Good documentaries brothers should watch


Mar 2, 2013
1. African History v/s Biblical Myth- One of Ashra Kwesi's best presentations. He leaves you with overwhelming evidence and documentation to back it up. In this fascinating lecture/documentary, Kwesi leaves no stone unturned and removes any doubt about the origin of Christianity.

a.) The Naked Truth- A lot of "African-Americans" won't believe anything unless its coming from a white man. So, let them tell you what a lot of white folks have known for centuries

b.)Zeitgeist- Documentary in three parts uncovering unbelievable lies and propaganda about religion, politics and power; a must see!

2. Maafa 21: 21st Century Genocide- You're going to be shocked to find out what the number one killer of black folks in America is. You'll also be shocked to find out who's behind it all.

a.) John Hopkins Hospital; a history of genocide against blacks- Two dynamic young brothers step forward and present miles of evidence documenting the atrocities committed and hidden by John Hopkins hospital and University. It could literally save your life!

3. Black Inventors and their Patents- Its not just hearsay they actually owned the patents. Once you see and hear their stories it will become clear why your teacher had to lie to you.

4. The Black Wall Street- This documentary reveals another one of white Americas closely guarded secrets; the malicious bombing and meticulous cover up of an all black economic empire in Tulsa Oklahoma

5. Goodbye Uncle Tom-This unbelievable docu-drama was banned in America since 1973. If you think violence erupted when Roots and Mississippi Burning came out, Imagine what would have happened if Black folks had seen this. The French directors used the actual diaries,captains logs, articles and books of that era to bring your slave masters back to life. Unbelievable!

a.) 500 Years Later- A well guided and directed documentary on the 500 years since the European kidnappings and enslavement. Also covers myths, lies and propaganda and extends a road map for the future. A great inspirational documentary for us all.

6. Ethnic Notions- Did you ever wonder where the watermelon eating 'c00n' and 'Sambo' came from? Hosted by Ester Rolle (Good Times) this documentary examines how early the white racist media took control of black images and tried to destroy them

7. Africans in America before Columbus- This hard to find underground documentary includes interviews and insight from Dr. John Henrik Clark, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima And Dr.Yosef ben-Jochannan among others.

8. How to De-Activate the Willie Lynch Chip- Dr. Ray Hagins explains the Willie Lynch Syndrome and how to break it. Excellent lecture

9. The Isis Papers- Dr. Frances Cress Welsing puts some of her groundbreaking book into a lecture. The trained and certified psychiatrist analyzes the collective patterns of racism and what makes white America tick.

10. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome- Following in the path blazed by Dr. Welsing, Dr. Joy Degreary also puts her groundbreaking book into a lecture to help us see patterns of thought and actions that has to be diagnosed in order to be cured

11. Powernomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America- is a five-year plan to make Black America a prosperous and empowered race that is self-sufficient and competitive as a group.

12. The Death of Black America: Health Matters- Indeed health does matter. You're health is all you've got. And Dr. Laila Afrika gives us a sobering look at what we've been putting into our bodies and how its slowly but surely killing us.

a.) You're Leaders Betrayed You: The Cure for Cancer, Sickle Cell and A.I.D.S- Dr. Sebi, the world renowned healer has cured several ailments with his Electric Cell Food. Reversing illnesses such as : Cancer, Herpes, H.I.V, Diabetes, Aids, High Blood Pressure, Blindness, Fibroids etc. Believe it or not; everything is worth a try when you're out of options.

13. The African Origin of Civilization and Spiritual Concepts- Yet Another excellent Ashra Kwezi joint. Kwezi takes us back to where it all began and shows documented proof (evidence) of where theology and spiritual concepts started.

14. Marcus Garvey- An in depth documentary about the man who started the biggest, organized black power movement in America

a.) Malcolm X- Yeah, the Spike Lee Joint

b.) Emit Till; The Untold Story-Do you want to know what really sparked the Civil rights Movement? Well it wasn't Rosa Parks

c.) Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson- The one black man in America who could not be lynched. Excellent documentary about the greatest boxer of all time

15. The Korean Takeover-Just how do the Asians manage to keep blacks on economic lock down?

a.) Good Hair- Chris Rock's satirical look at Black women and their hair.

16. It's a Dam Shame: Homosexuality in Hip-Hop- This here documentary goes straight for the jugular!

17. Dr. Khalid Muhammad on Donahue/Dr. Francis Cress Welsing on Donahue- If you want to see warrior -scholars in action check them out. They're both battling racism on the world stage...two different styles result; controversy and truth

18. John Henrik Clarke - A Great and Mighty Walk - I'm a big fan of this master teacher and this video chronicles the life and times of the noted African-American historian, scholar and Pan-African activist John Henrik Clarke (1915-1998)

19. Professor Griff Raw Uncut Exposing The Music Industry/Hollywood- Professor Griff DVD exposing mind control, the music Industry, Hollywood and Illuminati members

a.) Collapse-A documentary on Michael Ruppert, a police officer turned independent reporter who predicted the current financial crisis in his self-published newsletter, 'From the Wilderness'. Ruppert was also the guy who told on the CIA drug rings and said his former LAPD Colleague’s killed Rapper Biggie Smalls. Contains a lot of good info.

20. The Spook Who Sat By The Door- Yeah, I know it's not a documentary but it damn well should be. It's yet another movie the government tried to ban. I wonder why?

Hidden Colors: The Untold History Of People Of Aboriginal, Moor, and African Descent
Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin
The Black Power Mixtape
The Flaw - A look at the recession and financial collapse of 2008
Ethos - Simular To Zeitgeist.... Very Dope
Framing An Execution. A documentary on Mumia Abu Jamal and how he got railroaded. Broken on All Sides is a new documentary of the prison complex and its effect on Black life.
Money as Debt
The World According To Monsanto
Sam Cooke: Legend

the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
Darwins nightmare is a must
[ame=]O PESADELO DE DARWIN - Darwin's Nightmare (2004) LEGENDADO PT on Vimeo[/ame]

If you want to understand why Africa is in trouble..its see kids starving picking through fishbones as russian cargo planes fly off to europe packed with the best fish and produce then come back to Africa with cargo holds filled with AKs and landmines

It really made me :to:
May 1, 2012
Information/conscious DVD listings
*indicates must have for any collection!

*The Black Wall Street- Documentary about one of the most hidden atrocities in U.S. history. Includes interviews with survivors and archive footage. A must have!
Trail of Tears: Wounded Knee- Documentary on the death march that killed thousands of Native Americans.
Special Education and its effects on Black-Dr. Amos N. Wilson
The State of the Black Race-Dr. Amos N. Wilson/ excellent lecture from the late activist.
The Corporation-Documentary detailing the rise and power of corporate America.
Blue Gold-Documentary detailing the struggle over drinking water.
Trouble Behind: KFC-Documentary on the most racist city in America
Horns & Halos- An author fights to publish his book on George W. Bush
Bush Family Fortunes- Traces the money trail of the Bush family
War Made Easy-Documentary about the American propaganda machine
Emmitt Till: The Untold Story- Documentary about the death that started the civil rights movement. Contains archive footage.
*Jack Johnson: Unforgivable Blackness-Documentary on one of the greatest boxers who ever lived. A must have!
Contains unbelievable archive footage.
*Marcus Garvey-Documentary on the life, death and accomplishments of the Black leader.
Includes rare footage. A must have!
Facing Ali-Documentary on Muhammad Ali
Nefertiti-Documentary traces the life and death of the Egyptian ruler.
The F.B.I.’s War on Black America- Facts and documents are finally presented.
Capitalism: A love story- Michael Moore
Sicko-Michael Moore
*Black Inventors and Their Patents-Documentary details the many Black inventors hidden from history and not taught in schools. A must have!
Black Women in Antiquity- Ivan Van Sertima lectures on great historical Black women.
Why Black Men Choose White Women-lecture
The Black Candle- Documentary about Kwanza origins and principles
The Panama Deception/The ‘N’ Word- Two documentaries on one disc. The first details the lies used to catch Noreaga and the second examines the word nikka.
*Goodbye Uncle Tom-Banned in America for over 30 years. A true life docu-drama about slavery that White Americans wanted to keep hidden. A must have!
*Slavery and the Making of America- Narrated by Morgan Freeman, this two disc set reveals little known facts about slavery from the first slaves to the last. A must have.
Birth of a Nation- Original Black and White version.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin- Original Black and White version.
Black War Heroes- Original Black and White propaganda film.
*Black Ethnic Notions-Documentary, hosted by Ester Rolle on the origins of Black Stereotypes and lies. A must have!
*21st Century Genocide-Documentary detailing the #1 killer of Blacks and those who
conspire to carry it out. A Must have!
*Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome- Excellent Lecture by Dr. Joy Leary (2 disc set). A must have!
American Blackout-Documentary details the Florida voting debacle and the fight one Black congresswoman waged to save her seat and reveal the truth.
*Zeitgeist-Documentary on Jesus Christ/911/ and Government cover-ups. A must have!
The Naked Truth-White Americans finally tell the truth about their Jesus Christ
Sons of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ-Acharayas lectures on all the worlds’ messiahs.
Loose Change-Documentary details the truth about 911.
In Plane Sight-Documentary on 911 mis-information and cover up.
dikk Gregory; 911 and beyond.
The Mother Goddess: Bloodlines of the Illuminati-David Icke documents the power and money trail of British rulers still ruling America.
Children of the Matrix- David Icke (3 disc set) Extensive look at the rich and powerful’s secrets.
The Secret-Documentary on the laws of attraction.
Analyzing White America-Paul Mooney
The Death of Black America-Dr. Llaila Afrika on food and health.
Fibroids and the womb-Dr. Llaila Afrika
License to kill-Documentary on poisonous foods.
Are You Eating Viruses?-Documentary
The Truth about the Food Processing Industry-Documentary
The Colon Diet-Documentary
The Hemp Revolution-Documentary
Food Matters-Documentary
*Supercharge Your Immune System-Documentary. A must have!
Supersize Me-Ali Muhammad
Maintain Good Health: Eat to live or Die-Dr. Sebi(2 disc set)
The Truth about Healing Herbs-Dr. Sebi
Your leaders betrayed you: The Cure for Cancer, A.I.D.S. and Sickle Cell –Dr. Sebi
The True Face of F.E.M.A.-Clayton Douglass lectures on the truth behind F.E.M.A.
50 Years of C.I.A. and crime-Michael Ruppert details the facts about these drug dealers.
Never Get Busted Again-Barry Cooper-an ex State trooper tells all.
Secrets of the occult-Documentary/Dan Burstein
Aerosol Crimes and Chemtrails-Documentary examines what’s really happening in the skies above us.
The Other Israel-Fascinating documentary about the Zionist conspiracy and their secrets.
MK ULTRA: Mind control out of control-Government program exposed.
Ruled by Secrecy-Jim Marrs lectures on secret societies.
The Shadow of Mind control-Steve Jacobson
What is the secret doctrine of the Masonic ritual?-John Ankenburg/ The entire ritual revealed by former Masons.
Psychiatry; An Industry of Death-Documentary details the facts about the mental health system.
The Clinton Chronicles-Documentary on the secret life of Pres. Bill Clinton.
Police State-Alex Jones/corporate control of the police.
Police State 4-Alex Jones/martial law, rights and abuses.
Comprehensive Annual reports Exposed-Alex Jones
The Obama Deception- Alex Jones exposes who really controls the president and America.
Obama’s Circle of Friends-Lecture
Satan’s Seat-Dr. Phil Valentine on the power behind the Catholic Church and their scandals.
2012-Dr. Phil Valentine on what’s to come.
The Madness of Religion-Dr. Phil Valentine on Jesus the Christ, religion and politics.
*The Katrina Holocaust- Dr. Phil Valentine. A must have!
The Jay-z Deception-Documentary on the rappers ties to Lucifer and the illuminati secret society. Includes bonus material on lower level secret societies.
Tupac: Breaking the Oath-Documentary on why Tupac died and who’s responsible.
The History of Hip- Hop-Documentary
Hip-Hop; Beyond Beats and Rhymes-Documentary the hip-hop culture.
Hip-Hop Hypocrisy-Coach Powell lectures on the bad side of hip-hop.
Confessions of a B.E.T. Producer-D Brad talks about his years at the culture corrupting and exploiting B.E.T.
Letters to the President: The Streets get Political-Documentary
Crips & Bloods; Made in America-Documentary on how it all started.
b*stards of the Party: Children of the Black Panther Party-Documentary; what happened and why the children failed the movement.
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing v/s Dr. William Shockley- Debate White Supremacy and the
‘Bell Curve’.
*Dr. Frances Cress Welsing on the Phil Donohue Show-Interview and debate her landmark book ‘The Isis Papers’. A must have!
Dr. Khalid Muhammad; In Defense of His Speech at Kean College
Malcolm X at Oxford University-Rare footage and debate
W.E.B. Dubois: The arrogance of U.S. Capitalism (audio)
*The King Alfred Plan-Dr. Ray Hagans-Examines the government plan to exterminate Blacks. A must have!
Why They Gave Us Christmas-Dr. Ray Hagans
The Verdict Is In-Dr. Ray Hagans takes us back to Egypt and shows documented proof of where the Bible was stolen word for word.
*How to De-Activate the Willie Lynch Chip-Dr. Ray Hagans on who was Willie Lynch and his relevance and legacy today. A must have!
What Is Christianity and How Did We Become Christians?-Dr. Ray Hagans
The Council of Nicea 325 A.D.-Dr. Ray Hagans shows where the New Testament and Jesus Christ came from and why it was mandated.
How Did God Become A He?-Dr Ray Hagans /Lecture
You Shall Know the Truth-Dr. Ray Hagans/Lecture
*Fallibility of the Bible-Dr. Ray Hagans examines several of the mistakes, bloopers and blunders in what is supposed to be God’s word. A must have!
The Woman Lecture-Dr. Delbert Blair on female life and reproduction.
The Coming Chip-Dr. Delbert Blair
Free Your African Mind-Asa Hilliard details the Egyptian/African dynasties and their legacies.
The Truth About I.Q. Testing-Asa Hilliard explains the statistics and its relevance to Blacks
Beyond Y2K-Asa Hilliard
African Diary Reflections-Dr. John Henricke Clarke/one of the last interviews with the
master teacher.
*The Theft of African History and Spiritual Concepts-Ashra Kwesi(2 disc set) A must have! *African Origin of Western Freemasonry-Excellent presentation from master teacher Ashra Kwasi on the origin of the Masonic order in the Western society. A must have!
Sisters in the struggle-Merira Kwesi lectures on Black women heroes and their contributions.
Economic Racism-Merira Kwesi lectures on the economic control of Blacks.
Learn to read the Dictionary- Sis. Yaffa Bey gives an excellent lecture on the true meaning of the words in the dictionary and how they apply to our past and future.
The Metaphysics of Solomon-Bro Ishmeal lectures metaphysics and energy.
Psychic Energy-Azzaziel lectures on metaphysics and energy.
The Dark side, The Underworld-Alim Bey goes deep into metaphysics, energy, & symbols.
Trick or Treat- Bro. Du Wad – A freestyle of knowledge from the political activist.
Creating and Manipulating your own destiny-Lecture by Tony Browder
The Atonement-Ali Muhammad
The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson-Minister Louis Farrakhan
Time and What Must be done-Minister Louis Farrakhan (2 disc set)
Saviors Day 2/28/10-Minister Louis Farrakhan (2 disc set)
Rare 1972 Louis Farrakhan interview-includes questions and answers.
Mobilization & Organization-Dr. Kwame Toure lectures on the importance of a tight activist network.
Drivers License-Tariq Bey/lecture examines the true meaning and use of your driver’s license. Includes questions and answers.
All Law-Queen Vallari Bey/ lectures on the law and how to present your case in court. Includes questions and answers. (Old footage)
Global Genocide of Black People Past and Present: John Hopkins Hospital-
Darren Muhammad and David Johnson
nikkas With Guns: The Robert Williams Story-Documentary on the first Black man to bare arms in America sense the cowboy era.
The Ebonics and Black English Vernacular Myth-Dr. Ernie Smith dispels the Black language lie with data, charts and graphs.
Egyptian Yoga: Guide for Beginners-Dr. Asa Hapi
Truth out the mouth of babes-Young child teaches knowledge
The Black Agenda Forum: 2010- (2 disc set) featuring Tavis Smiley, Cornell West,
Michael Eric Dyson & more.
Measuring the Movement-National Action Network 2010 Convention featuring
Rev. Al Sharpton, Tom Joyner, James Clayburn, Benjamin Jeolous, Michael Nutter
and more…
Fair Game-Documentary by Mario Van Peoples on the assault, stereotypes and incarceration of Black males.
Allen Iverson on Trial/Len Bias – Two Documentaries on one disc. The first explains how the NBA star narrowly escapes a lengthy prison term and the fight to free him. The second examines the life and death of first round draft pick Len Bias.


Washington D.C. in the 60’s and 70’s- Documentary examines the nation’s capital during the 1960’s and 1970’s; politics, culture, personalities and events. Archive footage of Petey Green, Marion Berry, Donnie Simpson, Pat Buchanan, Chuck Brown and more.
The meaning of Blackness- Dr. Amos N. Wilson, Lecture

The Final Showdown- Sarasuten Seti v/s Dr. Alim El Bey: Debate Moorish Science Temple origins and validity. Excellent debate filled with centuries of information.
Disturbing the Universe- Documentary on the life of activist Attorney William Kunstler.
The End of Poverty- Documentary examines poverty in America and around the world; colonialism, religion and Christianity.
Minister Louis Farrakhan- Interview and prospective with Kathy Hughes/2010
Children are Their Oppressors and women Rule Over Them- Min. Louis Farrakhan/2010
The Hidden Self- explores metaphysics with Bobby Hemmet, Rudra Zarabanda,
Rev. Chike Akua, Jamela Franklin and more.
*Africans In America before Columbus- In depth documentary on the early American inhabitants here and in what is now Mexico. Featuring Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Ashra Kwesi and more. A must have!
*The Isis Papers-Lecture by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing. A must have!
Symbology 101-Lecture on hip-hop and beyond by Public Enemy’s Minister of
Information Prof. Griff
In Debt we Trust- Documentary about the credit card companies and how to beat them.
Bloodlines- Lecture on the Illuminati.
The Hidden Meaning of Freemasonry- lecture by Dr. Malachi York
Wake Up call-Lecture- Dr. Malichi York
Black Labor, White Wealth-Lecture by Claude Anderson
One Nation Under Siege- Documentary On the secret government by Jocelyn Evans
*The Korean Takeover- Documentary on the Black hair care industry. A must have!
Rise of the New Right-Documentary on the Tea Party Movement hosted by Chris Matthews. Also contains The Glow of White Women and Plunder. (3 Docs. On one disc)
The 5th Dimension-Lecture by Dr. Delbert Blair.
Cosmic Codex: Book of the Earth 3-Lecture on meta-physics by Dr. Phil Valentine. (2 disc set)
Mysteries Behind-Lecture by Dr. Malichi York.
Black Menticide Must Be Stopped- Lecture by Dr. Ray Hagans.
Messed Up By Religion-Lecture by Dr. Ray Hagans.
Powernomics- Lecture by Dr. Claude Anderson
No Disrespect-Lecture by Sister Souljah



Feb 28, 2013
I love docs... thanks for the list, I'll have to check out the ones I haven't yet seen.


Oct 30, 2012

*raises fist* BLACK POWER!

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
Darwins nightmare is a must
O PESADELO DE DARWIN - Darwin's Nightmare (2004) LEGENDADO PT on Vimeo

If you want to understand why Africa is in trouble..its see kids starving picking through fishbones as russian cargo planes fly off to europe packed with the best fish and produce then come back to Africa with cargo holds filled with AKs and landmines

It really made me :to:

they wont give starving, poor african kids food but will hand them a fukkin ak :aicmon: