Coli ladies of #MeToo, chime in: will Harvey Weinstein ever see a jail cell after the Cosby verdict?


Oct 29, 2012
No. The Justice system is set up to be racist, discriminatory and biased towards black people; we are deemed guilty without proof of guilt; the same rules do not apply and laws that don't. The Weinsteins of the world get counseling for "sexual dysfunction"... he has pending allegations in both LA and NY. NYPD has yet to make any arrests despite actual evidence of his sexual abuse in comparison to Bill Cosby's case. Hollywood is nothing but a den of deviancy; all of the media conglomerates are owned and operated by white men; yall are gullible enough to think that Cosby (a black man, nonetheless) is the sole public face of rape or sexual harassment?? Les Moonves... owner of CBS, forced off.. but yet no charges or arrests. Asia Argento, his primary accuser, was proven as a child sexual predator, herself - that story was summarily swept under the rug... speaking of children... Roman Polanski - still free to roam about and make movies despite the testimony and conviction for sexual abuse of minor. Yet in all those cases, in civil law, EACH one of those cases involving someone white, monetary settlements were reached, where the terms can't be disclosed but they face no criminal charges?? Nahhhh... Bill Cosby settled some of his cases, but yet received a 3-10 state prison term .

How many white males that have committed offenses against children in the industry are facing time or charges? Cyntoia Brown.... a child herself, killed the adult white male that abused her, (in self defense) and still remains behind a jail cell .. there is no diminishing of the fact that race is not a factor in Bill Cosby's situation.. and this "me too" movement comes with an agenda- that narrative switched from white to black, real fast.... it was by design.

Need to stop taking these legal situations at face value, stop being manipulated mentally and letting the white controlled media determine the thought processes within the black community, start analyzing the facts and it's application to our communities - there's justice, injustice and just us.

Honestly The Justice system is set up to be racist, discriminatory and biased towards black people; we are deemed guilty without proof of guilt; the same rules do not apply and laws do not apply. The Weinsteins of the world get counseling for "sexual dysfunction"... NYPD has yet to make any arrests despite actual evidence of his sexual abuse in comparison to Bill Cosby's case. Asia Argento, his primary accuser, was proven as a child sexual predator, herself - that story was summarily swept under the rug... speaking of children... Roman Polanski - still free to roam about and make movies despite the testimony and conviction for sexual abuse of minor. How many white males that have committed offenses against children in the industry are facing time or charges? Cyntoia Brown.... a child herself, killed the adult white male that abused her, (in self defense) and still remains behind a jail cell .. there is no diminishing of the fact that race is not a factor in Bill Cosby's situation.. and this "me too" movement comes with an agenda- that narrative switched from white to black, real fast.... it was by design.

Need to stop taking these legal situations at face value, stop being manipulated mentally and letting the white controlled media determine the thought processes within the black community, start analyzing the facts and it's application to our communities - there's justice, injustice and just us.



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Honestly The Justice system is set up to be racist, discriminatory and biased towards black people; we are deemed guilty without proof of guilt; the same rules do not apply and laws do not apply. The Weinsteins of the world get counseling for "sexual dysfunction"... NYPD has yet to make any arrests despite actual evidence of his sexual abuse in comparison to Bill Cosby's case. Asia Argento, his primary accuser, was proven as a child sexual predator, herself - that story was summarily swept under the rug... speaking of children... Roman Polanski - still free to roam about and make movies despite the testimony and conviction for sexual abuse of minor. How many white males that have committed offenses against children in the industry are facing time or charges? Cyntoia Brown.... a child herself, killed the adult white male that abused her, (in self defense) and still remains behind a jail cell .. there is no diminishing of the fact that race is not a factor in Bill Cosby's situation.. and this "me too" movement comes with an agenda- that narrative switched from white to black, real fast.... it was by design.

Need to stop taking these legal situations at face value, stop being manipulated mentally and letting the white controlled media determine the thought processes within the black community, start analyzing the facts and it's application to our communities - there's justice, injustice and just us.

Wth? Ur an azz.Why are you plagiarizing me. I legit had a twilight zone moment reading your post ..Smh.

It is a mystery

Tory Lanez Stan
Aug 20, 2013
If we are keeping it 100 the Justice system is set up to be racist, discriminatory and biased towards black people; we are deemed guilty without proof of guilt; the same rules do not apply and laws do not apply. The Weinsteins of the world get counseling for "sexual dysfunction"... NYPD has yet to make any arrests despite actual evidence of his sexual abuse in comparison to Bill Cosby's case. Asia Argento, his primary accuser, was proven as a child sexual predator, herself - that story was summarily swept under the rug... speaking of children... Roman Polanski - still free to roam about and make movies despite the testimony and conviction for sexual abuse of minor. How many white males that have committed offenses against children in the industry are facing time or charges? Cyntoia Brown.... a child herself, killed the adult white male that abused her, (in self defense) and still remains behind a jail cell .. there is no diminishing of the fact that race is not a factor in Bill Cosby's situation.. and this "me too" movement comes with an agenda- that narrative switched from white to black, real fast.... it was basically by design.

Need to stop taking these legal situations at face value, stop being manipulated mentally and letting the white controlled media determine the thought processes within the black community, start analyzing the facts and it's application to our communities - there's justice, injustice and just us!


Dec 27, 2017
:camby: on those bedwenches. Go in on them and speak out against white supremacy. The fact that these feminist nutjobs never, EVER mentioned Weinstein in this lynch mob that they dragged Cosby in (and calling his 81 year old self "dangerous" and "violent") while sexual demons still roam free, is all you need to know about their selective nonsense

Why don’t black men go against these laws why are women held responsible for a whole system? You have a mouth and you have fingers, seem to have the numbers of black men who see that the system is unfairly biased what are y’all waiting for?


Dec 27, 2017
BW have no problem speaking out against white men who have abused them. The question is does the current society we live listen to a black woman. Do BW have the same value in the eyes of society as white women do? Your question places the blame against powerless people instead of attacking the system that disparages both sexes. I have been saying black men need to be more vocal and stop expecting black women to be the mouthpiece and criticize them when they don’t do everything as they think they should.

BW already have the reputation of being mouthy, and criticized for it by their own men. Maybe the men should pick up the slack.

FYI the metoo movement was started by a black woman which served to light a fire to many white men abusers throughout several industries but was co-opted by white female celebs as it picked up steam. Perhaps you should think before you post.


May 15, 2014
No. The Justice system is set up to be racist, discriminatory and biased towards black people; we are deemed guilty without proof of guilt; the same rules do not apply and laws that don't. The Weinsteins of the world get counseling for "sexual dysfunction"... he has pending allegations in both LA and NY. NYPD has yet to make any arrests despite actual evidence of his sexual abuse in comparison to Bill Cosby's case. Hollywood is nothing but a den of deviancy; all of the media conglomerates are owned and operated by white men; yall are gullible enough to think that Cosby (a black man, nonetheless) is the sole public face of rape or sexual harassment?? Les Moonves... owner of CBS, forced off.. but yet no charges or arrests. Asia Argento, his primary accuser, was proven as a child sexual predator, herself - that story was summarily swept under the rug... speaking of children... Roman Polanski - still free to roam about and make movies despite the testimony and conviction for sexual abuse of minor. Yet in all those cases, in civil law, EACH one of those cases involving someone white, monetary settlements were reached, where the terms can't be disclosed but they face no criminal charges?? Nahhhh... Bill Cosby settled some of his cases, but yet received a 3-10 state prison term .

How many white males that have committed offenses against children in the industry are facing time or charges? Cyntoia Brown.... a child herself, killed the adult white male that abused her, (in self defense) and still remains behind a jail cell .. there is no diminishing of the fact that race is not a factor in Bill Cosby's situation.. and this "me too" movement comes with an agenda- that narrative switched from white to black, real fast.... it was by design.

Need to stop taking these legal situations at face value, stop being manipulated mentally and letting the white controlled media determine the thought processes within the black community, start analyzing the facts and it's application to our communities - there's justice, injustice and just us.

/Thread this sista said all that needed to. be said.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
If we are keeping it 100 the Justice system is set up to be racist, discriminatory and biased towards black people; we are deemed guilty without proof of guilt; the same rules do not apply and laws do not apply. The Weinsteins of the world get counseling for "sexual dysfunction"... NYPD has yet to make any arrests despite actual evidence of his sexual abuse in comparison to Bill Cosby's case. Asia Argento, his primary accuser, was proven as a child sexual predator, herself - that story was summarily swept under the rug... speaking of children... Roman Polanski - still free to roam about and make movies despite the testimony and conviction for sexual abuse of minor. How many white males that have committed offenses against children in the industry are facing time or charges? Cyntoia Brown.... a child herself, killed the adult white male that abused her, (in self defense) and still remains behind a jail cell .. there is no diminishing of the fact that race is not a factor in Bill Cosby's situation.. and this "me too" movement comes with an agenda- that narrative switched from white to black, real fast.... it was basically by design.

Need to stop taking these legal situations at face value, stop being manipulated mentally and letting the white controlled media determine the thought processes within the black community, start analyzing the facts and it's application to our communities - there's justice, injustice and just us!
Smfh everyone is a fukkin comedian