From (Sci fi horror on Epix/MGM Plus)


Jul 22, 2015
Im not sure that just because Jade/Tabi were together in a past life means they will be forced together here. Christopher and Miranda were never romantically linked so no reason to do that with Tabi/Jade. Also are we sure Jade isnt gay? That "friend" that sara killed couldve been his partner :yeshrug:

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Im not sure that just because Jade/Tabi were together in a past life means they will be forced together here. Christopher and Miranda were never romantically linked so no reason to do that with Tabi/Jade. Also are we sure Jade isnt gay? That "friend" that sara killed couldve been his partner :yeshrug:
That's what I thought at first in regards to him being gay

But i thought something happened to dead that


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
Finished watching it, and thought it was an improvement on S2, but not as great as S1.

The character I feel their death has contributed to the show not being as great is Father Khatri. Easily the best character whose died and imo, alot of the fukkery/good-ery he bought made S1 more intriguing. I think the writers recognised this, and bought him back as a ghost for the following seasons. Hope to see his ghost appear more next season.

Points from the show so far:

- I liked the finale. Not sure how I feel about the voice on the radio being a physical person. Always thought it was a vocal manifestation of the town taunting Jim. Him being a physcial person is like seeing a physical Thomas walking around.

- Hopefully we'll get to see 2 Julies interacting with eachother

- Sara is the best female character on the show imo, and I've been thinking that for a while. Agree completely that they underused her this season. Eventually she needs to bytch-slap some of these townspeople for still hating her for doing things that half of dem would've resorted to under the same circumstances (lets be real).

- So the boy in white is gonna look 20 years old next season?

- RIP? Jim. People hated on him alot this season but I think that his character growth was one of the highlights, for the sake of drama.

People need to remember that he is one of just 3 father/family man characters who we've seen. The other being Boyd and Frank (the drunk from S1), and we've all seen how those 2 technically fukked up in some way with their family - Boyd neglecting, then losing Abby / Frank being drunk, then losing his family. Being a father/husband in that town has to be difficult.

Its obvious that Jim's problem was that he was scared of their situation, and cant use the usual father methods to insure his family's safety, but tried anyway. Him doing this made him the most annoying character (after the stupid cop some of you are lusting after) this season. Its only when Victor's dad lectures him, he realises and becomes supportive, but then of course it was too late.

- Feel sorry for Elgin, but it had to happen. He the same person who saved ellis when he got stabbed so we know hes well meaning. He could turn villain next season.

- So Im guessing Tabitha/Jade, Miranda/Christopher and every man/woman couple that Henry said have 'tried & failed' to save the children are the same 2 people reincarnating over generations? If thats true, then we need to see the original couple who had the angkooey daugher.

- How old is Tabitha compared to Victor? Victor has been there 40 years supposedly (tabitha's age group)? Was she born the day miranda died?

- Not complaining, but the monsters being immortal beings who were once humans that sacrificed their children, doesn't explain why they murder people. Soon, it should be explained why they do this. Maybe its part of the 'deal'.

- Victor said the monsters steal things (possibly even their victim's clothes) cos Im noticing they're dressed from multiple eras. Just wondering, cos did this immortality deal happen at one time in history, or people who arrived there over time also made the deal to become the monsters. And if they all had kids, then this young monster from S1E1 must've been a teen father.


- Tillie possibly caused her own death with those cards.

- Boyd and Randall not crossing paths once after episode 4/5 is unrealistic.

- As someone implied, an infertile woman is probably needed to reincarnate the monsters.

- Was the dead body Elgin discovered in the cellar was the kimono woman?

- Jades visions need to start making sense next season, cos other than Christopher (the one that has been answered), theres been the man crushed by the rock, the civil war soldier and now the guy impailed to the tree through his eye.

- Ellis becoming a hothead again this season was well needed.

Anyway 2026 needs to come quickly cos we need to learn more


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
why are all the monsters cacs ?:mjpls:
Colony House massacre

Jim died because he gave the clue that lead to the discovery of the song, and more than once he did things that angered the man in yellow.
Major gains in this show seem to accompany major losses:
- Boyd finding the talismans/Abby snapping on the townspeople and then being killed
- Kenny & Jim finding the vegetables/Kenny losing his mum.

Probabaly more examples.

Julie has to be able to change the story, she threw the rope to boyd in the well from a different point in time right?
This is a hard one. When she threw the rope to Boyd, 'the story had already been told' that Boyd had got out of the chamber alive. So her tryna rescue him aligns with the story that was told. However if (in theory), she tried to murder him, that likely wouldn't work cos the story had been told that he survived.

They can also still say Acosta (Abby) is a plant to infiltrate the towns people and start a revolt against Boyd.
How? She aint got no bullets :mjlol:

Jokes aside, I like this theory, it makes sense.


All Star
Nov 20, 2016

Wasted all that time dealing with Elgin when all they had to do was sit back and watch him go to the cellar.

"Looks like you packed for a few days!"

The characters are written like neanderthals anytime someone relays any type of information to another character it's a guaranteed argument/pissing match.

I think people really don't understand how cooked these folks be.
I noticed every charcater involved in that had been there since season one, basically being there long enough to be kinda fukked up some way. The person who came in to try and stop them (the policewoman) was the most recent character to the town.

Even Randall (another 'new' character) spied on the group in S2 from a distance when smiley's body was in the road before outright confronting any of them.

With the reincarnation stuff ,maybe Boyd's wife wasnt crazy when she said she was killing ppl to wake them up. BiW pushed tabby out the window/killed her to get her to go to the real world :jbhmm:
This would only make sense if Tabitha's body was found near the lighthouse. With the people Abby killed, their bodies were present in the town.

You could be right and maybe a body is found that could turn out to be Tabitha in a future season.


Jul 22, 2015
This would only make sense if Tabitha's body was found near the lighthouse. With the people Abby killed, their bodies were present in the town.

You could be right and maybe a body is found that could turn out to be Tabitha in a future season.
Maybe only certain ppl can reincarnate, like Tabi/Jade. Others who come to Fromville just die if they die, like the ambulance drivers who only came because Tab was on the ambulance. I'm assuming everyone/group that comes to Fromville has at least 1 person who is reincarnated. For the bus it seems to have been Randall/Kristi's GF. Possibly Boyd in his group.

Did Jade and Tabi say they were the only parents that refused to sacrifice their kids? :jbhmm:


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
Im not sure about the reincarnation thing, but it does seem, like you said, that every group that arrives there includes atleast one person who is there for a reason. I always imagine what the town would be like if Kristi (who I think arrived there on her own) wasn't there. Like the town wanted a nurse/doctor, to give the people hope - hope that wont actually set them free. Probs the same reason the town bought Boyd and his family there.

Did Jade and Tabi say they were the only parents that refused to sacrifice their kids? :jbhmm:

Just watched that end scene again and it isnt said if the original Jade/Tabitha were the only ones who refused, but for the sake of story we can assume they were.

Sidenote - After rewatching that violin/remember scene, could Jim even see the angkhooey children or was it just Tabitha and Jade?


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Finally started watching this. Got recommended a while back.

This great value Paul Rudd really got his family in some shyt.

link from the matrix got his hands full trying to maintain some level of sanity in this town


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Finished season 1. These MFers setting us up for some lost shyt huh. 1000 questions and random shyt with no answers I can feel it :snoop:
Just so you know. Season two has moments (arguably some of the show’s biggest moments) here and there but overall it’s a weak season. It might be a little hard to thug it out, and watch them talk in circles for most of it. Season 3 is much better imo, but still wasn’t better than season 1.