Does anybody on the Root follow Thomas Sowell? Thomas Sowell appreciation thread!


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Thomas Sowell is a black economist, intellectual, world historian, and author, but more importantly a man who relies on facts rather than feelings unlike a lot of people who discuss racial, social, and economic issues. It's what has attracted me to him more than any other black intellectual, leader, or modern day civil rights activist. I know when he makes an assertion, he has made it on the basis of hard evidence that he can cite right there on the spot.

Instead of doing a write up on in his specific beliefs pertaining to black issues and black history, I will just post a few videos of him explaining his views in his own words which is a privilege to watch imo because his efficiency with words is a marvel to behold.

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Feb 13, 2014

I haven't read any of his books, but I have gotten a lot out of his video interviews.

Probably due to his age, he didn't do a good job of explaining the black marriage rates in the 1920s. In the 1920s the percent of blacks married was the same as the percent of whites married -- 60 percent. The percent of blacks married would have been higher except blacks died earlier than whites so there were significantly more black widows and widowers. (See Table I.

The collapse of the black family in the 1960s was due to welfare, the sexual revolution, and civil rights. I'm not saying civil rights was a bad thing, but having access to better paying jobs gave black women a financial safety net if they had to leave a marriage.

Policies implemented in the 1990s like child support collection for unmarried mothers all but guaranteed that families were never formed in the first place.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
I've been meaning to make a thread about this guy because I've seen racist people on twitter use his face and quote him. I've never read his books and don't no much about him besides what's in the op.

How does everyone else feel about him?
I have also noticed that too, and I find it odd that quite a few "Redpilled" Whites seem to enjoy his work. I assume it has something to do with Sowell believing that poverty among minority groups is less a result of racial and social discrimination than of a group's values, ethics, and attitudes. Still, Sowell has wrote books arguing against the notion that Black IQs is the reason for why blacks fall short academically harder than anyone I know, and has gone on record numerous times on how white liberals having been causing destruction on the black populace since the 1800s and how their policies is the sole biggest contributors to dysfunctional black culture of today.

Anyway. If I was you, and wanted to learn more about him I would just watch his vids on youtube, and read "A conflict of Visions". Sowell pretty much reasons based on facts that he references whenever he speaks, so it's very easy draw your own opinion on him.

The collapse of the black family in the 1960s was due to welfare, the sexual revolution, and civil rights. I'm not saying civil rights was a bad thing, but having access to better paying jobs gave black women a financial safety net if they had to leave a marriage.
You know, I never took into account what effect the sexual revolution had on black females. It seems in general that the 1960s just brought such a disasters culture shift in black values.


Feb 13, 2014
Still, Sowell has wrote books arguing against the notion that Black IQs is the reason for why blacks fall short academically harder than anyone I know, and has gone on record numerous times on how white liberals having been causing destruction on the black populace since the 1800s and how their policies is the sole biggest contributors to dysfunctional black culture of today.

Thomas Sowell has a son who was a late talker, almost four, but didn't write him off as low IQ. His son ended up graduating college and becoming a computer programmer. When A Child Doesn't Speak How Soon And How Forcefully Should Adults Intervene? A Noted Scholar Whose Son Was A Late Talker Offers His Views In A New Book.

Sowell himself was behind academically when he moved to New York from North Carolina at age 9 but he caught up.

At 5:15 in this 1990 video, Sowell explains how both black and white education activists keep the top black students in the country out of STEM.



This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Thomas Sowell is a black economist, intellectual, world historian, and author, but more importantly a man who relies on facts rather than feelings unlike a lot of people who discuss racial, social, and economic issues. It's what has attracted me to him more than any other black intellectual, leader, or modern day civil rights activist. I know when he makes an assertion, he has made it on the basis of hard evidence that he can cite right there on the spot.

Instead of doing write up on in his specific beliefs pertaining to black issues and black history, I will just post a few videos of him explaining his views in his own words which is a privilege to watch imo because his efficiency with words is a marvel to behold.

Read black labor, White Wealth then get back to us.



The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Thomas Sowell was a follower of Milton Friedman whose policies during the Reagan administration led to some of the most violent times within the black community's history

his argument basically came down to "I used to be a more liberal communist, then I worked in the government, and everyone there was stupid. So, we shouldn't trust the government, and limit its spending as much as possible."

People like Friedman and Sowell are directly responsible for the failed economic policy of 1980s trickle down economics. Give the smart, best people all the money, and everyone else can lap it up off the floor once the rich's cups runneth over, Unfortunately, the meek shall inherit the earth, so the reaganomic policies where the small guy, automobile factory workers to air traffic controllers, get pushed into a corner - are doomed, if they haven't failed miserably already.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens

This is so damn sad. So many young black people economic opportunities completely fukked up by colleges abusing diversity quotas, and it's been going on for decades. At this point, it's basically a fact that liberals in the education and the political field is purposely trying to push black students in positions that they know they will fail or force them to take easier majors solely for personal gain.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
This is so damn sad. So many young black people economic opportunities completely fukked up by colleges abusing diversity quotas, and it's been going on for decades. At this point, it's basically a fact that liberals in the education and the political field is purposely trying to push black students in positions that they know they will fail or force them to take easier majors solely for personal gain.

Look at places like twitter and Facebook, where Black women brag about being the top educated group in America.
1. Ask them what their degrees are in and it is usually stuff like Mass Comm or Psychology.
2. How is the group with the most education, part of a group with the least economic wealth.

You have kids who go to college just because their parents forced them, so their parent can be able to say "my baby went to college" yet the parent did not save a dime to fund the kids education but wants to dictate the childs life and essentially their financially destiny with the kid being forced to take on large amounts of student loan debt.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Thomas Sowell is a black economist, intellectual, world historian, and author, but more importantly a man who relies on facts rather than feelings unlike a lot of people who discuss racial, social, and economic issues. It's what has attracted me to him more than any other black intellectual, leader, or modern day civil rights activist. I know when he makes an assertion, he has made it on the basis of hard evidence that he can cite right there on the spot.

Instead of doing write up on in his specific beliefs pertaining to black issues and black history, I will just post a few videos of him explaining his views in his own words which is a privilege to watch imo because his efficiency with words is a marvel to behold.

Sowell sucks.

Whenever someone hits you with the "Listen to me because I deal with facts, while the other side deals with emotion" (an emotional appeal in an of itself) you know you're in for some horseshyt. Our species is divined with the ability of an elevated consciousness, so to say one's opinion lacks emotion is to say its not appropriately human at all. We are hardwired for subjectivity. Its part of the theory that stats often dont lie, but liars use stats.

We know Sowell is governed by subjectivity, because his views dont stray from a strict republican orthodoxy, and "liberals are always wrong/racism is overstated" bellowingd. This of course is an impossibility, and true intellectuals try to apprehend all available possibilities. Sowell is beyond selective.

When it comes to the black experience and the diminished black state, there are a universe of historical and current variables that he dismisses. There's of course the psychological residue of slavery both for the oppressed and dominant, there are public and private enterprises that openly discriminated against blacks during the mid 20th century via redlining and va home loans (a critical period of wealth building in america), there's the spate of riots during the 60s in black neighborhoods which drove businesses from areas that would become economically depressed hoods, there's evaporation of low skilled factory work that disappeared from cities hitting blacks the hardest....

Literally I could go on and on, but the unique experience of the black American is something Sowell hasnt even attempted to analyze with sincerity. His position from jump has always been "racism didnt bother me much, so it cant really exist" type narcissism. Posting videos from 30-40 years ago doesnt help us much. Sowell, like the republican party of last generation, placed a value on intellectual rigor that is today non-existent. Thats why you can currently catch Sowell supporting the likes of George Zimmerman (what does that have to do with conservative politics..oh I know its anti-black thats why). Sowell's work can largely be taken apart by anyone who has taken a community college beginners course in economics and 20th century race relations.


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
Sowell sucks.

Whenever someone hits you with the "Listen to me because I deal with facts, while the other side deals with emotion" (an emotional appeal in an of itself) you know you're in for some horseshyt. Our species is divined with the ability of an elevated consciousness, so to say one's opinion lacks emotion is to say its not appropriately human at all. We are hardwired for subjectivity. Its part of the theory that stats often dont lie, but liars use stats.

We know Sowell is governed by subjectivity, because his views dont stray from a strict republican orthodoxy, and "liberals are always wrong/racism is overstated" bellowingd. This of course is an impossibility, and true intellectuals try to apprehend all available possibilities. Sowell is beyond selective.

When it comes to the black experience and the diminished black state, there are a universe of historical and current variables that he dismisses. There's of course the psychological residue of slavery both for the oppressed and dominant, there are public and private enterprises that openly discriminated against blacks during the mid 20th century via redlining and va home loans (a critical period of wealth building in america), there's the spate of riots during the 60s in black neighborhoods which drove businesses from areas that would become economically depressed hoods, there's evaporation of low skilled factory work that disappeared from cities hitting blacks the hardest....

Literally I could go on and on, but the unique experience of the black American is something Sowell hasnt even attempted to analyze with sincerity. His position from jump has always been "racism didnt bother me much, so it cant really exist" type narcissism. Posting videos from 30-40 years ago doesnt help us much. Sowell, like the republican party of last generation, placed a value on intellectual rigor that is today non-existent. Thats why you can currently catch Sowell supporting the likes of George Zimmerman (what does that have to do with conservative politics..oh I know its anti-black thats why). Sowell's work can largely be taken apart by anyone who has taken a community college beginners course in economics and 20th century race relations.
