FDR's economic bill of rights


Aug 12, 2012
Greatest President of all time. fukk the noise. He had some flaws but he was a visionary.

Dude came from the ultimate political family of the time and had a load of money but still cared about the lower and middle class.

There is a reason the Business Plot tried to execute a coup of his government.

The Presidents from FDR through LBJ had absolute balls when it came to social and middle class issues. Ike too, considering he was a republican.

The funny thing is as little as 3 years ago when I was more ignorant about the past I would laugh at this and through High school I would laugh at how some teachers would mention the Great Depression and World War 2 as reasons as to why....

I've become more knowledgeable about him over the past year but just the other day I was reading the entire wiki page on "The New Deal" ....Franklin Roosevelt's administration was just so vast and landmark...

It was basically because of him that from that time period up until the 80s that Wall Street was kept in control before Reagan made everything run wild...

Something else to remember that besides all the legislation....he had some impactful executive orders also in addition to all of this

There are things he was responsible for that I never even knew of like "unemployment benefits" and "maximum hours".....There is like 20 other things I could list....his accomplishments are on an elite tier and much better than certain Chief Executives that followed him who had something like the "Peace Corps" as their biggest success and legacy....

With all of this being said....I'm still naively holding onto hope and say it is NOT TOO LATE for President Obama....


May 20, 2012
The funny thing is as little as 3 years ago when I was more ignorant about the past I would laugh at this and through High school I would laugh at how some teachers would mention the Great Depression and World War 2 as reasons as to why....

I've become more knowledgeable about him over the past year but just the other day I was reading the entire wiki page on "The New Deal" ....Franklin Roosevelt's administration was just so vast and landmark...

It was basically because of him that from that time period up until the 80s that Wall Street was kept in control before Reagan made everything run wild...

Something else to remember that besides all the legislation....he had some impactful executive orders also in addition to all of this

There are things he was responsible for that I never even knew of like "unemployment benefits" and "maximum hours".....There is like 20 other things I could list....his accomplishments are on an elite tier and much better than certain Chief Executives that followed him who had something like the "Peace Corps" as their biggest success and legacy....

With all of this being said....I'm still naively holding onto hope and say it is NOT TOO LATE for President Obama....

In football terms, Obama is a game manager. Nothing more, nothing less .