Dr. Tommy Curry - Failure of Black Studies and Intersectionality


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Seen an uptick in people talking about BMS, a lot of just outright lying. Scary stuff...

When her second tweet says that BMS is "misogynistic" when it doesn't focus on attacking "cisheteropatriarchy"...come on, you already know what time it is.

No one serious (serious, not dumb ass Twitter warriors) in BMS supports misogyny or attacking Black women as a whole like some of these others attack Black man masculinity and patriarchy. A lot of BMS is focused on the scholarship that claims Black men are some great oppressors when we can barely help ourselves and have educational and occupational trajectories often lagging Black women.

I honestly am pretty care free and don't feel any predilection to culture warring. None of this really hit my radar until K. Crenshaw had the petition set up asking Obama not to have the My Brothers Keeper program targeted specifically at young Black males. I mean, that is the kind of argument I would expect from the mainstream Right.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
When her second tweet says that BMS is "misogynistic" when it doesn't focus on attacking "cisheteropatriarchy"...come on, you already know what time it is.

No one serious (serious, not dumb ass Twitter warriors) in BMS supports misogyny or attacking Black women as a whole like some of these others attack Black man masculinity and patriarchy. A lot of BMS is focused on the scholarship that claims Black men are some great oppressors when we can barely help ourselves and have educational and occupational trajectories often lagging Black women.

I honestly am pretty care free and don't feel any predilection to culture warring. None of this really hit my radar until K. Crenshaw had the petition set up asking Obama not to have the My Brothers Keeper program targeted specifically at young Black males. I mean, that is the kind of argument I would expect from the mainstream Right.
Brothers Keepers wasn’t even targeted at specifically Black boys. It was “boys of color”. Lol. That petition by Crenshaw was an act of pure evil and selfishness, friend.