Dr. Umar Johnson - School Fund Raising Campaign


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

Those familiar with Umar's lectures knows he's been working towards starting an African centered school for black boys and girls. He believes that black children, with black boys in particular, will not receive the proper education needed in the white social order due to systematic racism and white supremacy. He's asking for black men and women to donate to him so he can purchase the Saint Paul's College in Lawrenceville, VA and start his academy.

If you're interested in helping, you can donate to the cause by visiting Umar Johnson School and by sending a check to the address below:

FDMG Academy
c/o Dr. Umar Johnson
P.O. Box 6872
Philadelphia, PA 19132

I'm bout to send the breh a check for a thousand dollars today. I've been saying for a long time we need our own institutions and I'd look like the greatest hypocrite if I didn't support him and his endeavors. Personally, I'm planning on donating a g a month until the fundraising campaign is over.

I'm also gonna reach out to him to help redesign that website, shyt is looking kinda :flabbynsick:

For those not familiar with him, here's a snippet of an interview with him talking about some of the ideas he'll have in his school:


It's an hour long interview, but Dr. Johnson brought up some very good points. Most notably the proactionary and reactionary solutions that need to be implemented to fix the educational problem in American for black children.

- Black people need to build independent schools that they control autonomously that should include the following sciences as part of their core curriculum:
  • Agricultural/Agronomical Science - understanding how to grow our own foods
  • Nutritional Science - knowing when/what/how to eat
  • Political Science - understanding why things that are happening today to black people are the way they are
  • Economic/Financial Science - understanding how money works
  • Military Science - understanding how to work within an oppressive system as black people
  • Spiritual Science - understanding of African spiritual systems
  • Science of the Black Family - understanding of black male and female relationships

Reactionary - Black parents need to form an independent black parents association that focuses on the following committees:
  • Special Ed Committee - investigate how/why black children are being placed into special ed and how the money is being distributed
  • School Discipline Committee - investigate how black children are being disciplined and determine which schools, teachers, and administration are responsible
  • School Finance Committee - investigate where the money is being distributed within the school
  • School Policy Committee - investigate what policies are in place and how are they affecting black children

Ezigbo Nwanyi

From the East
May 20, 2012
Home of Dr. Michael Okpara & GeneralAguiyi-Ironsi

Those familiar with Umar's lectures knows he's been working towards starting an African centered school for black boys and girls. He believes that black children, with black boys in particular, will not receive the proper education needed in the white social order due to systematic racism and white supremacy. He's asking for black men and women to donate to him so he can purchase the Saint Paul's College in Lawrenceville, VA and start his academy.

If you're interested in helping, you can donate to the cause by visiting Umar Johnson School and by sending a check to the address below:

FDMG Academy
c/o Dr. Umar Johnson
P.O. Box 6872
Philadelphia, PA 19132

I'm bout to send the breh a check for a thousand dollars today. I've been saying for a long time we need our own institutions and I'd look like the greatest hypocrite if I didn't support him and his endeavors. Personally, I'm planning on donating a g a month until the fundraising campaign is over.

I'm also gonna reach out to him to help redesign that website, shyt is looking kinda :flabbynsick:

For those not familiar with him, here's a snippet of an interview with him talking about some of the ideas he'll have in his school:


Why doesn't he setup a crowd sourcing website to collect funds as well? I dont deal with paper checks and actually will donate.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Why doesn't he setup a crowd sourcing website to collect funds as well? I dont deal with paper checks and actually will donate.

Because Kickstarter, for example, takes 5% off top. Then if you process via a credit card, the CC company takes another 2%. If you add the ability to process your payment via your Amazon account, that's another 3-5%. That's damn near 10% of your money going to processing fees. Not sure if you have to pay taxes on the money you do get, but if so that's another say 5-10% (just guessing on the amount).

I haven't written a check in about 5 years or so. I don't even have any checks. But I'll still be donating. I believe in what he's trying to accomplish.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Do you even know the place?
Id not donate money to something i don't really know

I'm donating because I believe in Umar's vision. Back in the 20's under the Garvey movement, blacks in mass supported the UNIA when he said black folks need their own shipping line so they can economically compete on the world stage. They didn't know what he would ultimately purchase, but they believed in his vision.

I align myself with Umar's philosophy that blacks need to own and control our own education. I trust his vision so I'll support him.