Elizabeth Warren: Native Americans should be part of reparations conversation


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
This is why reparations will never arrive. Tariq and others need to stop giving false hope like it's coming. Folks need to accept reality: they don't want to give reparations.

Let the facts sink in: They've had 400 years to give reparations, slavery ended over 150 years ago.

During that time we've got:
went to the moon,
explored other galaxies,
have computers in our pockets,
nuclear fission,
hypersonic missiles,
have successfully created genetically altered babies,
getting close to true quantum computing and
on the verge of artificial intelligence,

Think of all the tech involved in communicating over the internet at near instantaneous speed/real-time.

We have movies and sci-fi shyt that was in movies now in the real world.

Because they wanted it.

If reparations were on the agenda, it'd already have happened. There are no reparations because they don't want to give it.

After all, this is how they got ahead, why would they want to give up the lead?
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Jan 17, 2013
My opinion. Feel free to disagree. All that shyt I listed is more beneficial to building wealth than just cutting a check IMO

Black Agenda

As a specific group with a specific justice claim, the #ADOS movement demands a specific agenda with policy prescriptions that address the losses stemming from the institution of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, convict leasing, mass incarceration and immigration.

We demand a New Deal for Black America which includes, but is not limited to:

  • We need set asides for American descendants of slavery, not “minorities”, a throw-away category which includes all groups except white men. That categorization has allowed Democrats to use programs like affirmative actions as “giveaways” to all groups in exchange for votes. The bribery must end. That begins with a new designation on the Census with ADOS and another for Black immigrants. Black immigrants should be barred from accessing affirmative action and other set asides intended for ADOS, as should Asians, Latinos, white women, and other “minority” groups. In addition, ADOS hiring and employment data must be demanded for all businesses receiving tax credits, incentives, and governmental support. As well as all governmental agencies national, state and local. It is our belief that this will show that there are minimal if any ADOS professionals in fields including but not limited to engineering, medical, legal and tech.

  • Once affirmative action is streamlined as a government program only and specifically for ADOS, the program should be fully reinstituted.

  • The Supreme Court decided wrongly when it gutted the Voting Rights Act. As the Atlanta Journal Constitution article “It’s Time to Solve the Mystery of the 100,000 Mystery Votes” indicates, the protections outlined in the Voting Rights Act are essential to protecting the rights of ADOS in America. Reinstituting the protections of The Voting Rights Act is a key part of our agenda.

  • We seek a multi-billion dollar infrastructure plan targeted to ADOS communities, including, but not limited to, the Black Belt, Flint, Michigan. A Reuters examinationpublished in 2016 found 3,000 cities with poisoning rates higher than Flint.

  • Residents of majority ADOS areas that have been poisoned under the federal, local and state government’s watch, such as not only Flint, Michigan, but Denmark, South Carolina, and others, must be financially compensated for the benign neglect of the Environmental Protection Agency and the government in general. The Justice Department must also institute protections which exact heavy fines and federal criminal prosecution for future offenders.

  • Mass incarceration has wreaked havoc on Black American families. By some accounts there are literally more black males imprisoned than all women are incarcerated on the planet. To give context there are 20 million black males, and they largely descend from slavery. While there are 4 billion women globally, both groups producing the same number of incarcerated. The reinvention of slavery through use of the 13th Amendment is chronicled by Douglas Blackmon in his PBS documentary “Slavery by Another Name”, it is our position this must be corrected. We demand a immediate assessment of the numbers of the #ADOS prison populations at the state & federal level. We also demand that there be review if punishment (bail amounts, sentence lengths, amount of time served before parole) is being levied at unfairly high levels on #ADOS based on gender and race for similar crimes to other groups. We demand that there be real prison reform in the form of investment into counseling, job training, and rehabilitation for our incarcerated.

  • Former President Ronald Reagan committed to “strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education” in Executive Order 12320. President Obama undermined that commitment with changes to the PLUS Loan requirements. We call for legislation to triple the current federal allotment to HBCUs. Schools like Georgetown, built by slaves, have an endowment of over a billion dollars. This is a transfer of wealth from ADOS to whites. Our agenda demands that the federal government fully endow our remaining HBCUs in a dollar amount that meets the budgetary needs of each institution. In addition, ADOS students who attend HBCUs should receive a discount in the form of a 75 percent tax credit, given that our inability to pay the rising cost of education is directly tied to the racial wealth gap coming from slavery. ADOS who choose schools outside of the HBCU network should receive a 50 percent government funded credit.

  • Findings published in USA Today concluded that top universities graduate ADOS in tech, but those graduates can’t find jobs in Silicon Valley. Only 2% of technology workers at seven Silicon Valley companies are Black, according to the report,and many of those are Black immigrants, not ADOS. And according to a study by Rutgers Professor Hal Salzman, American colleges graduate more tech workers than tech companies need, hence the H1-B program reduces opportunities for ADOS searching for careers in technology. The government must strictly limit the number of H1-B Visa workers tech companies that flow in each year.

  • Audit the banks to see if there are patterns of racial discrimination in lending, and require these banks to extend loans to ADOS businesses. These banks received bailout from taxpayers and owe a debt to all taxpayers, regardless of race. In addition, banks such as Wells Fargo used predatory schemes historically, not just during the Great Recession, to eviscerate Black Wealth. Lending to Black businesses and institutions would be a beginning for banks to redress the harm they’ve caused to the ADOS community.

  • Mandate that the government’s advertising budget include Black media. There is no ADOS community without our own media. Incentivize through legislative action that all major companies spend 10% of their advertising budget with ADOS media in exchange for tax credits. In addition, mandate that 10% of government advertising for governmental agencies, armed forces and other ancillary programs go to majority ADOS owned media companies.

  • ADOS college debt should be forgiven in the same way losses were forgiven for the banks on Wall Street. Those executives oversaw the evaporation of billions in global wealth. ADOS graduates bought into the idea that the key to success in life was an education, and there was a place for us in America, only to find after graduation that we were locked out. We can’t afford to bear the burden of a lie.

  • A health care credit to pay for medical coverage for all ADOS. This would cover surgery, pharmaceutical, and counseling needs. As an example we would like to see a Lineage Therapy, whereby #ADOS leadership, in co-operation with licensed therapists and psychiatrists, develop a therapy curriculum to help members of the ADOS understand and manage their ancestral traumas. This therapy should come at no cost to the ADOS community.

  • America has never atoned for its original sin of slavery in the form of reparations. It is our position that H.R. 40 be passed, and additional supportive measures implemented. We need to gather the data on the level of wealth that was lost as a direct result of slavery, and the era of Jim Crow that followed. In the paper “40 acres and a mule in the 21st century” Economist Sandy Darity of Duke University assessed the value today as:
If we also take as a conservative estimate the total number of ex-slaves who had attained emancipation at the close of the Civil War as 4 million persons, 40 million acres of land valued at $400 million should have been distributed to the ex-slaves in 1865. The present value of that sum of money compounded from 1865 at 6 percent (5 percent for interest earned and 1 percent as an inflation adjustment) would amount to more than $1.3 trillion. If there are approximately 30 million descendants of enslaved Africans in the United States today, the estimate based on 40 acres yields an allocation of slightly more than $400,000 per recipient.
#ADOS demands that there be a real review of direct payouts needed to be made to eligible recipients from gathered data, and progress be made toward making #ADOS families whole.

Without these measures being instituted, ADOS are locked out of the country our ancestors built during chattel slavery. Without reforms through transformative government, we will be left to continue living a third world life in a first world country.


Jan 17, 2013
Native Americans never really got reparations.

The fought wars and signed treaties for the land they have that we consider reservations. These are completely sovereign lands. Basically small countries within the US.




Mar 11, 2015
Just FYI

Certain Native American tribes held Black folks as slaves to so fukk em:pacspit:

Certain black peoples ancestors were overseers and snitched on other slaves who were trying to escaped,doesn't mean you would say no black people should get reperations.
Plus black people are also natives,and were already here before slavery,had we not been lied to we could have gotten some of those "reperations" potentially. But now that black people know,they should look to double on the checks. People arguing they already got reperations,does a reservation really count?would you be happy if the government told you "Okay,black people,you can all have North Dakota:skip:"

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
I know some of you hotep militants nikkaz are going to hate this

but they should get reparations............
it was their fukking land that was stolen and the white man committed mass genocide on their peoples

unless you think getting a few tax breaks and a couple of hotels / casinos that was doomed to fail was their a reparations
and they should protect the bengal tigers and fix the fukking ozone layer. who gives a shyt

that doesn't need to be latched onto our justice claim. they got what they got, if they want more they need to take that up seperately. and they still owe us them damn selves for owning slaves and those treaties


Mar 11, 2015
I personally don't like it -- cause I have a set of ancestors were enslaved by Natives.

They can do whatever they want -- but it has nothing to do with us and what's due to us.

You don't know the extent or reason why those Natives owned your ancestors,they could very well both be your ancestors,thats a slippery slope either way ou slice it.


Jan 17, 2013
U.S. Government To Pay $492 Million To 17 American Indian Tribes
The U.S. government has agreed to pay a total of $492 million to 17 American Indian tribes for mismanaging natural resources and other tribal assets, according to an attorney who filed most of the suits.

In a joint press release by the Departments of Interior and Justice, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewel said, "Settling these long-standing disputes reflects the Obama Administration's continued commitment to reconciliation and empowerment for Indian Country."

The settlements mark the end of a push by the Obama administration to resolve what the U.S. says is more than 100 lawsuits totaling more than $3.3 billion brought by American Indian individuals and tribal governments against the federal government. The policy of reaching settlements on the disputes, some of which date back more than a century, is part of a campaign promise the president made to American Indians before he took office.
NPR Choice page

More reparations:stopitslime:


Jan 17, 2013
:stopitslime:More indian reparations from George H.W Bush

“President Bush ushered in a new era of collaboration and understanding of the Native peoples in this nation. He signed many pieces of legislation into law which recognized tribal sovereignty, promoted tribal cultures and languages, reformed public safety, enhanced natural resources, including land restoration, and facilitated job creation. President Bush’s legacy will live on through these laws and we thank him for his service and leadership in promoting an enduring and meaningful government-to-government relationship between the United States and Indian tribes,” Hoeven concluded.

During his presidency, President Bush signed the following pieces of legislation into law which benefitted Indian Country.

During the 101st Congress:

  • H.R.498 - Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act (Public Law No: 101-379)
  • H.R.881 - Coquille Restoration Act (Public Law No: 101-42)
  • H.R.932 - Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement Act of 1989 (Public Law No: 101-41)
  • H.R.2006 - Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 (Public Law No: 101-644)
  • H.R.3703 - To authorize the Rumsey Indian Rancheria to convey a certain parcel of land. Public Law No: 101-630)
  • H.R.5237 - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (Public Law No: 101-601)
  • H.R.5308 - Fort Hall Indian Water Rights Act of 1990 (Public Law No: 101-602)
  • H.R.5367 - Seneca Nation Settlement Act of 1990 (Public Law No: 101-503)
  • H.J.Res.577 - To authorize and request the President to proclaim the month of November 1990, and thereafter as “Native American Indian Heritage Month” (Public Law No: 101-343)
  • S.666 - A bill to enroll twenty individuals under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. (Public Law No: 101-378)
  • S.978 - National Museum of the American Indian Act (Public Law No: 101-185)
  • S.1096 - A bill to provide for the use and distribution of funds awarded the Seminole Indians in dockets 73, 151, and 73-A of the Indians Claims Commission. (Public Law No: 101-277)
  • S.1747 - Ponca Restoration Act (Public Law No: 101-484)
  • S.1813 - A bill to ensure that funds provided under section 4213 of the Indian Alcohol and Substances Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1986 may be used to acquire land for emergency shelters. (Public Law No: 101-272)
  • S.1846 - A bill to make miscellaneous amendments to Indian laws, and for other purposes. (Public Law No: 101-301)
  • S.2075 - Indian Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Act of 1990 (Public Law No: 101-408)
  • S.2167 - Native American Languages Act (Public Law No: 101-477)
  • S.2203 - Zuni Land Conservation Act of 1990 (Public Law No: 101-486)
  • S.3084 - Fallon Paiute Shoshone Indian Tribes Water Rights Settlement Act of 1990 (Public Law No: 101-618)
  • S.J.Res.218 - A joint resolution to designate the week of December 3, 1989, through December 9, 1989, as “National American Indian Heritage Week”. (Public Law No: 101-188)
During the 102nd Congress:

  • H.R.848 - To authorize the establishment of a memorial at Custer Battlefield National Monument to honor the Indians who fought in the Battle of the Little Bighorn, and for other purposes. (Public Law No: 102-201)
  • H.R.972 - To make permanent the legislative reinstatement, following the decision of Duro against Reina (58 U.S.L.W. 4643, May 29, 1990), of the power of Indian tribes to exercise criminal jurisdiction over Indians (Public Law No: 102-137)
  • H.R.1476 - San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project Divestiture Act of 1991 (Public Law No: 102-231)
  • H.R.2032 - Nez Perce National Historical Park Additions Act of 1991 (Public Law No: 102-576)
  • H.R.2144 - Advisory Council on California Indian Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law No: 102-416)
  • H.R.3370 - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a study and make recommendations to the Congress regarding the feasibility of establishing a Native American cultural center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (Public Law No: 102-196)
  • H.R.3394 - Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act (Public Law No: 102-184)
  • H.R.4026 - Zuni River Watershed Act of 1992 (Public Law No: 102-338)
  • H.R.4437 - To authorize funds for the implementation of the settlement agreement reached between the Pueblo de Cochiti and the United States Army Corps of Engineers under the authority of Public Law 100-202. (Public Law No: 102-358)
  • H.R.5122 - Jicarilla Apache Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act (Public Law No: 102-441)
  • H.R.5566 - To provide additional time to negotiate settlement of a land dispute in South Carolina. (Public Law No: 102-339)
  • H.R.5686 - To make technical amendments to certain Federal Indian statutes. (Public Law No: 102-497)
  • H.J.Res.509 - To extend through September 30, 1992, the period in which there remains available for obligation certain amounts appropriated for the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the school operations costs of Bureau-funded schools. (Public Law No: 102-316)
  • S.374 - Aroostook Band of Micmacs Settlement Act (Public Law No: 102-171)
  • S.1193 - Technical Amendments to Various Indian Laws Act of 1991 (Public Law No: 102-238)
  • S.1530 - Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 (Public Law No: 102-477)
  • S.1607 - Northern Cheyenne Indian Reserved Water Rights Settlement Act of 1992 (Public Law No: 102-374)
  • S.1720 - Navajo-Hopi Relocation Housing Program Reauthorization Act of 1991 (Public Law No: 102-180)
  • S.1773 - A bill to extend for a period of 31 days the legislative reinstatement of the power of Indian tribes to exercise criminal jurisdiction over Indians. (Public Law No: 102-124)
  • S.2044 - Native American Languages Act of 1991 (Public Law No: 102-524)
  • S.2184 - Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental and Native American Public Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law No: 102-259)
  • S.2481 - Indian Health Amendments of 1992 (Public Law No: 102-573)
  • S.J.Res.172 - A joint resolution to authorize and request the President to proclaim each of the months of November 1991 and 1992 as “National American Indian Heritage Month”. (Public Law No: 102-123)
  • S.J.Res.217 - A joint resolution to authorize and request the President to proclaim 1992 as the “Year of the American Indian”. (Public Law No: 102-188)
  • S.J.Res.222 - A joint resolution to designate 1992 as the “Year of Reconciliation Between American Indians and non-Indians”. (Public Law No: 102-279)
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