Compendium of Examples of Trump Being Racist


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
Donald Trump violated the civil rights act by refusing to rent homes to black people.
Trump continued to refuse to rent homes to black people three years after Justice Department ruling on the matter sides against Trump.
Trump ordered blacks to leave casino floor whenever him or wife arrives on property.
1991 book written by Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino President quotes Trump as saying:
“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.“

Trump built a casino in black majority city and breaks promise to mayor about hiring locals, refrains to hire the minorities and opting to staff the casino with almost exclusively all Caucasian employees.
Trump was asked about replacing TSA's 'heebeejabis' with veterans, responded with:
"We're looking at it"

Trump responded to accusations of racism by hiring a former aid for Joseph McCarthy to sue the government for half a billion dollars.
Trump kept books of Hitler Speeches by his bed.
Trump's campaign photoshopped a white model black.
Trump refused to disavow support from the Klu Klux Klan multiple times during interview only to change his mind later on twitter.
The KKK endorses Trump.
Trump retweets message from Pro-Hitler, white genocide conspiracy Twitter account.
Analysis shows that 62% of the people Trump retweeted on the week of January 19th 2016 were white supremacist accounts.
Trump picks famed white supremacist leader as delegate.
Trump's son gives interview with Holocaust denying radio show host who wants to bring back slavery.
Trump's "my African-American" isn't even a Trump supporter.
Trump gives press credentials to white supremacist radio host.
Trump discriminated against Native-Americans as well.
Six former contestants of The Apprentice blast Trump as a racist and sexist.
Trumps father was arrested for attacking police officers at KKK rally.
Public Policy Polling polls Trump supporters and discovers:
60% Support banning Muslims from entering the United States

50% Support the Confederate flag hanging on the capital grounds

30% Support shutting down all mosques in the United States

30% Wish the South won the civil war

25% Islam should be illegal in the United States

25% Support the policy of Japanese Internment

20% Support banning homosexuals from entering the United States

10% Say Whites are a superior race

(11% aren’t sure one way or another)

Trump refuses to condemn violence against muslims and African-Americans committed by his supporters.
When asked for comments on two of his supporters who brutally beat and urinated on a Hispanic homeless man while yelling Pro-Trump Slogans, Trump responds by defending the men as just being "passionate".
The Economist polls Trump supporters and discovers:
15% disapprove of slavery being abolished

- (Another 20% aren’t sure one way or another)

50% support the use of torture on foreign enemy combatants

- (Another 25% aren’t sure one way or another)

80% of Trump's supporters claim to have no problem with racist comments.
Trump falsely claims 4 out of 5 white people who were victims of homicide were murdered by blacks.
Trump believes that Mexicans are rapist by default.

Trump tweeted an anti-semitic tweet likely depicting Hillary jewish.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
The HRC David star tweet turned out to originate from a neo-nazi website.
Trump retweets quote from Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini.
Trump uses picture of Nazi soldiers in official campaign poster.
Opinions of his supporters.
Trump's "muslim ban" is unconstitutional.
Trump thinks that muslims should wear "special ID badges", as well as having a database tracking muslims.
Trump lies about how "muslims celebrated 9/11".
Trump wants to racially profile to "prevent criminality".
Trump had a full-page ad promoting execution of a group of Latino and Black children, who later turned out to be innocent.
Trump continued to believe that they were somehow guilty dispite the DNA test.

He attacked Judge P. Curiel for his "Mexican heritage"
Anne Frank's relatives thinks that Trump is 'acting like Hitler'.
Trump was fined $200,000 in 1992 by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement for not allowing blacks or women onto his casino floor while a racist Mafia leader was gambling.
Trump kicked the only black Republican official out of an Atlanta Trump event with no explanation.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Well I mean, if you don't think Trump is on some anti-minority shyt at this point, either -

1. You're being dishonest (and likely agree with the sentiment)
2. You're an idiot.

To be honest it pretty much has to be one or the other, and usually it's the first. But he's the president, so it is what it is. Gonna be an interesting 4-8, and probably not in a good way.