the nasa. it's totally unecessarily. it's just a tool to for the elite to stay in power.
3. No i don't. but i respect all religions including islam and the hebrew israelites :myman:. i was brought up roman catholic and family still has strong ties to the religion.
4. man... isis is a false flag operation being used to destabilize syria. to get rid of them i'd stop funding them and stop israel from funding them. they'd be gone in 2 months.
5. fuq all that gay shyt man. i'm not down with that shyt. family and marriage are comprised of a man and woman. gay ppl need to invent their own words and culture.
i ain no bytch so i can't tell them what to do with their bodies. if they have something in them they should be the ones who say what they want to do with it.
6. wtf...
what about whites? :usure:
fuq it. i'll reduce the number of whites getting free shyt from the govt cause they take the most of it.
since we're on helping black ppl, i would institute some form of reparations for blacks eg. exempt taxes on black students and professionals. give them money to start their own shyt and they can pay it back on their own time if they want to which would be = :duck:

7. i pretty much quit drinking. but not officially yet. it won't hurt having one. i'd rather go on a walk in the woods.:whoa: no homo. no killer. i just like nature.
#2 :scust:
#4 :scust:
#6: :scust: reparations for blacks...
#7 :scust:

:scusthov: libertarian nut in republican's clothing..:camby:you the real reptilian.

  1. Status quo seems alright on a federal level. Id defer to state governments on that to better represent their individual cultures. Im not a big fan of hunting or the use of guns in general but its constitutionally protected and there just needs to be more due diligence on sales and private individuals to secure and properly use their firearms or face consequences in the justice system. In addition, over-regulation on it would create an even larger black market for guns...thus making it even harder to track.
  2. Ideologically I lean in favor of smaller government than what it is now but shrinking it on a significant level quickly isn't really practical. I would either cut spending or move some money around and give more power or grant more leniency to state and local governments however. Im not sure if that counts but I just think governments in closer proximity with better nuanced knowledge of its individual populaces should have a bit more power to tailor their laws to more accurately reflect the desires of the majority of their citizens rather than having to worry about Uncle Sam swooping in to enforce federal laws all the time over state preferences (i.e. marijuana as a convenient example)
  3. I am spiritual and lean Taoist if I had to identify. I think it's intellectually arrogant to claim knowledge and rule out or otherwise discredit religious belief systems. I am in favor of increased tolerance in general. That's a deep question and a lot of it hinges on your definition of God. Im not sure my faith/belief is at a strong enough level to outright say I believe in the Abrahamic God as being the lone God while ruling out other possibilities.
  4. Once provided with advanced information from intelligence services, I would be resolute in my decision making but would also show faith in the higher-ups in the armed forces for advice. They are far more knowledgeable than I. I don't think Id necessarily "kill as many terrorists as I can" because that would result in a lot of collateral damage..with civilian casualties and global opinion. I will say this though...I really do not think it is wise to publicly disclose military strategy as much as other Presidents the last 15+ years or so have. Id keep it close to the vest and conduct as many covert operations as possible, when appropriate, rather than announcing to the world that a flurry of bombs are coming.
  5. Again, I know it sounds a bit dodgy...but I am strongly in favor of state and local governments making decisions on social policies like gay marriage and abortion. It'd be ignorant to enforce something federally on those subjects when there are literally tens of millions on both sides of the arguments on both issues. If I had to take a stance, Id say that I would extend the same tax rights to gay married couples as heterosexual couples have and would definitely not make abortion outright illegal. I, however, would not make a push to change the official definition of marriage federally nor would I be opposed to some restrictions or caveats on abortion rights (i.e. after a certain stage of fetal development and without extenuating circumstances such as rape etc).
  6. I would aim to have less people getting "free" stuff because that would ultimately mean that they have become more successful and do not need it. I would make some social reforms but people do need a safety net regardless of their ethnicity. It's about economics and being able to have a reasonable standard of life not race.
  7. The beer and wing combo with sports on the tube is a hard combination to beat.
I asked you to answer clear yes or no questions.
even you answered the most important question(#7).... #3 is a no go :scust: you dont even have a pastor. how the fukk you expect to get elected? :ld: