Douchebag Bodybuilder Slaps Judge After Losing Competition (Video)

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Douchebag Bodybuilder Slaps Judge After Losing Competition (Video)
by: Esteban On Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Tags: Assault Bodybuilders Bodybuilding IFBB

Meet Giannis Magkos. He is an accomplished professional bodybuilder and, as it turns out, a disgraceful douchebag.

Magkos competed in the International Federation of Bodybuilders Diamond Cup in Athens over the weekend. He won the 100kg division and apparently thought he had performed well enough to take home the overall championship as well. However, the judges thought differently, which is just how it goes sometimes.

Unfortunately, either nobody ever explained the importance of losing gracefully to Magkos, or the guy is suffering from some serious roid rage. Because after the competition the oily muscle head went over and slapped longtime IFBB judge Armando Marquez in the face, knocking him to the floor.

Some reports say Magkos then proceeded to flip some tables and whip out his penis, which sounds totally awesome. However, if that happened, it wasn’t caught on video.

We do have video of the slap, though. In fact, we have two different angles.

Take a look:

Douchebag Bodybuilder Slaps Judge After Losing Competition (Video)