Don Frye Interview (Speaks on Nick Diaz, MMA & more)

Mad Good Dro

Feb 18, 2013
Don Frye had a storied MMA career.

In a recent interview with the Sherdog Radio Network’s “Beatdown” show, Frye reflected on his time in the sport, his prediction videos posted on YouTube and more.

On ‘Predator’s Predictions’: “We just got tired of the regular cookie-cutter TV shows or prediction shows or what have you. They’re just snorers. They put you to sleep. Everybody’s in a suit and tie. … These guys are sitting around in their K-Mart suits. They want to have a group hug. Nobody’s telling the truth.”

On whether MMA is a sport or a spectacle: “It’s a sport now, and that’s what happened to it. … Back when I fought in the UFC, in the beginning, and I fought in Pride, we were fighting. Now it’s not a fight. It’s a sport. There’s quite a difference.”

On whether he prefers MMA as a fight or as a sport: “I enjoyed it as a fight. I mean, that’s essentially what you were there to do, was to fight each other and see who was best, prove who was best. Now, I mean, they’re much better athletes. They’re much better trained. You can’t take that away from them, but none of them have that killer instinct. That’s the difference.”

On whether he likes Nick Diaz: “Yeah, but I think he needs to spend more time throwing punches than throwing fingers. If you’re going to insult somebody, make sure you can whoop their ass. Whoop their ass and then insult them. Don’t spend your time trying to flip them off and then get your ass kicked. What does that prove?”

On whether there’s a place for Don Frye in modern-day MMA: “I don’t think there’s a place for Don Frye in the modern-day world.”

On the hardest he was ever hit: “It’d have to be Tank Abbott. He hit me in ’96. My first daughter was born in 2000, second daughter born in 2001, and they were born dizzy.”

On trading punches and taking punishment: “That was my problem: I always wanted to see what the other guy had. The late Jeff Blatnick and I spoke about that one time. He says, ‘Well, if you don’t let them get into their game, haven’t you beat their game?’ Yeah, but I’m not smart enough or advanced enough technically for that, so I want to beat them at their game specifically. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.”

On why he’s not involved with a pro wrestling organization like the WWE: “My problem was I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and I shot myself in the foot. You’ve got to understand, when you’re in pain, you’re in pain 24 hours a day. You try and mask it with narcotics or alcohol or something like that, and it retards your brain. It makes you say completely stupid things. So as a complete idiot and an a$$hole, I said things against the WWE which were none of my business and I had no knowledge of. I badmouthed them and I’m an idiot because I didn’t know what the hell I was saying. The McMahon family, they’re billionaires. So who the hell am I to complain about what they’re doing and say they’re doing something wrong? Obviously they’re doing something right.”