God created the Universe and Evolution

Drake is God

Nov 17, 2013
Science can explain how gravity works, but it cannot explain why it works the way it does. We know that gravity makes the planets, stars, galaxies, and other cosmic bodies act on each other in certain predictable ways, but this does nothing to explain how the principle of gravity came into being. Similarly, scientists know how molecular formation works(e.g., under the right conditions, two atoms of hydrogen will always combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water), but they don't know why it works the way it does. They know how the wind works, but they don't know why it works the way it does. And so on.

The chasm between theologians and scientists seems to be narrowing toward a middle-ground belief that science is not in conflict with God, but rather is a gift of God. Consider, for example, evolution. Let us assume, for purposes of discussion; that evolution is not just a theory, but a fact. Does this invalidate God? No, on the contrary, quite the opposite. It provides strong mathematical support for the idea that there is a Supreme Power at the controls of the universe.

Atheists believe in a random universe wherein a seeming miracle such as evolution could take place on its own is that, given enough time, anything including the evolution of human beings from inanimate matter is possible. They believe that if you could sit enough billions of monkeys in front of computers for enough billions of hours, random chance would allow them to write all the great works of literature.

If you believe this to be true, you don't understand mathematics. There are approximately fifty possible letters, numbers, and punctuation marks on a computer keyboard, and there are sixty-five character spaces per line in the average book. A chimp would, therefore, have one in fifty chances of getting the first space on the first line correct. Since the same applies to the second space on that line, the chimp would have one chance in 50 x 50, or 50^2 of getting both spaces right(meaning just the first two letters of the first word of just one of the great works of literature). For all sixty-five spaces on the first line, the figure would jump to 50^65, which is equal to 10^110.

How big is 10^110? According to Physicist George Gamow, it is a thousand times greater than the total number of vibrations made by all the atoms in the universe since the big bang.

Conclusion: It doesn't matter how many Chimpanzees or how much time you allow, not even one line of great work could come into existence by pure chance.

Given that humans are infinitely more complicated than one line of a book, what are the odds that a human, with all its billions of precise, specialized cells, accidentally evolved from rocks and dirt over a period of a few billion years? Evolution in a random universe without a God would appear to be a mathematical impossibility. As with wind and gravity, it would seem that the only way that a phenomenon such as evolution could have come into existence is through the work a Supreme Being that is beyond secular comprehension.

Atheists believe that this so-called big bang some how happen without the aid of an omnipotent being. And if there was and is no omnipotent being in the universe, everything that has been, is, or will be said and done throughout history was precisely determined approximately 14 billion years ago by the nature of the big bang. At the first instant of that colossal explosion, every atom was sent flying on an internal voyage that was predetermined by the intricacies of the explosion itself. If there is no omnipotent power to intervene, then nothing can be changed by anybody or anything. Every detail of every event has already been set on an unalterable course. There is no one in control, and there is no purpose to life.

@the cac mamba


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Science can explain how gravity works, but it cannot explain why it works the way it does. We know that gravity makes the planets, stars, galaxies, and other cosmic bodies act on each other in certain predictable ways, but this does nothing to explain how the principle of gravity came into being. Similarly, scientists know how molecular formation works(e.g., under the right conditions, two atoms of hydrogen will always combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water), but they don't know why it works the way it does. They know how the wind works, but they don't know why it works the way it does. And so on.

The chasm between theologians and scientists seems to be narrowing toward a middle-ground belief that science is not in conflict with God, but rather is a gift of God. Consider, for example, evolution. Let us assume, for purposes of discussion; that evolution is not just a theory, but a fact. Does this invalidate God? No, on the contrary, quite the opposite. It provides strong mathematical support for the idea that there is a Supreme Power at the controls of the universe.

Atheists believe in a random universe wherein a seeming miracle such as evolution could take place on its own is that, given enough time, anything including the evolution of human beings from inanimate matter is possible. They believe that if you could sit enough billions of monkeys in front of computers for enough billions of hours, random chance would allow them to write all the great works of literature.

If you believe this to be true, you don't understand mathematics. There are approximately fifty possible letters, numbers, and punctuation marks on a computer keyboard, and there are sixty-five character spaces per line in the average book. A chimp would, therefore, have one in fifty chances of getting the first space on the first line correct. Since the same applies to the second space on that line, the chimp would have one chance in 50 x 50, or 50^2 of getting both spaces right(meaning just the first two letters of the first word of just one of the great works of literature). For all sixty-five spaces on the first line, the figure would jump to 50^65, which is equal to 10^110.

How big is 10^110? According to Physicist George Gamow, it is a thousand times greater than the total number of vibrations made by all the atoms in the universe since the big bang.

Conclusion: It doesn't matter how many Chimpanzees or how much time you allow, not even one line of great work could come into existence by pure chance.

Given that humans are infinitely more complicated than one line of a book, what are the odds that a human, with all its billions of precise, specialized cells, accidentally evolved from rocks and dirt over a period of a few billion years? Evolution in a random universe without a God would appear to be a mathematical impossibility. As with wind and gravity, it would seem that the only way that a phenomenon such as evolution could have come into existence is through the work a Supreme Being that is beyond secular comprehension.

Atheists believe that this so-called big bang some how happen without the aid of an omnipotent being. And if there was and is no omnipotent being in the universe, everything that has been, is, or will be said and done throughout history was precisely determined approximately 14 billion years ago by the nature of the big bang. At the first instant of that colossal explosion, every atom was sent flying on an internal voyage that was predetermined by the intricacies of the explosion itself. If there is no omnipotent power to intervene, then nothing can be changed by anybody or anything. Every detail of every event has already been set on an unalterable course. There is no one in control, and there is no purpose to life.

@the cac mamba
Science never disproves anything. :ufdup:

It only speaks on what it can prove. :sas1:


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Did you not read any of what I wrote? Never would I thought an atheist to be intellectually lazy. Usually they brag about how smart they are.
Are you going to answer the question? :dame:


The Goshfather
Jan 20, 2015
South Central Los Angeles So Wut U Wanna Do??
Science can explain how gravity works, but it cannot explain why it works the way it does. We know that gravity makes the planets, stars, galaxies, and other cosmic bodies act on each other in certain predictable ways, but this does nothing to explain how the principle of gravity came into being. Similarly, scientists know how molecular formation works(e.g., under the right conditions, two atoms of hydrogen will always combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water), but they don't know why it works the way it does. They know how the wind works, but they don't know why it works the way it does. And so on.

The chasm between theologians and scientists seems to be narrowing toward a middle-ground belief that science is not in conflict with God, but rather is a gift of God. Consider, for example, evolution. Let us assume, for purposes of discussion; that evolution is not just a theory, but a fact. Does this invalidate God? No, on the contrary, quite the opposite. It provides strong mathematical support for the idea that there is a Supreme Power at the controls of the universe.

Atheists believe in a random universe wherein a seeming miracle such as evolution could take place on its own is that, given enough time, anything including the evolution of human beings from inanimate matter is possible. They believe that if you could sit enough billions of monkeys in front of computers for enough billions of hours, random chance would allow them to write all the great works of literature.

If you believe this to be true, you don't understand mathematics. There are approximately fifty possible letters, numbers, and punctuation marks on a computer keyboard, and there are sixty-five character spaces per line in the average book. A chimp would, therefore, have one in fifty chances of getting the first space on the first line correct. Since the same applies to the second space on that line, the chimp would have one chance in 50 x 50, or 50^2 of getting both spaces right(meaning just the first two letters of the first word of just one of the great works of literature). For all sixty-five spaces on the first line, the figure would jump to 50^65, which is equal to 10^110.

How big is 10^110? According to Physicist George Gamow, it is a thousand times greater than the total number of vibrations made by all the atoms in the universe since the big bang.

Conclusion: It doesn't matter how many Chimpanzees or how much time you allow, not even one line of great work could come into existence by pure chance.

Given that humans are infinitely more complicated than one line of a book, what are the odds that a human, with all its billions of precise, specialized cells, accidentally evolved from rocks and dirt over a period of a few billion years? Evolution in a random universe without a God would appear to be a mathematical impossibility. As with wind and gravity, it would seem that the only way that a phenomenon such as evolution could have come into existence is through the work a Supreme Being that is beyond secular comprehension.

Atheists believe that this so-called big bang some how happen without the aid of an omnipotent being. And if there was and is no omnipotent being in the universe, everything that has been, is, or will be said and done throughout history was precisely determined approximately 14 billion years ago by the nature of the big bang. At the first instant of that colossal explosion, every atom was sent flying on an internal voyage that was predetermined by the intricacies of the explosion itself. If there is no omnipotent power to intervene, then nothing can be changed by anybody or anything. Every detail of every event has already been set on an unalterable course. There is no one in control, and there is no purpose to life.

@the cac mamba
God is indisputable

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Science can explain how gravity works, but it cannot explain why it works the way it does. We know that gravity makes the planets, stars, galaxies, and other cosmic bodies act on each other in certain predictable ways, but this does nothing to explain how the principle of gravity came into being. Similarly, scientists know how molecular formation works(e.g., under the right conditions, two atoms of hydrogen will always combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water), but they don't know why it works the way it does. They know how the wind works, but they don't know why it works the way it does. And so on.

The chasm between theologians and scientists seems to be narrowing toward a middle-ground belief that science is not in conflict with God, but rather is a gift of God. Consider, for example, evolution. Let us assume, for purposes of discussion; that evolution is not just a theory, but a fact. Does this invalidate God? No, on the contrary, quite the opposite. It provides strong mathematical support for the idea that there is a Supreme Power at the controls of the universe.

Atheists believe in a random universe wherein a seeming miracle such as evolution could take place on its own is that, given enough time, anything including the evolution of human beings from inanimate matter is possible. They believe that if you could sit enough billions of monkeys in front of computers for enough billions of hours, random chance would allow them to write all the great works of literature.

If you believe this to be true, you don't understand mathematics. There are approximately fifty possible letters, numbers, and punctuation marks on a computer keyboard, and there are sixty-five character spaces per line in the average book. A chimp would, therefore, have one in fifty chances of getting the first space on the first line correct. Since the same applies to the second space on that line, the chimp would have one chance in 50 x 50, or 50^2 of getting both spaces right(meaning just the first two letters of the first word of just one of the great works of literature). For all sixty-five spaces on the first line, the figure would jump to 50^65, which is equal to 10^110.

How big is 10^110? According to Physicist George Gamow, it is a thousand times greater than the total number of vibrations made by all the atoms in the universe since the big bang.

Conclusion: It doesn't matter how many Chimpanzees or how much time you allow, not even one line of great work could come into existence by pure chance.

Given that humans are infinitely more complicated than one line of a book, what are the odds that a human, with all its billions of precise, specialized cells, accidentally evolved from rocks and dirt over a period of a few billion years? Evolution in a random universe without a God would appear to be a mathematical impossibility. As with wind and gravity, it would seem that the only way that a phenomenon such as evolution could have come into existence is through the work a Supreme Being that is beyond secular comprehension.

Atheists believe that this so-called big bang some how happen without the aid of an omnipotent being. And if there was and is no omnipotent being in the universe, everything that has been, is, or will be said and done throughout history was precisely determined approximately 14 billion years ago by the nature of the big bang. At the first instant of that colossal explosion, every atom was sent flying on an internal voyage that was predetermined by the intricacies of the explosion itself. If there is no omnipotent power to intervene, then nothing can be changed by anybody or anything. Every detail of every event has already been set on an unalterable course. There is no one in control, and there is no purpose to life.

@the cac mamba
im absolutely fine with 'god' overseeing evolution, i even think it makes sense to a degree :ehh:

i have only ever made two points, which are:

-religious fools love to point out that science doesnt know how it started, and laugh at the big bang. but are perfectly fine with "well god was always just here". the hypocrisy is laughable
-IF there is a god (and there could be), no human on earth knows who or what it is, and you're all wasting your time with your gay little prayers and books because they all contradict each other. even if one group has it right (which is ridiculous), my criticism of the other 99% is justified because they are in fact wrong :dead: