DIY: Reforming Any Policy of Your Choice


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
(Should this be in Higher Learning or Other Forum? F it... I trust the Locker Room.):ufdup:

You've just been given the reigns or elected into a position that allows you an unobstructed opportunity to change policy(s) of your choice.


  • Mention which Country
  • Mention whether your reform is State level or Federal Level.
  • You can go for troll points(ridiculous post about bullshyt) or legitimate attempts [Daps for either, honestly]
  • Be prepared to answer Coli Wolf questions about it
My Attempt:

Federal Level

All Federal Drug laws Outside of the Regulation of Purely Interstate transport Related of the Product for Tax Purposes are Hereby Abolished.
  • All previous taxpayer funds that went to the arming and combating of said narcotics enforcement will be re-rolled into community development(from paved streets to improved school facilities), drug education, well regulated/maintained mental/drug treatment programs. This will be done on a tiered basis with urban communities that have have been the focus on the enforcement being the first priority.
  • States' rights will be recognized, however, as drugs are a lifestyle classification, and a State will be able to deem drugs illegal, as the Constitution has historically allowed them to.

State Level (New York City)

All previous NYCHA housing residents who've inhabited in Said Project Housing for a Minimum of 5 Years Eligible to Buy In To Current Home In CO-OP Ownership Transition
  • Resident on Lease would have to opt-in and time period for residing would be retroactive up to 4 years. After approval for application, a minimum of 1 year addition residing in home before being able to fully convert to ownership of property.
  • Considering many of NYC's housing projects are occupied by Black residents, this would literally transform the contrast on black property ownership in a decade.
  • Previous Conviction/Arrest record would have no bearing on Opt-In Status.
  • *The Exception would be Sex Offender Status. Residents who meet all other requirements but have a sex offender conviction will be unable to opt-in except if sex offender status was a statutory rape charges where difference in age of victim/perpetrator is less than 3 years.
  • After full conversion, property owner will be able to compel City of NY to purchase property from owner at 2/3rd the future appraised value of property on a 5 year scale.**
  • ** In order to avoid owners being short changed on the current value with sale to City, City can be compelled to pay for standard repairs after private inspection(at resident's expense) and the City can be compelled to pay for the projected increase in property value 5 years later (which ever value is greater.

I want to hear the Coli's ideas.:feedme: