
May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
02.28.134:45 AM ET

Domestic Violence Among the Wealthy Hides Behind ‘Veil of Silence’

A common image of domestic violence: a woman on the brink of homelessness, taking refuge from her abusive spouse in a shelter because she has nowhere else to go.

But recent domestic violence cases in the news, from South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius allegedly murdering his girlfriend to CBS New York anchor Rob Morrison accused of choking his wife, are revealing what domestic abuse experts say has been the dirty little secret of the wealthy for too long.

From Stamford, Conn., to Beverly Hills, Calif., domestic violence in upscale communities has long had a unique stigma, the industry’s few experts say. “Higher-income people hide behind what I call a veil of silence,” says Dr. Susan Weitzman, founder of the Weitzman Center, an advocacy organization that raises awareness about what she calls upscale abuse. “They believe it’s only happening to them. No one can hear you scream on a 3-acre lot.”

Recent research on the relationship between domestic violence and the economy has focused on the effects of the 2008 recession and found that abuse is three times as likely to occur when couples are under financial strain. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, three of four domestic violence shelters reported increases in women seeking help after September 2008.

But Weitzman and her peers say there’s no comparable research for wealthy couples, reinforcing the public’s ignorance of the problem and the culture of silence surrounding upscale abuse.

“The woman may be living in an affluent household, but she often has as much access to finances as someone with no money at all.”

Frequent cycles of violence can characterize upscale domestic abuse, Weitzman says. Most abusive relationships include a so-called honeymoon period, in which the abuser tries to apologize with gifts and promises to change. But the wealthy clients Weitzman has worked with usually don’t experience a honeymoon period. The violence can be unrelenting, she says.

After the violence, the first unique obstacle wealthy women face in getting out of abusive relationships is admitting the abuse itself, an already harrowing task complicated by the fear—and often the reality—of not being believed by peers.

“The woman is often disbelieved when she comes out,” Weitzman says. “People will say, ‘Look at your husband, look at your lifestyle.’” Weitzman says she remembers one client whose abusive spouse poured a glass of water on her during a marriage counseling session.

“All the therapist did was offer the woman a Kleenex,” she says.

Linda Bollea, ex-wife of wrestler Hulk Hogan, says she knows the fear of coming clean about abuse all too well. In her memoir Wrestling the Hulk: My Life Against the Ropes, she alleges that her ex-husband emotionally and physically abused her. (He has filed a lawsuit against her for defamation.)

Bollea recalls the anxiety that “the empire would collapse after ‘outing’ the abusive spouse. It makes it scary and difficult to ask for help. Once the abusive spouse realizes their partner’s unhappiness, it gets much more because now there is no fixing it.”

That problem is only compounded in the courtroom, where high-income husbands can assemble what Weitzman calls “legal dream teams.” She says she recently worked with a woman whose abusive husband hired six attorneys, each at $500 an hour, to fight for custody of his children.

“The women are left at the mercy of a system,” says Dr. Jeanne King, a psychologist specializing in domestic abuse among the wealthy, “and that system becomes an insiders’ club.”

Even when the abusers are subject to legal proceedings, they are adept at manipulating the system. During one court battle, Weitzman says, a husband accused of abuse was asked to have his car appraised by forensics experts. When the experts got to the garage, they found the car disassembled into thousands of pieces.

“The disclosure of abuse only brings on a new warfare” for wealthy abused women, King says. “She’s exposed his abuse from behind closed doors and possibly ruined his career, so now there’s a campaign against her.”

That campaign often involves stripping the abused woman of all her financial resources, says Jan Edgar Langbein, executive director of the Genesis Women’s Shelter in Dallas.

“The woman may be living in an affluent household, but she often has as much access to finances as someone with no money at all,” she says.

Expensive, painful custody battles are typical in cases of upscale domestic abuse, Langbein, King, and Weitzman say.

“The abuser will try to hurt you in the way it hurts most, by getting custody of the kids,” Langbein says. According to data from the American Judges’ Association, 70 percent of contested custody cases involving domestic violence eventually grant joint or sole custody to the abuser.

Langbein says she is seeing more and more affluent women seeking help from Genesis’s non-residential programs, part of the overall growth in domestic violence around the nation in the last five years. But Weitzman says there is some good news: the highest-profile cases, from Chris Brown to Pistorius, are raising awareness about the pervasiveness of upscale violence.

And some women’s shelters are developing specific programs for wealthy women. In 2007, a shelter in Naples, Fla., developed a “Women of Means” program. Similar programs have sprung up around the country, though Langbein says a nearby Dallas shelter with a separate program for affluent women has earned the disparaging moniker “the Prada group.”

David Hopkins, partner at Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, a family law firm based in Chicago, has been working for more than a decade to level the playing field for abused women facing expensive legal battles when their abusers sue for defamation or custody.

He says he’s worked with many clients with wealthy abusers. “In the most extreme cases, the abusive party is able to recoup irrespective of the cost,” he says. “The goal is to financially destroy the victim.”

To combat what he calls the “sheer vindictiveness” of unnecessary litigation against abuse victims, Hopkins helped pass statutory reforms to Illinois’s Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act so that victims would have equal access to finances to pay for legal fees.

Despite advancements in treatment for wealthy domestic violence victims and legal developments to help victims fight back, there’s much more work to be done to de-stigmatize upscale abuse, experts tell The Daily Beast.

“These are still the women who fall through the cracks of the system,” King says.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem

Domestic violence against women - wife abuse- affects millions of women of every race, class, age, and religion. Battered women are mothers, teachers, doctors, secretaries, and factory workers.

They live in the city and in the country. They are rich and poor, as young as 14 and as old as 85.

Women who are victims of domestic violence are often blamed for the abuser's actions. Because assaults by husbands or boyfriends are seldom discussed, many myths and stereotypes have developed.


There are very few battered women in this country.


A woman is beaten every 9 seconds

    • There are 2 times as many cases of reported domestic violence as reported rapes, but only about 1 out of 10 are even reported. Violence occurs at least once in the course of the marriage in over half of all marriages. In half of these, violence occurred regularly. 1 out of 6 couples in the U.S. experiences domestic violence every year. There are at least 40,000 abused women in Philadelphia.

When a man hits his wife or girlfriend, it's usually nothing serious - a slap or a punch.


Spouse murders account for 1/8 of all homicides in the U.S.

    • Studies of violent families show that the violence escalates over time, becoming more intense and more frequent.
      In 8.5% of murders of spouses, the police had been called 5 or more times.The abuse was becoming more serious, and these wives were reaching out for help.Almost half of all women treated in hospital emergency rooms had injuries probably from being battered by their husband or boyfriend; at lease 17% were definitely battered.

There are just as many women who batter their husbands as men who batter their wives.


Nearly all of the victims of domestic violence are women.

    • Estimates range from 95.3% to 99%.Most men grow up believing that violence is an appropriate outlet for their anger, women usually use other means.Women are not usually taught to fight, even in self-defense.

      Women who attempt to fight back very often place their lives in jeopardy and may end up seriously injured or dead.Frequently women who are victims of escalating battering are forced, in an effort to defend themselves, to use a weapon.

Wife abuse occurs primarily in poor and/or minority families.


Battered women come from all race, class, age,educational, and religious backgrounds.

They are wives of doctors, lawyers, government officials, policemen and judges, and men who are unemployed. In a study of 60 couples seeking divorces in Cleveland,Ohio, 40% of the middle class women and 23% of the lower class women reported physical abuse by husbands. 1/5 of all Americans approve of slapping one's spouse on"appropriate occasions . . . Surprisingly, approval of this practice increases with income and education . . ." Domestic violence may appear to be a problem primarily of poor women because middle- and upper-class women often have the resources to hide the violence. They tend to avoid calling the police since they can go to a hotel and a private doctor or counselor. Abused women with fewer economic resources are more visible since they must turn to public institutions such as the police, public hospital,and community mental health center for help.


The police can't do anything because abused women don't want to prosecute and they usually drop the case.


Police usually say they can't get involved in a domestic squabble, even when the woman is visibly injured.

    • Sometimes the officer trivializes the crime by telling the man to "walk around the block."
      This reinforces social approval of male violence and the idea that a man owns his wife.

      "Arrest may be the most effective approach in deterring a man from repeated violence."



Womynkind Productions - Brooklyn, NY - 1-888-578-9847


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
Sorry about my rants. That's one of my biggest pet peeves is that self-limiting belief that if you are from the hood you can't be or do anything else.

fukk that! Black people are beautiful intelligent and interesting.


Back to domestic violence (and this goes for any sex)

Cluster B personality disorders: Narcissistic PD, Borderline PD, and Antisocial PD (which includes Sociopaths and Psychopaths) can be very dangerous.

Sociopaths are usually the kinds of people who don't fit in, and are on the fringes of society. They usually were victims of an abusive upbringing.

Psychopaths are the opposite. They are charming and usually successful. They are able to gain trust and disarm people easily.

Both have a lack of empathy and no sense of guilt or remorse

This thread is in response to all the insistence that lower income men are more inclined to commit domestic violence. It's not true.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
Wealthy women are victims of domestic violence. The men have more resources to get away with it.


Not To People Like Us: Hidden Abuse In Upscale Marriages
4.8 out of 5 stars (21)Reviews

About this item
From Publishers Weekly
Chicago's affluent North Shore provides 20-year veteran psychotherapist Weitzman with abundant evidence of the secret lives of "upscale domestic abusers" and their victim-wives. Shattering the cultural myth that emotional and physical violence in the home is confined to couples of a lower socioeconomic class, the author presents vivid case histories that are often excluded from clinical studies and statistics. Lacking a frame of reference for domestic violence in this echelon, health-care professionals ignore the signs, while law enforcement agents and judges go easy on it, she contends. Few believe or sympathize with a well-dressed, bejeweled woman if she finds the courage and self-respect to speak out against her successful, respected, powerful and often charming husband, while battered women's shelters turn her away, assuming that she has many other resources. But according to Weitzman, she doesn't. While often well educated and successful, the "upscale abused woman" is typically ignorant of her legal rights, convinced by her abuser that she is responsible for his behavior and isolated by her denial and shame from validating voices and potential assistance. Weitzman's upscale abuser exhibits Narcissistic Personality Disorder, feels eminently entitled and is incapable of seeing his wife as a person in her own right. Weitzman provides excellent practical advice for these women to make choices that extricate them from abuse, and proposes a new language and better education regarding "upscale violence" for the professionals who are likely to see it in their work.
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Product Description

How is it possible for a highly educated woman with a career and resources of her own to stay in a marriage with an abusive husband? How can a man be considered a pillar of his community and regularly give his wife a black eye? The very nature of these questions proves how convinced we are that domestic violence is restricted to the lower classes. Now Susan Weitzman explores a heretofore overlooked population of battered wives-the upper-educated and upper-income women who rarely report abuse and remain trapped by their own silence.

From Booklist
Weitzman, a professor of social work, coined the phrase "upscale violence" for domestic abuse among the affluent, something that has been ignored and denied in research on the subject. Nationwide, four million women each year are victims of domestic violence, an unknown proportion of them from families with household incomes of $100,000 or more, according to Weitzman. In her 23 years of mental health practice, she noted the silence surrounding upscale violence. Affluent women are less likely to be assisted by police, courts, and counselors, because of the widely held belief that domestic violence doesn't occur among the well to do. But Weitzman interviewed 14 women, aged 24 to 62, for this revealing look at upscale violence. She recalls a client who went to domestic violence court in a fur coat, standing among lower income sister-complainants. Her case wasn't taken as seriously, though, like the others, she had a black eye. Weitzman looks at patterns of abuse and coping strategies and how abuse among the affluent differs from that of the more widely researched abuse among lower income families.Vanessa Bush
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

"All practitioners working with adult women should read this book." -- --READINGS: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health [3/2/01]

"Weitzman provides excellent practical advice for these women to make choices that extricate them from abuse. . ." -- Publishers Weekly [October 23, 2000]

About the Author

Susan Weitzman, Ph.D., is an institute lecturer at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration. A practicing psychotherapist in Chicago, she lectures and conducts workshops nationally.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
Good post.

Ive strongly held the belief that violence usually occurred at lower income levels. But I was mistaken. I forgot that the power and influence dynamic in affluent couples is probably less favorable to women, probably even more so than women of lower income.

SO its a matter of education, it seems.

And frankly, why would someone of higher income seek out any type of education about that subject (unless they had an interest/attended some liberal arts school)? After all the stigma of recognizing such a toxic issue is probably too much for them to conceptualize.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
Good post.

Ive strongly held the belief that violence usually occurred at lower income levels. But I was mistaken. I forgot that the power and influence dynamic in affluent couples is probably less favorable to women, probably even more so than women of lower income.

SO its a matter of education, it seems.

And frankly, why would someone of higher income seek out any type of education about that subject (unless they had an interest/attended some liberal arts school)? After all the stigma of recognizing such a toxic issue is probably too much for them to conceptualize.
If a woman is married to a Narcissist. He may not display any signs of being abusive right away. Remember, he's charming and successful. She may be educated, but he's convinced her to become a stay at home mom. Or she works and they have a joint bank account.

Then suddenly, once he has her where he wants her, he commits a horrific violent act. Well surely this cannot be the same man whom she married. He's done A,B and C: charming, romantic or caring things... She's devastated and completely shocked "because that's not the Steve she knows...."
Further to that, she's afraid or ashamed to go to the police, because perhaps he's a JUDGE or powerful public/private figure. Maybe she thinks they won't believe her or won't protect her. Maybe he's blocked access to their joint account and she's afraid to use a credit card to book a hotel.

The point is that something deeply evil in this man and most predators that allows him to WAIT until his proposed victim is at her most vulnerable and isolated point.

Wealth and privilege allow some men to dodge the bullet and the consequences of their heinous acts for years (Bill Cosby) because they can create a comfort zone between themselves and the law.
Read the dozens of posts right here on the Coli about "breaking" a woman down mentally. These men who do that are sociopaths (sociopaths are NOT charming and lack social skills, narcissists are charming and have social skills- they're not going to be on the Coli). These men who display such a venomous hatred of women right here on the Coli, were probably rejected in high school by women they felt ENTITLED to. Despite not having the looks, social skills, basic human decency or hygiene. Their hatred for women drives them to seek out other men who feel the same way. They find that support for their pathology in online communities and they learn from each other how to better seek out and destroy women. They brag about "going raw" KNOWING they will not and cannot support or raise a child. They purposely lie to women to get sex from them and sleep with multiple women (having a roster or a stable or a deep bench). These men see women as objects NOT as people. In doing so, they forsake their own humanity and become monsters that masquerade as real life human beings. Deep down they know they're not quite human, but they certainly cannot admit it. They've FINALLY figured out how to sleep with women and they cannot possibly keep their scam going AND try to develop a conscience or a personality...

So many threads I could link, but the locker room is full of them. Common theme: how to manipulate women? Or how they succeeded in manipulating a woman... Or how they've manipulated a prostitutite into a lower rate. (you've got to be a sociopath to have sex with a prostitute- but that's another thread). It's all about the game: connive, deceive, manipulate and control... And repeat. They're unable to bond to other human beings, because they're not quite human themselves. Why do you think there are so many ABANDONED mothers? Sociopaths. They CANNOT bond with other human beings, so it's nothing for them to drop one woman/family and move on to another and another.

No regular human being is going to refer to women as hair hats, bedwenches and bytches. A regular man has a wife, girlfriend, mother that he loves and so it's a foreign concept to run game on a woman to get sex from her. They don't HAVE to. They don't need to.

There are a lot of Eliot Rodgers in the world.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
If a woman is married to a Narcissist. He may not display any signs of being abusive right away. Remember, he's charming and successful. She may be educated, but he's convinced her to become a stay at home mom. Or she works and they have a joint bank account.

Then suddenly, once he has her where he wants her, he commits a horrific violent act. Well surely this cannot be the same man whom she married. He's done A,B and C: charming, romantic or caring things... She's devastated and completely shocked "because that's not the Steve she knows...."
Further to that, she's afraid or ashamed to go to the police, because perhaps he's a JUDGE or powerful public/private figure. Maybe she thinks they won't believe her or won't protect her. Maybe he's blocked access to their joint account and she's afraid to use a credit card to book a hotel.

The point is that something deeply evil in this man and most predators that allows him to WAIT until his proposed victim is at her most vulnerable and isolated point.

Wealth and privilege allow some men to dodge the bullet and the consequences of their heinous acts for years (Bill Cosby) because they can create a comfort zone between themselves and the law.
Read the dozens of posts right here on the Coli about "breaking" a woman down mentally. These men who do that are sociopaths (sociopaths are NOT charming and lack social skills, narcissists are charming and have social skills- they're not going to be on the Coli). These men who display such a venomous hatred of women right here on the Coli, were probably rejected in high school by women they felt ENTITLED to. Despite not having the looks, social skills, basic human decency or hygiene. Their hatred for women drives them to seek out other men who feel the same way. They find that support for their pathology in online communities and they learn from each other how to better seek out and destroy women. They brag about "going raw" KNOWING they will not and cannot support or raise a child. They purposely lie to women to get sex from them and sleep with multiple women (having a roster or a stable or a deep bench). These men see women as objects NOT as people. In doing so, they forsake their own humanity and become monsters that masquerade as real life human beings. Deep down they know they're not quite human, but they certainly cannot admit it. They've FINALLY figured out how to sleep with women and they cannot possibly keep their scam going AND try to develop a conscience or a personality...

So many threads I could link, but the locker room is full of them. Common theme: how to manipulate women? Or how they succeeded in manipulating a woman... Or how they've manipulated a prostitutite into a lower rate. (you've got to be a sociopath to have sex with a prostitute- but that's another thread). It's all about the game: connive, deceive, manipulate and control... And repeat. They're unable to bond to other human beings, because they're not quite human themselves. Why do you think there are so many ABANDONED mothers? Sociopaths. They CANNOT bond with other human beings, so it's nothing for them to drop one woman/family and move on to another and another.

No regular human being is going to refer to women as hair hats, bedwenches and bytches. A regular man has a wife, girlfriend, mother that he loves and so it's a foreign concept to run game on a woman to get sex from her. They don't HAVE to. They don't need to.

There are a lot of Eliot Rodgers in the world.
There are some mentally disturbed people on here, there are some butt hurt people who hold on to grudges and heartbreak, then there are some guys who just play along and are impressionable. They don't realize that they are playing with fire.

The internet is a haven to society's outcasts because you can always create a new persona And you have more access to people who think like you.