Gangrel on training Rusev, what made the Attitude Era great, the secret message in his theme song


Don't Like My Threads, Blow The Whistle
Nov 5, 2013

Gangrel was recently interviewed by Chris Van Vliet and talked about a variety of wrestling topics. Here are some of the highlights:

Training Rusev:

“He’s always been a good guy and had a funny personality but I think his wife is a good asset to him, she brings a lot of the clown out in him. He deserves everything he’s got, he’s like the American dream. He moved from Bulgaria to become a pro wrestler so he came to that wrestling school, he trained and he worked three jobs. We had classes back then in the morning and in the afternoon, so he would literally sleep in the car in between the classes. He wouldn’t go home so he wouldn’t miss the classes or miss a shift at work. He really, really put the time and the work in and was totally dedicated. I couldn’t be prouder of him.”

What made the Attitude Era great:

“The greatest thing about the Attitude Era is everybody had a storyline from Funake to myself to The Rock. As high up the food chain as you could go, to the bottom. Every win and loss meant something. Nothing was just wasted. They didn’t just throw matches together because it sounded good. Even if you were going out there on Jakked and you got a win on Jakked or if somebody beat you on an early segment on Raw, it all meant something.”

What the blood he uses during his entrance tastes like:

“I’m particular about my blood, I like a zesty mint. It’s stage blood, but it’s a zesty mint. I won’t use anything but a zesty mint. When I’m shipping it in, I’ll pay the extra $5 just to make sure it’s the zesty mint. As a vampire, I always have some fresh breath.”

The secret message in The Brood’s entrance theme:

“If you have the right skills and technology to play it backwards, the guy who did the music, Jim Johnston was a big Beatles fan, so it says ‘I buried Paul, walk with me.'”

Travelling from city to city with Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero:

“It was probably the most amazing thing out of my journeys. I never stopped learning between the two of them. Eddie, just from his family of wrestling and Chris coming out of Stampede Wrestling in Calgary which is where I first got my start. I was very driven and connected to his style because we worked with the same people. I just never stopped learning. They never stopped talking, they were learning off each other. We figured if we didn’t learn something every match or every car ride or every situation, then we didn’t need to be in wrestling.”

His thoughts on Lita writing Luna’s name on her arm during the Women’s Royal Rumble Match:

“I thought that was pretty awesome because a lot of people don’t know this but Luna pushed a lot for Lita. When i saw her do that I felt really good inside like somebody is actually giving something back because Luna truly loved wrestling. It didn’t love her, but she gave everything to pro wrestling.”

Da King

May 1, 2012
What made the Attitude Era great:

“The greatest thing about the Attitude Era is everybody had a storyline from Funake to myself to The Rock. As high up the food chain as you could go, to the bottom. Every win and loss meant something. Nothing was just wasted. They didn’t just throw matches together because it sounded good. Even if you were going out there on Jakked and you got a win on Jakked or if somebody beat you on an early segment on Raw, it all meant something.”


Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
Really shows how easy it truly is to get over and how the WWE simply isn’t even trying with its talent

Half the roster back then was over solely off entrances. Those wins didn’t mean anything like he’s claiming, I think at best Gangrel had a cup of coffee with the European championship. It was the fact that the characters were one of a kind individuals


All Star
May 30, 2012

i believe it was a well known fact that in the 70s that people were into backward messages.
i have seen a lot of videos about this subject. this is the main reason why people should not invest too much into music.
i believe Lucifer was a mad musician in heaven ..

vampire life is real, brehs.. avoid vampires in real life..