DACA recipients temporarily block Disneyland entrance as an act of civil disobedience


All Star
Mar 11, 2017
When he said, "if they help fight White supremacy..." I zoned out.

These hispanics don't fight White supremacy, they align themselves with White supremacy.

No-one in this thread brought up the fact that hispanics are silent on Black injustices; no-one brought up the fact that hispanics were recently firebombing Black people to get them to move out of a housing complex in California; no one brought up the fact that hispanics are likely to support republicans and will eventually surpass Blacks in terms of wealth and population density. And given their countries and how racist they are towards Blacks, they will NOT fight White supremacy.

A Black DACA advocate is not a strategist, not a historian, and not political scientist. A Black DACA advocate is just a foolish person that ought to be ignored.

I agree with you 100%.



Nov 5, 2015
Just as American as white people? :mjlol:

Bro do you know anything about the united states and how it views african americans?

bro, you don't understand I don't care how or what white people think..Thats your problem

AA's are american.....
like I said. white people didn't grow out the ground here, our citizenship was paid in blood


Nov 5, 2015
Can't really say they used to black/white...Hispanics may not have been as prevalent but they have always been the majority I mean after Asians phased out of the field. In addition who's to say the majority are illegals? It's a fair assessment to say that the ones who are illegals work the heel positions...clean up...hole digging...traffic directing...shyt like that....it's not like they are directing projects.....

out here in Cali, those jobs are unionized and pay 24 per hr. minimum, stop trying to down play the construction aspect


All Star
Apr 17, 2013

Beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and their allies temporarily blocked a vehicle entrance to Disneyland on Monday, just as the Senate reached an agreement to end the government shutdown brought on in part by a stalemate over the young immigrants' future.

The DACA recipients, commonly called Dreamers, stood in a crosswalk at South Harbor Boulevard around 10 a.m. and blocked buses from entering the Anaheim theme park. The 15 protesters were quickly removed by law enforcement officers and were relocated to a sidewalk, where they held signs and chanted, "No dream! No deal!"

By 10:40 a.m., the protesters had left the area.

"The group is only about 20 people, who have been peaceful. Disneyland is operating as normal today," Disneyland spokeswoman Suzi Brown said in an email.

The government shutdown began at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time Saturday when Democrats in the Senate, joined by a handful of Republicans, blocked a House-passed bill to temporarily fund the government for four weeks.

Democrats and Republicans are at a stalemate over several issues, especially the future of the DACA program, which has protected nearly 800,000 young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children.

Senate leaders on Monday morning reached an agreement to end the shutdown by passing a stopgap spending bill and committing to tackle the issue of immigration before the next deadline, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-New York) said Monday.

Activists with the #OurDream coalition — a group of immigrants' rights organizations — say their protest was meant to pressure Congress to not pass a spending bill until the Dreamers are protected. They said they were tired of "unfulfilled promises" by legislators to settle the matter.

Barbara Hernandez, a 26-year-old DACA recipient from Santa Ana, said protesting in front of Disneyland was symbolic.

"It's where dreams come true," she said. "But we're not on vacation anymore. We're still waiting for our dreams to come true."

Hernandez said she knew blocking the street could make traffic worse or cause an inconvenience for people. But disruption, she said, is something the Dreamers have become accustomed to.

"It's something we go through every day of our lives," she said. "There is always something blocking us from moving forward."

One woman walking by the theme park shouted at the protesters, "I'm going to call my member of Congress today!"

The woman, who would only give her first name, Carmen, said she supported the activists and thought the minor inconvenience of having to wait to get into Disneyland didn't bother her.

A few minutes later, Dusty Roads, of Phoenix, tried to navigate his family past the protesters standing under the Disneyland sign at the park's east entrance.

"What do we want?" the activists shouted.

"We want you to go home," he told them. "We want you to move."

Roads, who also disapproved of the massive women's marches over the weekend, said he didn't know the details of the protest but that he found it annoying.

"It's America," he said. "We don't need that stuff. We don't need to protest. All it does is create hate."

Dafne S., a DACA recipient from Los Angeles, said in a statement that "Congress members shouldn't recklessly gamble with the lives of undocumented youth."

"The vast majority of the American public supports the DREAM Act without anything in exchange. We will not stand by while members of our community are forced deeper into the shadows," she said

Claudia Treminio, a Los Angeles DACA recipient, called the stalemate a "wasteful attempt to appease Trump's racist base" and a "way to bankroll his corporate backers."

"We will not stay silent as President Trump and members of Congress use us as bargaining chips to build a border wall," she said.

DACA recipients temporarily block Disneyland entrance as an act of civil disobedience

Protest a country you're in illegally Brehs




I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
You don't know what the fukk you talking about. AA's have not conceded shyt, which is why the Republicans don't like them.

Those illegal immigrants are not going after any positions of power. They will do exactly what the White man tells them, which makes them bootlicks. Right now they are begging the White man to let their asses stay in the USA.

#HYON (Hold your own nuts).
Trojan horse and the epitome is what happened to Miami.

Ugo Ogugwa

Neega Wotsssss
May 1, 2012

Beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and their allies temporarily blocked a vehicle entrance to Disneyland on Monday, just as the Senate reached an agreement to end the government shutdown brought on in part by a stalemate over the young immigrants' future.

The DACA recipients, commonly called Dreamers, stood in a crosswalk at South Harbor Boulevard around 10 a.m. and blocked buses from entering the Anaheim theme park. The 15 protesters were quickly removed by law enforcement officers and were relocated to a sidewalk, where they held signs and chanted, "No dream! No deal!"

By 10:40 a.m., the protesters had left the area.

"The group is only about 20 people, who have been peaceful. Disneyland is operating as normal today," Disneyland spokeswoman Suzi Brown said in an email.

The government shutdown began at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time Saturday when Democrats in the Senate, joined by a handful of Republicans, blocked a House-passed bill to temporarily fund the government for four weeks.

Democrats and Republicans are at a stalemate over several issues, especially the future of the DACA program, which has protected nearly 800,000 young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children.

Senate leaders on Monday morning reached an agreement to end the shutdown by passing a stopgap spending bill and committing to tackle the issue of immigration before the next deadline, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-New York) said Monday.

Activists with the #OurDream coalition — a group of immigrants' rights organizations — say their protest was meant to pressure Congress to not pass a spending bill until the Dreamers are protected. They said they were tired of "unfulfilled promises" by legislators to settle the matter.

Barbara Hernandez, a 26-year-old DACA recipient from Santa Ana, said protesting in front of Disneyland was symbolic.

"It's where dreams come true," she said. "But we're not on vacation anymore. We're still waiting for our dreams to come true."

Hernandez said she knew blocking the street could make traffic worse or cause an inconvenience for people. But disruption, she said, is something the Dreamers have become accustomed to.

"It's something we go through every day of our lives," she said. "There is always something blocking us from moving forward."

One woman walking by the theme park shouted at the protesters, "I'm going to call my member of Congress today!"

The woman, who would only give her first name, Carmen, said she supported the activists and thought the minor inconvenience of having to wait to get into Disneyland didn't bother her.

A few minutes later, Dusty Roads, of Phoenix, tried to navigate his family past the protesters standing under the Disneyland sign at the park's east entrance.

"What do we want?" the activists shouted.

"We want you to go home," he told them. "We want you to move."

Roads, who also disapproved of the massive women's marches over the weekend, said he didn't know the details of the protest but that he found it annoying.

"It's America," he said. "We don't need that stuff. We don't need to protest. All it does is create hate."

Dafne S., a DACA recipient from Los Angeles, said in a statement that "Congress members shouldn't recklessly gamble with the lives of undocumented youth."

"The vast majority of the American public supports the DREAM Act without anything in exchange. We will not stand by while members of our community are forced deeper into the shadows," she said

Claudia Treminio, a Los Angeles DACA recipient, called the stalemate a "wasteful attempt to appease Trump's racist base" and a "way to bankroll his corporate backers."

"We will not stay silent as President Trump and members of Congress use us as bargaining chips to build a border wall," she said.

DACA recipients temporarily block Disneyland entrance as an act of civil disobedience

Protest a country you're in illegally Brehs


Maybe Micky, Minnie, Goofy expected them to hold their own nuts and this was their response?


All Star
Dec 20, 2014
I don't think DACA kids should be deported but these people have a lot of damn nerve making fukking demands.

Advocates are are always talking about the taxes illegal immigrants pay... Well under whose name are they paying taxes because they don't have a legit SSNs? :stopitslime:

Each one of those cats has stolen an identity in order to work. They file a lot of false paperwork to get jobs and loans. How are they law abiding again? :mjlol:

My brother was contacted by child support demanding an increase because he was supposedly making more money. Apparently he was working agriculture in the pacific northwest. Someone stole his identity and was using his SSN to work. I wonder who that was? :ohhh:

The tactics of some of these DACA advocates seem so counterproductive. These dumbasses interrupted the election night celebration of the democratic Virginia governor demanding sanctuary cities in VA. GTFOH with that non -sense.:hhh:


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
I advice everyone to keep that troll at no chill Jones on ignore dude is a troll who spams all the threads